专题 02 根据汉语提示填空 100 题(重难词汇) 1.This is ________ (我们的) room. 2.—Where (在哪里) is your friend? —In _______ (中国). 3.—Is this your ruler? —No, it isn’t. It’s ________ (她的) ruler. 4.Four of the ________ (九) computers in our office broke down(出故障), so we had them repaired(修 理). 5.My sister is _________(七)years old this year. 6.— What’s this in English? — It’s a _________ (电话). 7.Eight is a lucky(幸运的)_________(数字)in China. 8.Mike’s cup is blue, ________ (也). 9.There are _______ (八) keys over there. 10.She is my ________ (朋友). 11.What's ____ (那个)? 12.This is my________(狗). Its name is Dapang. 13.Mrs. Wang has two ________(女儿). They are Lucy and Lily. 14.There are some ________(照片)on the wall. 15.—What are ________(那些), Dale?—They are cups. 16.Who’s your English ________ (老师)? 17.Is Ms. Brown in the ________ (教室)? 18.A book and ________ (一些) keys are in the lost and found. Are they yours? 19.John is Jim’s ________ (表兄) and they are also classmates. 20.That book is not ________ (我的). It’s my sister’s. 21.These yellow cups aren’t ________(我们的). 22.A green pencil is in the _______(丢失)and Found box. 23.Are those your rings? No, they are ______ (她们的). 24.Thanks for your______(帮助). 25.I have three ________(手表)at home. 26.This is a nice ________(棒球). 27.Hey, Alan, your ________ (钥匙) are here. 28.Anna is in the ________(教室)now. 29.The ________ (笔记本) is blue and white. 30.___________ (谢谢)for your help. 31.What ___________ (关于)this one? 32.What __________ (其他) do we need for the party? 33.They _____ (认为) she is nice. 34.—Where’s your ruler? —It’s on the _______ (课桌). 35.I don’t _______ (知道) his name. 36.Who is your best ________(朋友)? 37.I know you like drawing. What ________ (另外) do you like to do? 38.Jim ___________(总是)cleans the house on weekends. 39.Those _________ (排球) players are all very tall. 40.We have a lot of _________(乐趣)playing sports. 41.My mother often plays ________ (网球) when she is free. 42.My father often ________(观看)basketball games on Sundays. 43.—What ________(体育运动)do you like? —Basketball. 44.We have three ________ (课)in the afternoon. 45.He often runs, plays tennis and ________(去)swimming. 46.What about playing ________(篮球)after school? 47.She ________(得到)an English book from her teacher. 48.All of my friends like watching ________ (网球) games on TV. 49.The bags on ________ (销售) are fifteen yuan. 50.These are English ________ (地图). 51.The store sells many English-Chinese ________(字典). 52.These are his ________ (老师). 53.My pencils and a(an) ________ (橡皮) are in my pencil case. 54.Hi, Mike! Here are two _________ (橙子) for you! 55.One of my ____ (业余爱好) is playing cards with my brother. 56.Steven cannot see clearly but he doesn’t like wearing __________ (眼镜). 57.That man has got two ________(公司) in the city. 58.There are different kinds of ________(围巾) in the shop. 59.What’s ________ (发生) in the zoo? 60.Put these ________(文件) on the manager’s table. 61.The hats on ________ (出售) are red. 62.For boys, we have black ________(裤子)for only $ 22. 63.March 8th is the festival for ________(女子). 64.Summer is coming. I want to buy a new ________(裙子)for my granddaughter. 65.The children ________(需要)some new schoolbags and pens. 66.Lucy is ________(十二)years old. 67.Wang Lei usually gets up at six ________(三十). 68.My ________(毛衣)is red. I like it very much. 69.My grandmother is _________ (九十) years old. 70.Please write down all the ________ names on the paper. (模特) 71.It’s about ten _______ (分钟) walk from here to the playground. 72.Students are ________ (高兴的) to see their new teachers. 73.We can see some __________ (英雄的) pictures on the wall. We should learn from them. 74.The New Year is coming. We will have a ________(聚会). 75.My grandpa always sits over ________(那里)to read books. 76.These ________(东西)are from England and they are so interesting. 77.The Spring ________(节)is coming, so we are all very happy. 78.Kate is a ________(学生)in No. 6 Middle School. 79.Her dream is to be a ____________(明星). 80.We have a ________(家长) meeting every term in our school. 81.My name is Jeff Green, and Jeff is my f________ (第一) name. 82.The old man __________ (去世) in his house yesterday evening. 83.—What’s your _______(最喜爱的)sport? —Football. 84.The students learn many _______(学科) in the school. 85.My sister thinks that _____________(地理) is very interesting. 86.David’s favourite day is _________. (星期五) 87.Frank wants to go to Beijing on ________ (星期六). 88.He thinks it’s ________ (放松的), but it’s too ________ (难的) for me. 89.Miss Smith __________ (完成)

docx文档 专题02 根据汉语提示填空100题(重难词汇)-2021-2022学年七年级英语上学期期末复习挑战满分百题斩(人教版)

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