Unit 7 How much are these socks ? Section A GF-4c Learning Aims 1) 复习所学的颜色类及服装类的词汇,并在说、读和写的练 习中能熟练运用。 2 )总结归纳询问及回答不同类型及不同颜色服装的价格的 句型。① — How much is…? —It’s … ② —How much are…? They’re … 3) 能理解并正确运指示代词和表颜色的形容词修饰名词的用 法。 Chant: What is this? It’s a hat. What color is it? It is red. What is that? It’s a sweater. What color is it? It is orange. What are these? They are shorts. What color are they? They’re yellow. What are those? They are shoes. colors red yellow blue green pink orange purple brown white golden black gray 金黄色的 灰色的 Let’s look and say. an orange bag blue shorts a white T-shirt blue pants a black shirt a red hat black shoes a green sweater white socks 看!我更棒! 1.Sally likes this_____. 2.My mother has a_____. 3.The ____are very nice . 4.Are these your _____? 5.Do you like____? 6.Where’s my ____ ?  red T­shirt green sweater yellow shorts red shoes blue pants  black hat 7.Your _____ are under the bed. white socks Ask and answer: --What’re these / those? --They’re …. --What color are they? They’re…… --They’re …. Pair work A: Can I help you? B: Yes, please. I want … A: What color do you want? B: Blue. A: How much … B: It’s / They’re … A: I’ll take it / them. Thank you. B: You are welcome. $21 $8 shoes bag $13 $19 T-shirt trousers $11 $3 socks hat 翻译词组。 that T-shirt /the T-shirt 1 、那件 T 恤 those trousers /the trousers/ that pair of trousers these socks/this pair of socks 3 、这双袜子 that blue hat/the blue hat 4 、那个蓝色的帽子 2 、那条裤子 5 、这件红白相间的毛衣 the/this red and white sweater 6 、那双黑色的长袜子 these long black socks that pair of long black socks 7 、那两个棕色的包 the /these two brown bags 8 、三双绿色的鞋子 three pairs of green shoes 一、完成下列句子。 1. 那顶帽子多少钱?How ____much _____ is the hat? 2. 五美元。 _____ It’s five ______. dollars 3. 这件 T 恤衫多少钱?七美元。 How_____ much __ is this T-shirt? ____ ____ It’s seven ________. dollars 4. 那件棕色的毛衣多少钱?八美元。 — How ____ much _____ is thatbrown ______sweater _______? —_____ It’s eight _______. dollars 5. 这些袜子多少钱?两美元。 are _____ these _____? socks _______ They’re two dollars. How much ___ 6. 那黑色的裤子多少钱?九美元。 How_____ much are those ______ black ________? trousers ____ They’re dollars _______ nine ______. How much 询问价 格 1. 询问单数 How much is the/this/that + 单数名词 ? 物品 回答 It’s + 数额 . —How much is the red T-shirt? 例句 这件红色的 T 恤衫多少钱 ? 十美 It’s ten— dollars. 元。 2. 询问复数 物品 回答 例句 How much are the / these /those + 复数名词 ? They’re + 数额 . —How much are the black shoes? 这双黑鞋多少钱 ? — They’re eight dollars. 八美元。 3. 其他 What’s the price of + sth.? 表达方 式 回答 It’s + 数额 . —What’s the price of the hat? 这顶帽子多少钱 ? — ten yuan. 十元钱。 例句 It’s — What’s the price of the black socks? 这双黑袜子多少钱 ? It’s—nine dollars. 九美元。 【拓展】how much 其他用法 1. how much 还可以用来询问数量的多 少,但后面跟不可数名词。 e.g. — How much milk do you need? 你要多少牛奶? — Two boxes. 两盒。 2. how much 还可以用来询问程度的深 浅。 much do you love your school? How e.g. 你多么热爱你的学校? 用 how much 或 how many 填空。 How ______ much 1.______ are these things? 2.______ How ______ manystudents are there in our class? How ______water much 3.______ do you want ? 4.The shorts are very good. How much ______ ______are they? How much 5.I want this pair of pants._____ _____ are they? How 6.look at the picture. _____many _____ birds are in the tree? 3a Make sentences in the chart with the words in the Three boxes. the, this, that, these, those yellow, green, purple, blue,brown, red,white, black T-shirt, hat, trousers, skirt, sweater, socks,shorts,shoes, jacket, bag How much is…? the yellow T-shirt the purple hat this green skirt this brown jacket that red bag that purple sweater How much are…? the brown socks these white trousers these blue shorts those purple socks those green trousers Look at the pictures and write the questions and answers. $5 $10 1. How much is the hat? It’s five dollars. ________________________ 2. How much is the bag? _________________________ It’s ten dollars. 3. How much is the T-shirt? It’s six dollars. _________________________ $6 $3 $9 $8 4. ______________________ How much are the socks? They are three dollars. How much is this sweater? It’s nine dollars. 5. ______________________ 6. _____________________ How much is that skirt? It’s eight dollars.

pptx文档 Unit 7 Section A GF-3c(课件)-【高效课堂】2021-2022学年七年级英语上册同步备课系列(人教版)

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