2022 届高 1(下)精品套餐练 01 套 Americans are living longer than ever, and it just makes sense to prepare your mind for the old age. Taking a few key steps can make all the difference. __20__. I. 7 选 5 阅读(2022 福建龙岩高一上期末试题) A. Experts divide activities into three types. As we all know, exercise provides a wealth of benefits. __16__ In the same way B. It makes you stronger and more energetic. that it benefits the muscles of your body. Regular exercise can strengthen your brain, C. You can also eat your way to a healthy brain. too! By using your mind in new ways, you can improve your memory well into old D. You should decide what activities you would like to do. age and reduce your risk of Alzheimer’s (老年痴呆症) disease. E. Experts suggest that healthy eating can prevent memory loss. Recent studies have found that the best thing you can do for your brain is to keep F. In other words, you’re never too young to give your mind a workout. learning new things. __17__ The first one is the physical activity that keeps your body in good working order, like walking and weight training. The second one, G. So let’s try something new, learn new skills, and keep your brain firing. II. 阅读理解(2022 广西河池高一上期末阅读 B 篇) passive activity, includes socializing, and listening to music. It’s the activity in the third group, however, that really sharps your brain. This activity includes reading, writing, and puzzle-solving. Studies have shown that people who are less mentally active in their younger years are more likely to develop Alzheimer’s. __18__ By taking up a new hobby such as painting, cooking or a game like chess, you can provide your brain with a serious workout. __19__ Studies have shown that fruits and vegetables high in antioxidants (抗氧 化剂) can help keep an aging brain in good shape. Foods that are high in B vitamins can also help keep the mind sharp. These foods include beans, fish and dark leafy greens. Elvis Cortés Hernández grabs his lunch and sits down with his friends. We’re at the General Lázaro Cárdenas school in Ajalpan, deep in the heart of Mexico’s Puebla province. And the ten-year-old is chatting about the school’s vegetable garden, one element of its progressive food policy. “I like to eat in the school dining room,” he says. The pupils’ involvement in the initiative goes much further than just sitting down to eat lunch together each day: all 96 students, with occasional help from their parents, also have a hand in growing the food themselves in the school’s very own garden. Raised plant beds were put in place after a study by local NGO, SURCOS, discovered high levels of malnutrition in the Náhuatl community in the town of Ajalpan. Eighty-seven percent of youth were found to be suffering from health issues caused by poor diet, itself a product of the economic hardships suffered by the C. To develop students’ planting skills. families of the school kids. D. To beautify the campus environment. The garden, which is currently producing 13 different types of vegetables and is 5. What is the third paragraph mainly about? also home to a henhouse, has been responsible for more than just an improvement in A. The weak points of growing gardens. the students health. Since the school decided to take an active role in what its children B. The process of growing gardens. ate, their grades have also gone up. “We are discovering that students’ poor marks are C. The skills needed to grow gardens. definitely caused by unhealthy eating,” says the School’s Director, José Cirilo Cruz D. The significance of growing gardens. Peralta. “It was a good moment to try and link these two things and make something positive out of it.” Two members of the school staff, Juan Arturo Córdoba and Matilde Cruz, 6. What’s students’ attitude to growing gardens in school? A. Dissatisfied. B. Uncared. C. Favorable D. Doubtful. 7. What can we infer from the last paragraph? explain that they also use the garden to aid lessons in multiplication and division as A. Parents should set a good example to their children. the pupils use rulers to measure out perimeters(周长)and areas for the seed beds. B. The school will give dinner to its students in the future. Basic biology lessons are supplied by the hens, who also provide between 15 and 18 C. Creating home vegetable gardens may become popular. eggs each day for the dining room. D. The children’s enthusiasm is hugely inspired by their parents. The school gives breakfast and lunch to its

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