上海市虹口区 2018-2020 年三年中考二模英语试题汇编-首字母填空专题 2020 年上海市虹口区中考二模英语试题 VII.Fill in the blanks with proper words (在短文的空格内填入 适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给) Graham was one of the wisest friends of mine. Once I complained to him that I cycled two miles from my house to the town centre but u___56___ there was a big hill on the way. To my surprise, he replied that I should feel lucky and be glad of the e___57___ exercise the hill provided. His words shocked me. So almost all of a sudden, my attitude to the hill c___58___ . The next time when I got close to it, instead of complaining as usual. I told myself that this hill would help me to keep fit. And the r___59___ was that I found the way up the hill was much easier that I had expected -- it cost me nothing but some energy and sweat (汗). Several days later, I happened to read an article about pilot Douglas Bader. In 1931 both of his legs were lost in a flying a___60___, but he decided to fly again and he became an excellent pilot and the only pilot that had no legs. He said, “Don’t tell yourself that things are too difficult or i___61___. Make up your mind and then try your best and then you can achieve your goal.” I think the two cases bring the same message: We cannot a___62___ difficulties in life, but we can choose our attitude towards them - to face them or to run away from them. And some difficulties, actually, are not as great as they seem to be. 【答案】56. unfortunately / unluckily 57. extra 58. changed 59. result 60. accident 61. impossible 62. avoid 【解析】 本文作者讲述自己从家到市中心有一座山,他感到不高兴,他向他的朋友抱怨。他的朋友说他应该感到 幸运和高兴,因为山丘提供的额外锻炼。从此作者对这座山的态度改变了。不再抱怨了。几天后,作者 读到一篇关于飞行员道格拉斯·巴德的故事。1931 年,道格拉斯在一次飞行事故中失去了他的双腿,但是 决定再飞行一次,最终他成了一名优秀的飞行员。这两个案例告诉我们:我们无法避免生活中的困难, 但我们可以选择对它们的态度——面对它们还是逃避它们。不要告诉自己事情太难或不可能。下定决心, 然后尽力而为,然后你就能实现你的目标。 【56 题详解】 句意:有一次我向他抱怨说,我骑自行车从我家到市中心有两英里,但不幸的是路上有一座大山。 根据下文“路上有一座大山”及下文“I should feel lucky(我应该感到幸运)”可知是“不幸的是”,故填 unfortunately / unluckily。 【57 题详解】 句意:令我惊讶的是,他回答说,我应该感到幸运,并为山丘提供的额外锻炼感到高兴。 本词修饰名词,可知填形容词。根据上文“我应该感到幸运”可知此句是“为山丘提供的额外锻炼感到高兴”, extra:额外的,形容词;故填 extra。 【58 题详解】 句意:所以几乎是突然之间,我对这座山的态度改变了。 根据上文“His words shocked me.”是一般过去时,可知此句时态是一般过去时。根据上文“His words shocked me.(他的话使我震惊。)”及下文“The next time when I got close to it, instead of complaining as usual.(下一次当我接近它的时候,而不是像往常一样抱怨。)”可知此句是“所以 几乎是突然之间,我对这座山的态度改变了。”可知“change 改变”的一般过去时,填 changed。 【59 题详解】 句意:结果,我发现上山的路比我预想的要容易得多——我只花了一些精力和汗水。 根据上文“我发现上山的路比我预想的要容易得多——我只花了一些精力和汗水。”可知“结果……”;故填 result(结果)。 【60 题详解】 句意:1931 年,他的双腿在一次飞行事故中失去了,但他决定再飞一次,他成了一名优秀的飞行员,也 是唯一一名没有双腿的飞行员。 根据上文“1931 年,他的双腿失去了”可知是“在一次飞行事故中”;accident:意外遭遇,不测事件;in a flying accident:在一次飞行事故中。故填 accident。 【61 题详解】 句意:不要告诉自己事情太难或不可能。 本词做表语可知填形容词;根据“too difficult”可知“不可能”;impossible:不可能的,形容词。故填 impossible。 【62 题详解】 句意:我们不能回避生活中的困难,但我们可以选择对它们的态度——面对它们还是逃避它们。 根据下文“但我们可以选择对它们的态度——面对它们还是逃避它们。”可知此句是“我们不能回避生活中 的困难”。情态动词 cannot 后面跟动词原形;avoid:回避,避开;故填 avoid。 2019 年上海市虹口区九年级中考二模(下学期期中)英语试题 Fill in the blanks with proper words(在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺。每 空格限填一词,首字母已给) Every year, thousands of people search in the Rocky Mountains in the US for hidden treasure (财宝) worth $2 million. The treasure was hidden secretly by an artist, Forrest, in 2010. He was 80 when he made the trip into the Rocky Mountains by car and then on foot. There are several clues (线索) about the treasure. But the m___81___ clue is that it was put in below the home of Brown. You can start with “the home of Brown”. Brown might be a person. So maybe you have to look for people called Brown who live in the Rocky Mountains. U___82___, Brown is a very common name! What’s more, Forrest advises people to wait until spring to a___83___ dangerous winter weather. But not everyone has listened to him. Three people have gone missing while looking for the treasure. Police want Forrest to take back the treasure. But Forrest r___84___. He thinks people spend too much time inside their houses and offices. He wants families to learn about n___85___ and have adventures. Forrest’s plan w___86___. Marti and her daughter Libbi travel from their home in Georgia to search in Montana. Libbi says: “I love the scenery of Montana– seeing so many animals up close, camping in the mountains and crossing rivers and streams. It’s all so exciting, even if we never find the treasure.” But there are people who think the whole thing is a t___87___. Some say maybe Forrest had a box of treasure, but they don’t believe he hid it in the mountains. Others say maybe he just likes the attention. But even the people who complain still go to the Rocky Mounta

docx文档 上海市虹口区2018-2020年三年中考二模英语试题汇编-首字母填空专题

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