一、基数词 1.概念:表示数目多少的数词是基数词,如 one, two, thirty-five 等。 2.构成规律: (1)0-12 为独立的词,无规律可循。 如:0→zero,1→one,2→two,3→three, 4→four,5→five,6→six,7→seven, 8→eight,9→nine,10→ten,11→eleven,12→twelve. (2)13-19 由 3-9 对应的单词后面加-teen 构成。如:16→sixteen.注意 13→thirteen、 15→fifteen、18→eighteen 这三个词的拼写。 (3)20-90 整十位的基数词由 2-9 对应的单词后面加-ty 构成。如:70→seventy. 注意 20→twenty、30→thirty、40→forty、50→fifty、80→eighty 这些词的拼写。其余两位数的基数词 由整十位基数词和个位基数词合成,中间加连字符“-”。如 57→fifty-seven 等。 3.用法: (1)表示电话号码。 -What's your telephone number, Lucy? -It's 284-6683. (2)表示具体数目。如 one computer、two clocks、three baseballs、six pairs of socks 等。 (3)表示物品价格。如:This skirt is twenty-five dollars. (4)表示时间。如:Linda's classes finish at 5:30. (5)表示年龄。如:-How old are you? -I'm twelve. (6)表示编号。如:第十课 Lesson Ten,二年级 Grade Two,一班 Class One,306 房间 Room 306,第二中学 No.2 Middle School,中山路 808 号 No.808, Zhongshan Road. *序数词也可以用来表示编号。如: the tenth lesson、the ninth room、the sixth(day) of May. 二、序数词 1.概念:表示顺序先后的数词是序数词,如 first、second、seventh、twenty-third 等。 2.构成规律: (1)第一到第三为独立的词,即:first(1st)、second(2nd)、third(3rd). (2)第四到第十九是在其相应的基数词后面加-th 构成,但要注意 fifth、eighth、ninth 和 twelfth 的拼 写。 ( 3) 第 二 十 到 第 九 十 的 整 十 位 数 是 将 其 相 应 的 基 数 词 的 词 尾 y 改 为 i, 再 加 -eth 构 成 , 如 twenty→twentieth 等。其余两位数的序数词是把其相应的基数词的个位数变成序数词,如 twentyone→twenty-first 等。 (4)序数词的缩写形式可由阿拉伯数字加上序数词的最后两个字母构成。如 52nd、63rd、88th 等。 3.用法: (1)序数词表示次序,前面通常加定冠词 the.如: My grandparents are in the first photo. The second desk is Helen's. (2)表示具体的日期。如:My brother's birthday is on October 21st. 巩固练习 一、用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。 1.Teachers' Day is on September ___________(ten). 2. Of all the pictures, I like the ___________(three)one. 3.Gina is always the ___________(one) student to come to school. 4.Grace is ___________(fourteenth)years old and she is in Grade___________(eighth). 5.Frank needs ___________(seventeenth) dollars for a new sweater. 6.The ___________(twelve) jacket is Mary's. 7. ___________(thirtieth)students in our class like music. 8.April is the ___________(four)month of a year. 9.We have ___________(sixth) art festivals this term. 10.I have ___________(ninth)ping-pong balls. What about you? 二、单项选择。 1.We have black trousers for only ___________dollars. A. twenty-third B. twenty three C. twenty third D. twenty-three 2.The boy is ___________ years old. Today is ___________ his birthday. A. fifteen; fifteen B. fifteenth; fifteen C. fifteen; fifteenth D. fifteenth; fifteenth 3.This is Nick and Leila's classroom. They are in___________ A. Class Seven B. Class Seventh C. Seven Class D. Seventh Class 4.-Alex, what's thirteen and seventeen? -It's ___________. A. twenty B. thirty C. fifty D. forty 5.This morning we have ___________ classes and the___________ class is English. A. four; four B. fourth; four 三、英汉互译。 1.Tom found a key in Room 201. ___________________________________ 2. Mr. Smith is a teacher in No.8 Middle School. C. four; fourth D. fourth; fourth ___________________________________ 3. I think Lesson Seven is very interesting. ___________________________________ 4. I only know her first name is Helen. ___________________________________ 5. How much are these two T-shirts? ___________________________________ 6.新年是在一月一日。 ___________________________________ 7.十一点到十二点是午餐时间。 ___________________________________ 8.我们有一节长达两个小时的艺术课。 ___________________________________ 9.她的二儿子是篮球明星。 ___________________________________ 10.你能来参加我的 18 岁生日派对吗? ___________________________________ Keys 一、1.tenth 2.third 3.frst 4.fourteen;Eight 5.seventeen 6.twelfth 7.Thirty 8.fourth 9.six 10.nine 二、1-5 DCABC 三、 1.汤姆在 201 房间找到一把钥匙。 2.史密斯先生是第八中学的一名老师。 3.我觉得第七课很有趣。 4.我只知道她的名字叫海伦。 5.这两件 T 恤衫多少钱? 6.New Year's Day is on January 1st. 7.Lunch is from 11:00 to 12:00. 8.We have an art lesson for two hours. 9.Her second son is a basketball star. 10.Can you come to my eighteenth birthday party?

doc文档 寒假语法讲解与练习(4)数词2021-2022学年人教版英语七年级上册

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寒假语法讲解与练习(4)数词2021-2022学年人教版英语七年级上册 第 1 页 寒假语法讲解与练习(4)数词2021-2022学年人教版英语七年级上册 第 2 页 寒假语法讲解与练习(4)数词2021-2022学年人教版英语七年级上册 第 3 页 寒假语法讲解与练习(4)数词2021-2022学年人教版英语七年级上册 第 4 页
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