人教版八年级上学期期末复习 查缺补漏冲刺满分 (重点知识+难点易错点) 专题 03 阅读理解 15 道 1.主旨大意: 此类题目要求学生把原文所提供的信息综合起来分析,而不能断章起义. 2. 文中细节: 这类题目相对好做一些,我们只要抓住其中相关的细节,即可解答。 3. 词义猜测: 词义猜测上下句。也就是说,在猜测词 义时,抓住 单词的上句或下句,结合本句一般 即可。 4.推理判断 推理判断题相对较难,要求孩子有较强的思考和推理能力。这种情况下,一定要根据全 文的信息,建议先读后 面的试题,再读文章,这样可以做到有的放失 (2020·四川·大英县教育科学研究所八年级期末) There are some easy things you can do to protect(保护) the environment and the earth. Choose ideas from the list or come up with a few of your own. ●Plant flowers, grass or trees. ●Whenever you visit a park or beach, take away what you bring there—keep rubbish(垃 圾) in a bag until you can put it in a dustbin(垃圾桶). ●Turn off the lights, TV sets when you leave the room. This saves a lot of electricity. ●Turn off the tap when you brush your teeth. You can save some water by not letting it run. Also, use a glass cup instead of a paper cup because this saves paper. ●Keep the doors and windows closed in winter to keep warm air in. ●Give your old books and magazines to a library instead of throwing them away. ●Give your old clothes to poor children you know instead of throwing them away. ●Use both sides of paper. ●Stop pouring dirty water into the rivers or the lakes nearby. ●Encourage all your friends to do the same things you do to help protect the earth. You don’t have to wait until Earth Day to do these things. Make every day Earth Day. If everyone makes a contribution (贡献)to protecting the environment, the world will become much more beautiful. 1.From the above, we know that this is _______. A.a sign(指示牌) B.a notice(通知) C.an advertisement(广告) D.a proposal (提议) 2.The writer tells us _____________. A.to throw rubbish into a dustbin B.to pour dirty water into the river C.that we can’t do all these things until Earth Day D.to save water by letting it run while we are brushing our teeth 3.We can ___________ to save paper. A.use a paper cup B.use both sides of paper C.give old books to a library D.pick up waste paper at school 4.Which of the following is WRONG according to the writer? A.Close the doors in winter. B.Turn off the lights when you leave the room. C.Use a paper cup when you brush your teeth. D.Give your old clothes to the poor children. 5.The main idea of this passage is how to _________. A.save money B.save water and electricity C.make better use of old things D.protect the earth (2020·江苏鼓楼·八年级期末) Most of us know about fires, earthquakes, droughts and floods. But from time to time, Mother Nature surprises us, and brings a terrible weather event (事件).Here are some examples of unusual weather. Strange rain: One day in 2005, people in a small town in Serbia looked out their windows and saw an unusual sight. It was raining frogs! Without any warning (提醒), they found the streets full of small animals jumping about. “There were thousands of them,” someone said. “I thought maybe a plane carrying frogs exploded (爆炸),” said another. Scientists believe the tornado passed over the lake, lifted the frogs into the air, and then dropped them in a remote Serbian town. Tornadoes (strong windstorms moving in a circle) of Fire: Tornadoes don’t seem to be dangerous enough, but some of them can be made of fire. When a wildfire reaches very high temperatures, it causes the air to become hot and to rise. Cooler air rushes in to replace (替代) hot air. This causes strong winds. These winds suck away (吸走) burning plants and even the fire itself. When this happens, just as it did in Denver on March 14, 2014, a tornado of fire was produced. This tornado can be up to 15 meters wide and up to 40 stories high. Great Balls of Ice: In 1942, hundreds of thousands of years skeletons (骨骼) were found under the ice of Lake Roopkund in the Himalayas. Many had holes in their skulls (头 盖骨). But they weren’t hurt in any other way. Scientists thought the people must have been hit from above. But for years, they haven’t found out the cause of their deaths. Today, scientists think these people were killed by giant hailstones—balls of ice. The blocks of ice grew bigger and bigger and turned into hail, until(直到) the wind couldn’t lift them and the hail fell to the ground, often at a speed (速度) of over 160 kilometres an hour. Unlucky people at Lake Roopkund had nowhere to run away, so they were all killed by the hailstones. 6.Which one is TRUE about the frogs raining down in Serbia? A.They fell out of an airplane that exploded. B.They grew in the clouds and then fell down to Earth. C.A heavy rain brought the frogs from a town far away. D.A tornado too

doc文档 专题03 阅读理解15道(各地名校最新期末真题)-2021-2022学年八年级英语上学期期末复习查缺补漏冲刺满分 (人教版)

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