U 2 I’m going to study computer science. 一、重点词组及句型 1.cook n. cook “炊事员”;cooker 作名词,意为“炊具”; v. cook “做饭;煮”,既可以作及物动词,也可以作不及物动词。 【相关短语和句型】do some cooking 做饭(菜) cook sth. for sb. 为某人做某物 2. send send 后跟双宾语 send sb. sth.=send sth. to sb. 把某物寄送给某人 ①能接双宾语的动词还有:give, show, bring, teach, tell 也可用于结构“动词 + sb.+ sth.= 动 词+ sth.+ to + sb.”;如: Please send me a post card when you get to Paris. ② buy, sing, make, cook, get 等可用于结构“动词 + sb.+ sth.= 动词+ sth.+ for + sb.” 如: My father bought a computer for me. 我爸爸给我买了一台电脑。 3. be sure about 对......确信 ① be sure about 意为“对某事有把握;确信某事”,可与 be sure of 互换使用。 如:You may be sure of his honest. 你可以确信他的诚实。 \ ② be sure to do sth. 相信会做某事;一定会做某事 如:Tom is sure to help her. 汤姆肯定会帮她的。 ③ be sure + 从句 相信…… 如:I am sure that he will succeed. 我相信他能成功。 4. promise 承诺 It’s a kind of promise. 它是一种承诺。 ① promise 作名词 “承诺;诺言” 如:He made a promise to write to me. 他答应给我写信。 ② promise (sb.) to do sth. 承诺(某人)做某事 如:She promises to be a good wife. 她渴望做个好太太。 ③ promise (sb.) +that(从句) 承诺某人...... 如:He promised that he would help me. 他答应要帮我忙。 【相关短语】make a promise 许诺 keep / break a promise 遵守诺言/食言 5. discuss v. discuss “讨论;议论”n. discussion 讨论,议论 如:To discuss the different kinds of resolution. 讨论不同类型的决心。 Let's discuss when to go for a picnic. 让我们讨论下何时去野餐。 【相关短语】make a discussion 展开讨论 6. agree v. agree “同意;赞成;允许” 如:I asked him to help me and he agreed. 我请求他帮忙,他答应了。 ① agree to do sth 表示同意做某事 如:They agreed to move to another room. 他们同意搬到另一个房间。 ② agree with sb 表示同意某人的看法 如:I agree with you. 我同意你的意见。 【相关词】反义词 disagree 表示“不同意,不一致,不符合”。 如:I respect the president but I disagree with his decision. 我尊敬总统,但我反对他的这个决定。 7. at the beginning of 意为“在……初;在……开头”。 at the end of 意为“在……尽头(末尾)” We usually have a final exam at the end of each term. 我们通常每学期末有一次期末考试。 8. have to do with 的意思是:与...有关 如: Many resolutions have to do with self-improvement. 很多计划与自我提升有关。 【相关短语】have something to do with 与...有些关系 have nothing to do with 与...无关 如:This matter has nothing to do with Han Li. 这件事情与韩丽无关。 二、本课短语 grow up 成长;长大 write down 写下;记下 make sure 确信;务必 be able to 能 remember to do sth.记住做某事 learn to do sth.学会做某事 the meaning of……的意思 different kinds of 不同种类的 take up 开始做;学着做 hardly ever 几乎不;很少 practice doing 练习做某事 keep on doing sth.不断地做某事 finish doing sth.做完某事 too…to…太……而不能……/太……以至于不能 三、语法:一般将来时 1. 用法:一般将来时表示在现在看来即将要发生的动作或存在的状态。常用时间副词 tomorrow, soon,this (afternoon)或短语 next year / week / month, in a few days, in the future, in the future, someday,in an hour 等做状语。 如:He is going to study abroad next year. 明年他要出国学习。 2. 结构:主语+am/is/are going to+动词原形+... 表示打算或准备要做的事情,或者主观判 断即 将要发生的事情 如:It’s going to rain soon.(天快要下雨了) Maria is going to play football tomorrow afternoon. 明天下午玛利亚打算去踢足球。 3. 句型结构: 一般疑问句:Am/Is/Are going to+主语+动词原形+...? 肯定回答:Yes, 主语+ am/is/are. 否定回答:No, 主语+am not/ isn’t/ aren’t 否定句: 主语+ am not/ isn’t /aren’t +going to +动词原形+.... 4. There be 句型可以与 be going to 结构连用。 如:There is going to be a football match on TV this evening. 今晚电视上有一场足球比赛。 四、巩固练习 1. 用所给词的适当形式填空 1) Tony kept on (talk) with people who were around him. 2) My uncle practices (speak) English at home every day. 3) In three days Bill's grandparents (move) from Beijing to Shanghai. 4) His son doesn't want (join) the language club. 5) Jenny's parents promised (take) her to the park. 2. 选词填空 promise discuss weekly own beginning 1) My sister usually makes resolutions at the 2) Let's of the year. his biology report. 3)Did your mother 4) He prepares to buy a new bike for you? program in this room. 5)Well, this is my room. grow college engineer send medicine 6) Take the and then you'll be OK soon. 7) His father is an . 8) What is Jim going to be when he 9) Thank you for up? me this postcard. 10) Next year his sister is going to . practice exercise 11)--- Are you in the park? --- Yes, I'm playing tennis. 12) His sister playing the guitar every day. want would like 13) He doesn't 14) --you --- Yes, I'd love to. to be a teacher when he grows up. to go to the zoo with me this week? See watch read 15)In the library, I didn't anyone. 16) He likes books in his parents' bedroom. 17) I TV every day. 3.按要求转换句型 1) Kang Kang is going to be a reporter when he grows up. (就划线部分提问) is Kang Kang going to when he grows up? 2)His brother practices basketball every afternoon. (用 this afternoon 替换 every afternoon 改写句子) His brother basketball this afternoon. 3) Chen Wenhan is going to be a policeman when he's older. (改为同义句) Chen Wenhan is going to be a policeman when he . 4) Is your brother going to be an en

doc文档 2020-2021学年鲁教版七年级下册Unit 2 I‘m going to study computer science.单元知识点及练习

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