语法填空之定语从句关系代词专项 用单词的适当形式完成句子 1.The people ______ called yesterday want to buy the house. 2.It’s such a modern machine _______ few of the workers know how to operate. 3.I still remember the college and the teachers__________I visited in London years ago. 4.Many westerners ________ come to China cook much less than in their own countries once they realize how cheap ________ can be to eat out. 5.Today I saw the ancient Roman city of Pompei__________it was 2000 years ago 6.Too much pressure may even cause diseases ______ will influence students’ academic performance badly. 7.The role of the old king ________ he played ________ our school play impressed us deeply. 8.There is no success without hard work; success is something __________ is only earned after much labor. 9.For those __________ want to see the film, put down your names, please. 10.The writer and his novel __________ you have just talked about are really well known. 11.Who was the man __________ told you to wait here? 12.Do you have anything __________ you want me to take to your younger brother? 13.The people __________ you met on campus yesterday are from England. 14.All __________ I told you just now is true. 15.Here is a book __________ will give you a lot of useful knowledge. 16.The girls __________ served in the shop were the owner’s daughters. 17.—Only those ________ have a lot in common can get along well. —I beg to differ. Opposites sometimes do attract. 18.As a grassroots singer, she reads everything ________ she can get hold of concerning music, and takes every opportunity to improve herself. 19.I refuse to accept the blame for something ________ was someone else’s fault. 20.When walking down the street, I came across David ________ I hadn’t seen for years. 21.Two of the authors of the review also made a study published in 2014 ________ showed a mere five to 10 minutes a day of running reduced the risk of heart disease and early deaths from all causes. 22.The attention ________ we have paid to this matter is far from enough. 23.I still remember the paintings and the artists ________ I saw at the exhibition. 24.Mr. and Mrs. Williams adopted a child ________ parents were dead. 25.Many young people, most of _________ were well-educated, headed for remote regions to chase their dreams. 26.Do not talk about such things ________ you do not understand. 27.Do you want a friend to _____ you could tell everything, like your deepest feelings and thoughts. 28.They are occasions ________ allow us to relax and enjoy life, and forget about our work for a little while. 29.I like those cookies ________ are coated with chocolate frosting. 30.Nothing good can come to a nation ________ people only complain and expect others to solve their problems. 31.Who is the man ________ you were talking to? 32.That’s the same man ________ asked for help the day before yesterday. 33.There is no film ________ you will feel interested in. 34.Which was the very hotel _______ was recommended to you? 35.With the fast development of agriculture, the people, in ________ village she taught 10 years ago, have lived a happy life. 36.There is a kind of pleasure ________ comes from giving away. 37.I don't believe the reason ________ he told me. 38.I can never forget the days _______ we worked together and the time _______ we spent together. 39.This is the school ________ we visited yesterday. 40.This is the pen ________ he bought yesterday. 41.The meeting room is crowded with children _______ have poor eyesight, all of them interested in painting. 42.Is there anyone in your class _______ family is in the country? 43.There seems to be nothing___________ seems impossible for him in the world. 44.They will never forget the things and persons ________ they’ve seen or heard of during their long journey. 45.The research is about some comfort food________ power mainly lies in the associations it calls to mind. 46.Library is always the first place ________ he goes to when he feels upset. 47.This is the boy ________ father died three years ago. 48.Who is the person ________ is standing at the gate? 49.A gap year is now more about gaining skills that ________ (help) you in later life. 50.The way __________ Miss Liu teaches English is quite different from Miss Zhao's. 参考答案 1.who/ that 【详解】 考查定语从句。句意:昨天打电话的人想买这座房子。“______ called yesterdy”是定语从句 修饰先行词 The people,且空处在从句中作主语,故用指人的关系代词,故填 who/that。 2.as 【详解】 考查定语从句的引导词。句意:这是一台现代化的机器,很少有工人知道如何操作。分析 句子成分可知,空中后面句子为定语从句,先行词为 a modern machine,在从句中做宾语, 而且先行词前面

doc文档 专题16 语法填空之定语从句关系代词专项-2022年高三英语一轮复习之语法填空

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