Unit 5 Feeling Excited Topic 2 I’m feeling better now. 1. 学会用英语与别人分享感受并为情绪低落的人提出建议 ▲本课重点 ▲本课难点 2. 掌握原因状语从句及同级比较的基本用法 1. 熟练掌握原因状语从句及同级比较的基本用法 1. I’m feeling better now. 我现在感觉更好了。 2. I’m sorry to see that you are unhappy these days. 很遗憾看到你 最近都不开心。 3. Everyone gets these feelings at your age. 每个人在你那个年纪 的时候都会有那些感觉。 4. She always tells me jokes and makes me laugh. 她经常给我讲 笑话,让我开心。 5. How time flies! 时光飞逝! 6. It’s a world of fun and a world of fears. 这世界充满乐趣和恐 惧。 ★常考句型 7. She feels very lonely because she has no friends to talk with. 她 很孤独因为她没有可以谈心的朋友。 8. I live as happily as before. 我活得和以前一样快乐。 9. It also seemed that the people here were not so friendly as you. 看起来这儿的人们没有你那么友好。 10. If you don’t know how to deal with these problems, you may learn something from Jeff. 如果你不知道如何处理这些问题, 你可以向 Jeff 学一些东西。 11. He refused to play soccer or go to the movies with his friends. 他拒绝和他朋友踢球或看电影。 12. After a few months, Jeff began to understand it was useless to be angry. 几个月之后,Jeff 渐渐明白生气是无用的。 13. He no longer stays in his room by himself. 他不再独自待在房 间里。 基础过关 一、词汇过关(完成并熟记下列的重点词汇和拓展) 1) bad adj.—__________(副词) 2) well adv.&adj.—__________(比较级) 3) fail v.—__________(过去式) 4) feel v.—__________(名词) 5) useless adj.—__________(反义词) 6) happy adj.—__________(副词) —__________(名词) 7) help v.—__________(形容词) 8) deal v.—__________(过去式) 9) old adj.—__________(比较级) 10) accept v.—__________(反义词) 11) sad adj.—__________(副词)—__________(名词) 13)love v.—__________(形容词) 12)fall v.—__________(过去式) 14) usual adj.—__________(副词) 15)fair adj. —__________(反义词) 二、短语过关(完成并熟记下列的重点短语) 1. 对……严格要求_______________ 2. 别紧张;别着急_______________ 3. 顺便提一下;捎带说一声____________ 4.像往常一样_______________ 5. 处理;解决;对付_______________ 6.即使;尽管_______________ 7. 不再_______________ 8.与某人交谈_______________ 9. 失败;做不到某事_______________ 10.在……年龄时_______________ 11.在……岁时_______________ 13. A 和 B 一样……_______________ 12.让某人做某事_______________ 14.A 不如 B 那么……_______________ 15. 习惯做某事_______________ 16. 过去常做某事_______________ 17. 害怕做某事_______________ 18.拒绝做某事_______________ 19. 入睡_______________ 20.给某人帮助_______________ 21. 在某人青少年时代,在某人十几岁时_______________ 22. 在……帮助下_______________ 三、句型过关(完成并熟记下列的重点句子) 1. seem 的用法 seem +从句:It seems/ed that he is/was late. seem +to do:He seems/ed to__________(late) today. seem+形容词.:He seems/ed unhappy. 2.too much, too many 和 much too much too+形容词/副词 too much+不可数名词 too many+名词复数 用 too many/too much/much too 填空: There is______________work now. I am really ____________ tired. I need to have a rest. ______________students are waiting for the bus. 3.no longer=not…any longer 不再…… He doesn’t live there any longer.(同义句) =_____________________________ 4. sb. find/think it+adj. to do sth.某人认为/发现做某事是…… It 在此句型中作形式宾语,真正的宾语是后面的 to do sth 他发现游泳很难。 _________________________________ 四、语法过关 1. 形容词副词的同级比较结构: 肯定句结构: A +谓语动词+as+形容词副词原形+as +B A 和 B 一样…… 否定句结构: A +谓语动词(not)+so/as+形容词副词原形+as +B A 不如 B 那么…… ① 肯定句结构: A +谓语动词+as+形容词副词原形+as +B A 和 B 一样…… 他和 Lily 一样细心。 He is________ ________ ________ Lily. Michael 跑得和 Bob 一样快。 Michael________ ________ ________ as Bob. ② 否定句结构: A +谓语动词(not)+so/as+形容词副词原形+as +B A 不如 B 那么…… 他做作业没有 Lily 细心。 He ________ ________ homework as________ as Lily. 这部电影不如那部有趣。 This film ________ ________ ________ interesting as that one. 2. 原因状语从句 原因状语从句表示主句所发生的原因或理由。通常由 because, as, since 等词引导。一般情况下,because 表 达的原因语气最强烈,另外,表达因为的连接词不能与 so 连用。 Because he slept late last night, he was late this morning. I missed the early bus, because I overslept. He wore more clothes, for it was a little cold today. ★语法知识运用★ 一、单项选择 1.— Time is money. I think time is ________ money. — I don’t agree with you. In my opinion, time is more important than money. A.the same as B.so important as C.the most important D.as important as 2.— Amy is 16 years old, and Jenny is 16, too. — So Amy is _______ Jenny. A.as big as B.as older as C.as much as D.as old as 3.I like watching CCTV News ________ they can help me learn more about the world. A.because B.though C.until D.till 4.I didn’t go to the party not ________ the weather, but ________ I didn’t feel well. A.because of; because B.because; because of C.because of; so D.because; so 5.My cousin dances ________ , if not better than, my aunt. A.as beautiful as 二、完成句子 B.as beautifully as C.so beautifully as D.not so beautiful as 1.刘正不如邢飞跑得快。 Liu Zheng doesn’t run ________ ________ ________ Xing Fei. 2.David 和他的兄弟一样友善。David is _________ __________ ______ his brother. 3.这条道路和那条一样干净。This road

doc文档 Unit 5 Feeling Excited Topic 2-2021-2022学年八年级英语下册课后培优练(仁爱版)

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