2021-2022 年八年级上学期英语期末复习词汇语法与翻译 Unit1 一、选词填空: cheerful person strict patient smart probably forget smell care laugh miss joke remain encourage successful support hard-working 1. Susan has been in the USA for three years. We all _______ her very much. 2. When Judy came back from the UK, she found that her home town nearly _____ the same. 3. ---Do you know the _______ in black? ---He is our new English teacher. 4. You need to be _______ when you take a test. You should do it carefully. 5. Miss Wang is a very _______ teacher. She asks us to do our homework again if we don’t write it clearly. 6. Parents should often ________ their children but not punish them. 7. I believe that you will be ________ in the future if you always work hard. 8. We all felt tired on the way to top of the mountain so Mr Li stopped to tell us a __________ to make us happy. 9. Angela _______ to buy some yesterday. She had to get up early to buy something for breakfast this morning. 10. Alice was so ________ that she was able to finish the difficult problem in only three minutes. 11. Eddie will _________ be a vet in the future because he likes animals very much. 12. You should look after your puppy very well because it needs a lot of love and __________. 13. Mr Li woke Ted up and asked him to answer the question but what he said make the whole class ________. 14. Betty is ___________. She is always very happy. 15. As a _______ student., Susan always listens to her teachers and does her homework. 16. What are you cooking now, Mum? I can get a very nice ___________. 17. I cannot do it all by myself. I need your __________. 二、选词组填空: take time as well take care of tell jokes make ….. laugh make fun of remain friends be full of be strict about give up 1. You are eight years old. You need to learn to _________ yourself now. 2. Kelly is a happy girl. She always __________ and makes others happy too. 3. They _______ Mary because of her strange hairstyle. 4. Would you please _________ to help me take the luggage to my room? 5. I need some sugar in my coffee. Oh, I need some cream _________. 6. If you lie to me, we may not be able to _________. 7. The room _______ smoke. The child coughed again and again. 8. For your health, you should _______ smoking right now. 9. We all must ______ the school rules. If you don’t follow them, you will be in trouble. 10. There are many ways to _________ us ________, such as listening to cross talks. 三、将下列句子翻译成英语: 1. 我父母总是对我要求严格。(be strict with) 2. 西蒙作业做得很慢,但你不应该嘲笑他。(make fun of ) 3. 你能自己照顾好自己吗?(take care of ) 4. 他想成为一名医生, 但他最终放弃了。(give up) 5. 艾丽斯的姐姐让她做很多家务活。(make somebody do something) 6. 彼得的父亲是一个足球运动员。他还是一个老板。(as well) 7. 这个玻璃杯里装满了水。(be full of ) 8. 我鼓励她去参加这个会议。(encourage) 9. 不要忘记回来的时候买张报纸。(forget) 10. 你很聪明, 但你还需要有些耐心。(smart, patient) Unit 2 一、单项选择题 1. We’ll have _____of Maths tomorrow. A. quiz B. a quiz C. an quiz D. quizes 2. The restaurant provides customers___delicious food. A. with B. of C. for D. to 3. ____there any famous people in your town? A. Are B. Have C. Is D. Has 4. It is exciting____to the beach in summer. A. going B. to go C. goes D. go 5. We mustn’t pollute the Earth____it is our home. A. so B. but C. because D. then 6. --_____ money do you have? --3000 yuan. A. What B. How many C. How D. How much 7. We must stop _____the air in Guangzhou. A. pollute B. pollutes C. polluting D. to pollute 8. Give me _____please. A. two bottle of milk B. two bottles of milks C. two bottle of milks D. two bottles of milk 9.My classmates are on the playground. ____are playing basketball and ____ are running. A. There, there B. Some, some C. These, some D. Some, those 10. There are different animals living ____the land and flying ___the sky. A. on, in B. on, on C. in, on 二、用括号内所给单词的正确形式填空。 1.France is a ___________ (beauty) seaside country. 2.I water the ___________ (plant) twice a week. 3.My dress is ___________ (difference) from yours. 4.I saw many ___________ (animal) in the zoo yesterday. 5.There ___________ (be) two books and a pencil on the desk D. in, in 6.We can get a lot of _________ (energy) from food. 7. Miss Li, can you help me? I can't solve these difficult _________ (problem). 8.The little girl is so sad that she just can’t stop__________(cry) 9.Three__________(quarter)of the world’s surface is covered with water. 10.It’s good for us _______(listen)to English often. Unit 3 一、写出下列名词的单数或复数形式 1. brush _________ 2. wife_________ 3. sheep _______

doc文档 2021-2022学年牛津深圳版八年级上册英语期末复习词汇语法与翻译

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