第一卷 选择题(满分 55 分) 一、听力(共 20 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 20 分)(略) 二、单项填空(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分) 请认真阅读下列各题,从题中过给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 21. Let's put the table __________ the wall so that there is more space in the room. A. above B. against C. across D. around 22. Some songs written by Jay Zhou about 10 years ago still feel pop by today’s __________. A. purposes B. standards C. challenges D. qualities 23. Last Friday, a fireman came to our school and told us what to do if a fire __________. A. works out B. puts out C. breaks out D. runs out 24. ----John didn’t stop looking for a job _________ he got an offer from a French company. ----Lucky him. It’s not east for university graduates to get a good job now. A. until B. since C. as D. if 25. We could __________ control our feelings, jumping and cheering at that moment when Chinese women volleyball team won the FIVB volleyball Women’s World Cup on September 30, 2019. A. nearly B. greatly C. hardly D. clearly 26. You __________ pay much attention to your reading skill, as it is so important. A. shouldn’t B. needn’t C. mustn’t D. cannot 27. Are you sure __________ this English dictionary is of great help to me? A. that B. what C. whether D. why 28. ----Do you know when we will leave? ----I’m not sure. I will tell you about it when the time __________. A. is fixed B. fixed C. be fixed D. will be fixed 29. ----Do you know how many star signs there are __________? ----There are 12. A. after all B. in all C. above all D. of all 30. ----Which basketball player do you like better, Mike or Jame, Kobe? ----__________ of them. Jeremy White is my favourite. A. Neither B. None C. Either D. All 31. ----What? Why do I have to __________ the extra work? ----Come on! You are sure to make it. A. take up B. take off C. take on D. take away 32. ----Remember to come to my birthday party this Friday evening. ----OK. I was __________ just now. A. remained B. reminded C. returned D. recommended 33. ----Tom, why are you still here? School is over for half an hour. ----Because I __________ my task yet. I still need one more hour. A. won’t finish B. haven’t finished C. didn’t finish D. hadn’t finished 34. ----Could you please tell me __________? ----Sorry, I have no idea either. A. when did the train leave the station B. what’s wrong with my computer C. how can I get to the People Hospital D. How long he has fallen in love with Mary 35. ----How do you like the concert in the Beijing Grand Theatre last night? ----__________. But the male singer was perfect. A. I couldn’t agree more B. It’s very great C. I don’t think much of it D. I really like it 三、完形填空(共 10 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 10 分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出可以填入空 白处的最佳选项。 Do you know that overnight success usually takes at least 10 years? One man said, “My overnight success was the ___36___ night of my life. I spent many days and nights just getting there! Rome was not built in a day." Many people are waiting for their ship to come in when they’ve not even ___37___ it out of the harbor. You see, winners ___38___ do what losers don’t want to do. And they keep doing it till they get the success. Success is mostly just hanging on after others have let go! So the most important trip you’ll ever make is when you go the ___39___ mile. One guy said, "The secret to success is to start from zero and to keep on trying." Don’t give up trying just ___40___ your trying times are many. The great inventor, Thomas Edison, tried a certain experiment hundreds of times, but didn’t work. So his assistant said to him, "It’s too bad that we did all that work without any results." But Edison said, "Oh, we have lots of ___41___! We now know 700 things that won’t work." We can complete almost anything we want ___42___ we hold on. And the American President Calvin Coolidge said, "Nothing can bring success ___43___ persistence(坚 持). Talent cannot, for there are many talented people who are not successful. Education will not, for the world is full of educated losers. Only persistence and determination(决 心)can give you the ___44___ to succeed. "You see, you can succeed just like anyone else, just keep wanting it enough and to keep ___45___ for it enough. So why not decide it today to start going the extra mile on the road to your success? ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ) 36. A. shortest ) 37. A. taken ) 38. A. mainly ) 39. A. extra ) 40. A. and ) 41. A. actions ) 42. A. although ) 43. A. with ) 44. A. advice ) 45. A. living B. quickest B. picked B. hardly B. short B. but B. secrets B. if B. fo

doc文档 江苏省南京市育英外校2021-2022学年九年级上学期10月阶段测试英语试卷

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