选择性必修四 unit3 重点单词综合检测 Welcome&reading 1. The airline o______________flights to 25 different countries every day. 2. The English have a p__________for gardens. 3. He was willing to make himself a s__________ of his art. 4. Relatively speaking, these jobs provide good s_________which attract many university graduates. 5. They are e___________ to protect trade union rights. 6. It’s unfair, and it’s against the rules of the company. I’m going to complain to your_________(上司). 7. The company now makes much greater use of outside_________. (顾 问). 8. They represent the country's culture, humanity, nature and technology___________(分别). 9. Under the__________( 领 导 ) of Chinese Communist Party, we are building socialism with Chinese characteristics. 10. Few people will admit to being racially___________(偏见). 11. Because of their__________( 各 自 的 ) locations , sometimes the“Ancient Tea Horse Road ” is referred to as the“Southern Silk Road”. 12.My father was a l____________ , but I never wanted to go to law school or follow his path through life. 13. If you choose this career, you'll I meet interesting people, earn a good___________( 薪 水 ), work in pleasant surroundings, and be respected by your peers. 14.In a newly issued document by the Ministry of Education, senior high schools are required to ensure___________(劳动) education. 15. His primary purpose of undertaking this enormous task is to show the world that anyone can__________( 获 得 , 达 到 )success if they put their minds to it. 答 案 : 1.operates 2.passion 3.servant 4.salaries 5.endeavoring 6.superior(s)7.consultants 8.respectively 9.leadership 10.prejudiced. 11.respective 12.lawyer 13.salary 14.labour 15.attain Grammar and usage & integrated skills 1. D__________are so far at a loss to explain the reason for his death. 2. You'd better try to avoid being s__________ and one sided when looking at problems. 3. If you are unable to obtain the information you require, consult your telephone d___________. 4.He p__________the hole in the pipe with some cotton, but he could not stop the leaking. 5. Yesterday’s meeting was to lay the g__________for the task to be completed. 6. The buyer has to sign a delivery note as proof of__________(收据). 7. Each company is fighting to protect its own__________( 商 业 的 ) interests. 8. The__________(每月的) fee is fixed and there are no hidden extras. 9. The governing body is charged with managing the school within its___________ (预算). 10. She understood the importance of establishing a close relationship with__________(客户). 11.Then I caught sight of an old woman on a___________( 秋 千 ) , watching the happening in the yard. 12.Serving as an important seaport and China's largest__________(商业 的 ) and financial center, it draws the attention of the whole world and will certainly be an ideal place. 13.The bus drivers have to pass strict___________( 资 格 )tests and complete safety driving training. 14.Jim grew worried, especially when the___________( 侦 探 ) began questioning Peter, trying to get him to admit to having stolen the ring. 15.A recent study set out to investigate the effect of a seven-day kindness activity on changes in__________(主观的) happiness. 16. There is little doubt that a diet high in f__________is more satisfying. 17. Studying for new q__________is one way of advancing your career. 18. People are confused about all the different l___________on food these days. 19. The performers, in c____________ and make-up, were walking up and down backstage. 20. Older people cover a large__________( 比 例 ) of those living in poverty. 21. We will___________(制定) a number of measures to better safeguard the public. 22.The rooms were decorated with rich and colourful __________(织物). 23. His arms__________(摆动) as he walked. 答 案 : 1.Detectives, 2.subjective 3.directory 4.plugged 5.groundwork 6.receipt 7.commercial 12.commercial 17.qualifications 8.monthly 13.qualification 18.labels 9.budget 14.detective 19.costume 10.clients. 11.swing 15.subjective 16.fibre 20.proportion 21.institute 22.fabrics 23.swung. Extended reading 1. The train was d__________because a tree had fallen across the line. 2. The t__________is open to both amateurs and professionals. 3. The thieves were s__________by the police as they left the building. 4. They took a f___________stand against drugs in the school. 5. What___________ (标准) are used for assessing a student's ability? 6. Few____________(申请人) had received any training in management 7. We could see the_________

doc文档 Unit 3 重点单词综合检测 2021-2022学年牛津译林版高中英语选择性必修第四册

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