第 01名校高中自主招生模拟试题 04 讲: 复合句——名词性从句 I. Grammar and vocabulary Section A Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank. Traditional Chinese culture is beginning to capture the attention of the world.Kungfu, 1._______ (especial) , has had a great effect 2.____________the millions of people who first learned about China through it. From that ,they may come to China and learn about some other 3.____________ (aspect) of this culture. Other Asian nations have long known about the 4.____________ (great) of ancient Chinese culture.Their own cultures are 5.____________mix of native ones and those Chinese characteristics. Korea and Japan long ago adopted Confucianism , something that continues today even as it 6.____________ (challenge) by pop culture. This strength comes from the ideas 7.____________(give) in the Four Books of Confucianism , which was built upon the ideas of an even 8.____________ (much) ancient period codified(编纂) in the Five Classics.From them,the West learns 9.____________is uniquely Chinese,for example , feng shui.So far China has taken steps 10.____________(further) this spread of its culture by establishing Chinese Cultural Centers in such places as the United States and Europe. Section B Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need. A clouds B. claimed C. outdoor D. opportunity E. string H. benefit I. J. heights K. unbeaten F. potential . G. attempt limit Armand Duplantis may only be 20 years old, but he is already a track and field superstar. Duplantis had already earlier broken his own indoor pole vault ( 撑杆 跳) world record in February of this year. Last month, he broke the __41__ world record too. At the Diamond League meeting in Rome, he cleared 6.15 meters with his second __42__, beating Sergey Bubka's mark of 6.14 meters set in July 1994. Before Duplantis, the 6.14-meter mark was the most impossible world record known to man. Yes, it was less attainable than any short distance running, distance running, jumping or throwing event record. "I hit the mat(垫子)but I haven't really fallen back to earth," Duplantis told reporters after breaking the record. "I think I'm still up in the __43__ right now." Nicknamed Mondo, Duplantis has been labelled as the next Usain Bolt (尤 赛恩 · 博 尔特 ) for his __44__ to light up the sport. The child prodigy broke age-group records on his way to joining the pole vaulting elite. In fact, he remains __45__ since the 2019 World Athletics Championships in Doha. Duplantis sporting story began when he first tried pole vaulting at the age of four. Born to an American pole vaulter father and a Swedish athlete mother, Duplantis had the __46__ of growing up with a pole vault pit in his own back garden. It was a child's playground heaven, but also the perfect breeding ground for greatness. Having already set world bests at every age from seven to 12, he won the world youth title in 2015, and then the world junior and European senior titles in 2018. In summer 2019, he __47__ his first global medal as an adult with a world silver. In the context of his __48__ of achievements, it was somewhat unsurprising that Duplantis was able to break the 26-year-old record. The most pressing question now is whether he can continue to reach new __49__. The Swede has already been selected to compete at the Tokyo Games, where he will be a favourite to win gold. "I've always tried to not put a __50__ on myself," he says. "There are endless possibilities." II. Reading Comprehension Directions: Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context. Section A People think children should play sports. Sports are fun, and playing with others. However, playing sports can have __50 effects on children. It may produce feelings of poor self-respect or aggressive behavior in some children. According to research on kids and sports, 40,000,000 kids play sports in the US. Of these, 18,000,000 say they have been __51 at or called names while playing sports. This leaves many children with a bad __52 of sports. They think sports are just too aggressive. Many researchers believe adults, especially parents and coaches, are the main _53 of too much aggressi

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