2022 年中考英语最新热点时文阅读-新冠疫苗研发 题型 主要内容 1 阅读理解 澳大利亚科学家为研发新型冠状病毒疫苗对羊驼所做的研究 2 阅读理解 介绍了有关新冠肺炎疫苗的适用人群,不适合接种疫苗的群体,接种疫苗后 需要注意事项等 3 阅读填表 介绍中国的新冠疫苗 4 阅读还原 介绍了接种疫苗的好处,对一些特殊群体的建议,接种疫苗产生的副作用 01 (2021·湖北·武汉一初慧泉中学模拟预测) HEALTH Science Daily2021, May, 14 Cute Care for Virus If you’ve ever seen an alpaca (羊驼), you might just think they’re fuzzy and cute. Now it looks like these animals might be able to help scientists find a vaccine (疫苗) for COVID-19. Australian scientists are studying alpacas. These animals have a unique immune response ( 免疫 反 应 ). Scientists used to use them to do research on viruses like HIV. Now they have found that when alpacas are infected with COVID-19, their bodies react in a special way. “Alpacas and animals like them (such as camels) actually create two different types of antibodies (抗体). One is similar to the type we humans make, but they also create these things called nanobodies ( 纳 米 抗 体 ),” said Michael James, a researcher who took part in the study. The nanobodies, however, can stop infection from happening. You can think of our cells as “locks” and the viral spike protein as a “key”. James said the nanobodies fill the “lock” so that the “key” cannot get in. Although the results look good so far, it will take some time to produce a vaccine based on the findings. The nanobodies require far more research to make sure they are both effective and safe. Since the nanobodies are new, they must be tested very strictly in a laboratory before they can be tried on humans, according to James. 1.According to the material, we can know that ________.A.the photo was provided by James B.the vaccine will be produced on May 14 C.Cute Care for Virus comes from China Daily D.Science Daily reported the news 2.Why are scientists studying alpacas? A.To help with research on HIV. B.To develop a vaccine for COVID-19. C.To invent effective medicines for HIV. D.To test new medicines for COVID-19. 3.What is the role of nanobodies? A.Infecting body cells. B.Killing viruses. C.Protecting cells from infection. D.Producing viral spike proteins. 4.What do we know from the passage? A.The research on nanobodies uses a special method. B.The research on nanobodies hasn’t gone well. C.The nanobodies have been tried on humans. D.The nanobodies will continue to be tested. 5.The writer gives the title Cute Care for Virus because he wants to ________. A.ask the readers to help him answer B.guide the readers to understand better C.make the readers think less D.increase the readers’ reading speed 02 (2021·山东定陶·一模)At the beginning of 2021, the Chinese government said it will provide free COVID-19 vaccines(疫苗)to all Chinese citizens. Sine then, millions of people have gotten the vaccine. Let’s take a closer look. __________ The vaccine is given by injection(注射). It’s suggested to get two doses. You should wait about two weeks after the first dose to get the second one. Can people of all ages get vaccinated? The vaccines have been tested among three different age groups: 3 to 17, 18 to 59, and 60 and above. The 18-to-59 age group has the most data ( 数 据 ) — the vaccines have been proven to be safe in this group. The other two groups are expected to be included soon. Is there anyone who shouldn’t get vaccinated? Experts say the vaccines are safe for most people. But people who have serious diseases such as cancer or diabetes(糖尿病), or people who are allergic(过敏的)to any of the vaccine’s ingredients, should not get it. People who want to get the vaccine should not get any other vaccines during the same period. Do I still need to wear a mask in public places after I’ve been vaccinated? Yes. It takes a few weeks for the body to build immunity (免疫力)after vaccination(接种疫苗). This means it’s possible for a person to get infected (传染的)just after vaccination. There’s also a small chance that your body won’t build immunity. So before the population becomes immune (免疫的)to the virus, it’s highly encouraged to keep wearing masks, practicing social distancing ( 社 交 隔 离 ) and washing your hands after getting vaccinated. 6.Who is sure to be safe after getting the COVID-19 vaccine right now? A.All Chinese citizens. B.People aged 3 to 17. C.People aged 18 to 59. 7.What can the missing sentence “__________” be? A.How is the vaccine given? B.Can people with serious diseases get vaccinated? C.How does the vaccine work? 8.What do we know about people who want to get a COVID-19 vaccine? A.They shouldn’t get other vaccines at the same time. B.

doc文档 24 新冠疫苗研发-2022年中考英语最新热点时文阅读

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