七年级( )班 姓名________ 学号______ 考 场号_____ 长江中学 2021-2022 学年度第一学期 七年级英语错题再现 (三) 命题人:) (80 分) (考试时间:120 分钟 总分:150 分 第一卷 选择题 一、单项选择(每小题 1 分,满分 25 分) 1. —Who is ________ gentleman in front of the cinema? —The one with________umbrella? She is my Geography teacher. He’s interested in playing_______piano. A. the; an;the B. the; an ;/ C.the; a; the D. a; an;/ 2. —How much is the ticket to Shanghai Disneyland? —A one-way ticket ________$60, and you can_________ another$30 for a round trip. A. costs ; pay B. cost; spend C. pay, spend D. spends; pay 3. The price of the T-shirt made of cotton is not _______ , but this kind of silk dress is usually very _______. A. high; cheap B. expensive; high C. high; expensive D. expensive; expensive 4.—Would you like _________candies?—No, thanks. I never eat ________candies A. any; any B. any; some C. some; some D. some; any 5. This pair of trousers ________look modern and beautiful. I want a new __________. A. don’t ; one B. doesn’t; ones C. doesn’t ; pair D. don’t;pair 6. Look! There is only______sheep on the hill. It has_______friends. A. little;few B. a little;few C. few;little D. a few;a little 7.—Is Sandy’s lifestyle healthy? —No.She needs _________ to keep fit. A. exercise more B. more exercise C.exercises more D. more exercises 8. —You shouldn't eat _______ meat.—You are right. Eating a lot will make me look _________fat. A. too many; much too B. much too; too much C. too much; too many D. too much; much too 9. Which of the underlined letter has a different sound from the other three? A.blouses B. dances C. practises D. horses 10.—_______do you visit your grandparents a month? —Twice a month. A.When B.How long C.How often D.How many times 11. There are many trees on _______ side of the street, sometimes we _________have a walk there. A. both;each B. each;other C. each;each D. another;other 12.—_______ do the students in your school do after-school activities every day?—At least an hour. A.How often B. How long C.How much D. How far 13.At supper, my daughter sometimes has rice _______vegetables and beef _______supper. A.in; at B.with; to C. with; for D. for ;with 14. —Mum, I want to wear my blue gloves, but there is only one. —Wear _______ pair if you can’t find ________ one please. A. other; another B. the other; the other 15. Tommy has much time with his classmates And he always has a great time A. chatting; on; chatting C. another; otherD. another; the other lunchtime. with each other. B. to chat; at; chatting C. chatting; at; to chat D. to chat; on;chatting 16. I am not ______ to buy her a house. The price is too ______. A .rich enough; expensive B. rich enough; high C. enough rich; expensive D. enough rich; high 17. —What do we need to buy to celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival? — ___________. A.Two kilos of potatoes and two packets of salts B.Two kilos of potatoes and two packet of salt C. Two kiloes of potatos and two packets of salt D. Two kilos of potatoes and two packets of salt 18. ―This pair of leather boots ______ nice. Can I _______?―Sure, Here you are. A. look, try it on B. look, try them on C. looks, try it on D. looks, try them on 19. — _____ there any grass and trees in front of your house?— No, but behind the house _____ some trees. A. Is; are B. Are; is C. Are; are D. Is; is 20.—How smart! The blue tie and the white shirt look nice ______ you. —Thanks, and I also think they _______me well. A. in; fit B. on; fit C. in; match D. on; match 21. The kite is made _____ paper. Can you make ______ for me? A. of, it B. from, it C. of, one D. from, one 22.—Who would you like to buy this music box ______? —I’d like to give it to Tom ____ his birthday gift. A. for; for B. as; as C. as; for D. for; as 23. Do the red and white trainers look good ____Millie? Yes, She ____ good ____ the red and white trainers. A.on;looks; on B.in;look; on C.in;look ;in D.on;looks; in 24.Today is Friday.______she ______the homework. She may do it tomorrow. A.Maybe ;needn’t to finish C. So;needs not finish B.So; doesn’t need finish D. Maybe;doesn’t need to finish 25.—This winter holiday I'll go to the Palace Museum with my parents.—_______. A.Yes, pleasure. B.Have a nice day. C.What a good day. D.Good idea. 二、完型填空(每小题 1 分,满分 15 分) The best thing to start your day is a good 26 . There are different 27 of breakfasts around the world."Eat breakfast like a king,lunch like a prince and 28 like a pauper(穷人).” As the old saying tells us,breakfa

doc文档 江苏省启东市长江中学2021-2022学年七年级上学期错题再练(三)英语试卷

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