必修第二册练习 Unit 1 Cultural heritage Discovering Useful Structures 一、单句语法填空 1.This is one of the reasons_______ you have to give it up. 2.A company_______ profits from home markets are declining may seek opportunities abroad. 3.People would leave the bike in the place_______ they finished their journey. 4.This is the middle school_______ Mr. Smith taught English ten years ago. 5.Recently we have read the story-The Old Man and the Sea_______ a fisherman attempts to catch a huge fish. 6.We have entered into an age ________dreams have the best chance of coming true. 7.Workers built shelters for survivors_______ homes had been destroyed. 8.Happiness and success often come to those_______ are good at recognizing their strengths. 9.She said she would do anything ________ could help her mother recover from the disease. 10.This is the most interesting book ________ I have read. 11.My father is the first person to ________ I will turn for help when I meet difficulties. 12.The reason ________ I don't trust him is that he often tells lies. 13.The rescue worker_______ you are waiting for has come. 14.The party_______ was organised by Tom was held outdoors at dusk. 15.The only thing_______ we can do is to give in to our parents' ideas. 16.Lucy is my friend_______ has a hearing problem. 17.Lucy is a smart girl_______ ideas are always inspiring. 18.Students should involve themselves in community activities_______ they can gain experience for growth. 19.I saw some trees_______ leaves were black because of the polluted air. 20.All_______ we need is enough rest after long hours' work. 21.I'll never forget the days_______ I worked together with you. 22.As the smallest child of his family, Alex is always longing for the time_______ he should be able to be independent. 23.The writer and his works ________ you have just talked about are really well known. 24.Success is something ________ is only achieved after much labor. 25.In the café, customers will feel comfortable in the pleasant environment ________ is created for them. 二、阅读理解 A. 阅读短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 From early times, man has been interested in art. People have often worked together to collect and save the world's art treasures. Fine art treasures from many countries are kept in an art museum called the Louvre in Paris, France. The works of art have been collected by the people of France over many centuries. It is one of the biggest art museums in the world. The Louvre has not always been a museum. The first building was a fort ( 堡垒). In 1190, it was the king's castle with high walls and a round tower. It had a moat (护城河) to keep out the enemies. Over the years, the number of buildings around the castle grew. By 1350, the castle no longer needed a fort. The Louvre became a palace home for French kings and queens. During the time of peace, new treasures were brought in. During the days of war, many treasures were stolen, and the buildings were damaged. When Francis I became the King of France in 1515, he brought in many artists from other countries. One of the artists was Leonardo da Vinci from Italy. Da Vinci's Mona Lisa is the best known painting in the museum today. In 1793, the Louvre became a public museum. It is a place where art treasures are kept for everyone to enjoy. Every year millions of people from all over the world come to the Louvre to see the masterpieces. (1)Most of works of art in the Louvre have been collected probably by . A.the French people B.Francis I C.Leonardo da Vinci D.people of the world (2)Why is it good for the works of art to be kept in public museums? A.The works of art will not be stolen. B.The works of art will not be damaged. C.Artists can study the works of art. D.Everyone has a chance to enjoy the works of art. (3)According to the passage, which of the following statements is TRUE? A.The Louvre is always a museum since it was built. B.All the art treasures in the Louvre have been destroyed in the war. C.The Louvre was once the king's castle in history. D.There is still a fort near the Louvre now. B In the 1960s, while studying the volcanic history of Yellowstone National Park, Bob Christiansen became puzzled about something that, oddly, had not troubled anyone before: he couldn't find the park's volcano. It had been known for a long time that Yellowstone was volcanic in nature —that's what accounted for all its hot springs and other steamy features. But Christiansen couldn't find the Yellowstone volcano anywhere. Most of us, when

doc文档 Unit 1 Cultural heritage 第2课时 Discovering Useful Structures(备作业)-【上好课】2021-2022学年高一英语同步备课系列(人教版2019必修第二册)

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