仁爱版七年级英语上册期末复习题 Ⅰ.按照要求填写代词. 第一人称 单数 人 称 代 词 第二人称 复数 单数 第三人称 复数 单数 主格 宾格 物 主 代 词 形容词 性物主 代词 名词性 物主代 词 Ⅱ.选词填空. 1. Excuse (I, me), what's (you, your) name? 2. Please help (she,her) find (her, she) toy dog. 3. This is (my, I) pen.That is (he, his). 4. How much is (her, she) coat?What about (you, your, yours)? 5. What color are (you, your) pants ? 6. (It’s, Its) color is black and white. 7. Could you please tell (I, me) (you, your) name? 8. Help (your, yourself) to some fish. 9. Please give the letter to (he, him). 10.That T- shirt is (her, hers), not (my,mine). Ⅲ.用所给代词的适当形式项空. 1. My coat is new. What about (you)? 2. These pants are nice. Can I try (they) on? 3. What's (you) telephone number? 4. Lucy is ill(生病).We want to visit (she). 5. I know (she) well,but (she) doesn't know (we) at all. 6. These pants are (her).Those ones are (they) . 7. They live in Beijing with (we). We often eat out with (they). 8. Our classroom is big. (their) is small . 9. (It) a nice bag.She often takes it with (she). 10. Let (I) help (they). Ⅳ.用 some,any,something,anything 填空. 1. Would you like to drink? 2. Could you tell me about your school life? 3. I'd like milk and bread. 4. I don't see in the zoo. It's empty.(空的) 5. I'm new here. I don't have friends. 复数 6.What about to eat? 8.Do you have friends here? 9.Lucy doesn't need meat. 10.She doesn’t eat in the morning. 11.How about bananas? 12.Help yourself to apples. 13.Would you like to buy food for us? 14.I’ll buy rice.Do you need juice? 15.Why not drink apple juice? 16.A saleswoman comes to you ,but you don’t want . You can say ” I’m just looking ”. Ⅴ.句型变换. 1. My favorite animal is tigers.(对划线部分提问) is ? 2. It’s half past nine.(对划线部分提问) is it? 3. I would like to have dinner with Lucy.(对划线部分提问) you with Lucy? 4. I want two bags of rice.(对划线部分提问) bags of rice ? 5. She helps me with my math.(变为否定句) She me with . 6.What is this?(变为复数句)What ? 7.That is an English book.(变为复数句) . 8.Why not try that pair? (变为复数句) Why not try ? 9.This is a knife.(变为复数句) . 10. ?(你是哪位)[电话用语] 11.This shirt is hers.(变为复数句) . Ⅵ.用冠词填空. 1. I have ruler, Lucy has eraser. 2. orange is orange. 3. Who is girl in red?And young man with glasses? 4. There is “n”and “m”in the word(单词)“name”. 5. She has happy family. 6. Can I try on red shirt? It’s very nice. 7. I have English storybook. book is very interesting.I like it. 8. On Sunday, I usually have lunch at 12:00 in a restaurant. 9. young man in a white shirt is actor. 10. A:Do you see girl with a dog? B:Yes, dog is blue and white. Ⅶ.用括号中动词的适当形式填空. 1.It’s time (have) lunch. 2.Lucy asks me (call) her back. 3. Let her (cook) for us. 4. We have (take) some dringks with us. 5. Miss Lee (teach) us English. 6. Tom (not like) (fish) at all. 7. A:Where Lucy (work)? B:She (work) in an office. 8. He would like (visit) Uncle Huang.But he 9. I am glad (live) with them in Beijing. 10. What about (fly) kites with us? 11. What color (be) this pair of the gloves? 12. Thanks for (visit) us. (be not) free.

docx文档 期末复习题2021-2022学年仁爱版七年级英语上册

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期末复习题2021-2022学年仁爱版七年级英语上册 第 1 页 期末复习题2021-2022学年仁爱版七年级英语上册 第 2 页 期末复习题2021-2022学年仁爱版七年级英语上册 第 3 页 期末复习题2021-2022学年仁爱版七年级英语上册 第 4 页
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