2021 年山东省枣庄市新目标英语八下 Unit5 测试 (满分 100 分) 一、 完形填空。(每小题 1 分,共 10 分) Bruce shook his money box again. Nothing! He carefully counted the coins that lay on the bed .All that he had was $24.52. The 1 which he wanted was at least $90. How on earth(究 竟 ) was he going to get the rest of the 2 ? He knew that his friends all had bicycles.It was hard to hang out(闲逛) with people when you were the only one 3 a bicycle . He thought about 4 he could do.He couldn’t get money from his parents,because he knew they had no extra(额外的) money. There was only one way to get money , and that was to earn( 挣 钱 ) it . He would have to find a job.He decided to ask Mr Clay for 5 . “Well , you can start right here , ” said Mr Clay. “ You see . my windows need cleaning and my car needs washing.” That was the beginning of Bruce’s part-time(兼职) job.For the next three 6 he worked every day after finishing his homework.He took dogs for walks and cleaned rooms. The day finally came when Bruce 7 his money and found $94.32.He wasted no time and went down to the shop to 8 the bicycle he wanted.He rode home proudly,looking forward to 9 his new bicycle to his friends.Bruce liked his bicycle very much because he had bought it with his own money . At last, his dream came true,and his parents were 10 of him. ( )1.A.ear B.bicycle C.truck ( )2.A.money B.help ( )3.A.with ( )4.A.why B.how ( )5.A.food ( )6.A.months B.minutes C.seconds ( )7.A.lent ( )8.A.choose ( )9.A.borrowing B.showing C.asking ( )10.A.famous B.strict C.food B.without C.behind C.what B.advice C.water B.lost C.counted B.sell C.drive C.proud 二、阅读理解(每小题 2 分,共 30 分) A One day an Australian farmer , Joe, saw a bright light in the sky.The light came nearer and nearer and suddenly Joe saw that it was a spaceship landed in a field nearby. The door of the spaceship opened and two strange beings( 怪 物 ) climbed out . They seemed to be half man and half bird.Joe was afraid of them.He tried to run away.But the spacemen walked towards him , picked him up and carried him into the spaceship. They asked him questions about Each . “ We’re from Venus(金星 ),” they said,“ but it is getting very hot there.A lot of our people are dying and we haven’t much time left.We ale trying to find a new home.” After some time they freed Joe and at last the spaceship took off and could not be seen. Joe told his friends about the spacemen , but no one believed(相信) his story. “You will believe me one day” . Joe told them . “ The spacemen will come back…” ( )11.The bright light in the sky was _______. A.the sun ( B.Venus C.a machine D.a spaceship )12.The strange beings came to Earth to _______. A.visit Joe B.catch Joe C.find a new home D.live with Joe ( )13.Joe was _______ the spaceship. A.invited to ( B.sad to see C.carried into D.happy to get into )14.The strange beings _______ before they let him go. A.had asked Joe to mend their machine B.had asked Joe several questions C.had given Joe some wires D.had made Joe help them find a new place ( )15.People didn’t believe Joe because _______. A.he told a lie B.it hadn’t been seen before C.they didn’t welcome the strange beings D.they wanted to see the strange beings very much B 阅读下面的短文,根据所读内容判断句子正(T)误(F)。 When I was in the seventh grade,I was shy and quiet,so I was easily bullied(被欺 负 ).I used to get very sad about it.In an art lesson,just while the teacher was out,a big boy took away my pencil case,threw it across the classroom and sat back down.Later on,he took my schoolbag and pulled it towards him.I pulled back the schoolbag from his hand and for the first time,I pushed him away and hit him on the back.In the rest of the lesson,I was nervous.I did nothing but imagined what would happen next.Then the teacher came to me,“Peter,are you OK?”“Yes,”I answered.“No,you are not.Come to my officeafter class,"he said. There we had a long talk.He made me smile and I became confident again.He taught me some life lessons,and said,“Ge up,and don't be a bully( 欺 凌 弱 小 的 人 ) yourself,but remember you are stronger inside,and if the bullies see this,they will stop.”I remember these words.From then on,every time I walked to school,I put my head high on the way,and the bullying soon stopped. ( )16.Peter was often bullied in the seventh grade. ( )17.Peter took away the big boy's pencil casein an art lesson. ( ) 18.Peter had a fight with the big boy while the teacher was in the classroom. ( )19.Peter felt happy after he pushed the big boy away and hi

doc文档 2020-2021学年人教版英语八年级下册unit5单元检测

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