现在完成时态巩固练习 1.Many people _______________ (catch) novel coronavirus(新型冠状病毒) in the world so far, so we had baiter not go to the crowds. 2.Her pet dog _______________ (die) for three days and she feels sad about it. 3.No country _______________ (change) a lot as China in the past thirty-five years. 4.My uncle _______________ (live) in Beijing for two years and a half. 5.She_______________(see)the film three times. She knows about it very well. 6.I_______________ (keep) the books for three weeks. 7.The money given by his parents_______________ (run) out already. 8.We_______________ (realize )the importance of low—carbon(低碳)life and will take action right now. 9.My family has_______________ (move) in this city for five years. 10.Since then, we_______________ (help) the homeless people. 11.My e-friend_______________ (not reply) to my e-mail so far. It makes me worry about him very much. 12.Many people has already    the importance of protecting the fresh water.(realize) 13.I hear my neighbor’s dog has already been_______________ (die) for some days. 14.Since then, people _______________ (be) able to speak to each other over long distances. 15.The young man_______________ (take) some medicine, but he's still feeling cold. 16.The number of cars in cities _______________ (become) bigger during the past ten years. 17.He_______________ (not receive) any letters from his family since he left home. 18.The shop_______________ (close) since last year. 19.Mr Green often goes to America. In fact, he _______________ (be) there ten times. 20.She _______________ (write) 5 letters since she     (come) here. 21.The city is so beautiful now. It _______________ (change) a lot. 22.I_______________ (lose) my key. I can't open the door. What should I do? 23.In recent years, the number of people who have the disease _______________ (decrease). 24.Mike _______________ (become) a worker in the factory in 1998. He _______________ (work) there since then. 25.We _______________ (know) each other since we were in primary school. 1/4 26.Linda has to stand outside, because she _______________ (lose) her key. 27.Miss Lee _______________ (teach) us English since. She came here three years ago. 28.Both of them _______________ (be) in Hong Kong for ten days. 29.The population of the city _______________ (increase) by 2 million in the past ten years. 30.The police _______________ (catch) two members of the gang since the robbery     (take) place last week. 31.Would you mind_______________ (lend) me your bike? Someone _______________ (steal) mine. 32.The Century Park _______________ (attract) thousands of visitors for several years. 33.I'm waiting for my parents at the bus stop. But neither of them_______________ yet. (arrive) 34.So far, I_______________ (make)quite a few friends here. 35.My brother _______________ (be) born in 1983 Since then, he     (live)in this city. 36.My teacher _______________ (teach) in this school for ten years. 37.—Where is Mr. Brown? —He _______________ (go) to the library. He will come back in an hour. 38.I _______________ (buy) my computer for almost ten years. It still works OK. 39.So far, not only the clothes shop but also the two shoe shops_______________ (open) for three years. 40.My brother _____________ (join) the army a year ago. He ______________ (be) a soldier for a year. 41.The film_______________ (begin) for five minutes. 42.Daniel_______________ (be) in Hong Kong for two days. 43.—You     your lost umbrella, haven't you? —Yes, I_______________ it behind the door this morning. (find) 44.—Have you ever _______________ (be) to Guangzhou? —No, but I_______________ (go) there some day. 45.—Where are your parents? —They_______________ (fly) to Tibet for a holiday already. 46.—Mary with her parents_______________ (go) to Hong Kong already. —Really? When will they be back? 47.Things_______________ (change) a lot over the years. 48.Half an hour _______________ (pass) since the train _______________ (leave). 2/4 49.So far, we've _______________ (success) in saving thousands of people in danger. 50.I _______________ (read) this book. It's boring. I don't want to read it again. Keys 1.have caught2.has been dead3.has changed4.has lived5.has seen6.have kept7.has run8.have realized 9.moved10.have helped11.hasn't replied12.realized13.dead14.have been15.has taken16.has become 17.hasn't received18.has been closed19.has been20.has written;came21.has changed22.have lost 23.has decreased24.became;has worked25.have known26

doc文档 Module 2 语法- 现在完成时巩固练习-2021-2022学年外研版英语八年级下册

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Module 2 语法- 现在完成时巩固练习-2021-2022学年外研版英语八年级下册 第 1 页 Module 2 语法- 现在完成时巩固练习-2021-2022学年外研版英语八年级下册 第 2 页 Module 2 语法- 现在完成时巩固练习-2021-2022学年外研版英语八年级下册 第 3 页 Module 2 语法- 现在完成时巩固练习-2021-2022学年外研版英语八年级下册 第 4 页
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