辽阳市第九中学七年级下学期第一次学情测试——英语试卷 考试时间 90 分钟 满分 100 分 一.单项选择:(15 分) ( )1. The girl is afraid______ the dark (黑暗) . So she is afraid ______ go out at night. A. of, for B. of, to C. to, for D. in, to ( )2. Litter Jerry has six _______ now. A. teeth B. tooth C. toothes D. tooths ( )3. We want some students ______ the school concert. Can you dance? A. at B. for C. with D. about ( )4.Mr Hu has a ________ son and he is happy. A. 3 year old B. 3-year-old C. 3-years-old D. 3 years old ( )5. You can finish the work either this week _____ next week. A. and B. \ C. or D. too ( )6.Everyone in China ________ _________ listen ______ his songs. A. love, /, to B. loves, to, to C. loving, to, / D. to love, /, / ( )7.Our holiday is coming, two _____ students want to go hiking. A. hundred B. hundreds C. hundreds of D. hundred of ( )8.Alice wants to know how far _______from his parents’ home. A. does he live B. do he live C. he lives D. he live ( )9.Jane is good______ singsing and she can be good ______Children. So having a good teacher is good ________ Children. A. at, for, with B. for, at, with C. with, at, for D. at, with, for ( )10.Mrs Zhang ______ talking with us . She _______ a mother to me. A. like , like B. likes , likes C. like , is like D. likes , is like ( )11.This kind of chocolate tastes _____ and sells _________. A. well, well B. good, good C. well , good ( )12. ------How does your father ______ healthy? D. good, well [来源:学_科_网 Z_X_X_K] -----He always exercises. A. leave B. make C. keep D. find ( )13.For students , it’s important _______ a foreign language well. A. learn B. to learn C. learning D. learned ( )14. The girl _____ leave school because her family is too poor. A. can B. can’t C. have to [来源:学&科&网] D. has to ( )15. ----- Have a good weekend, boys and girls. ------ ___________, Mrs Smith. A. You are right B. Very good C. Yes, please D. Thank you 二.补全对话:选择适当的句子来完成对话(5 分)。 A: Hey, Jane. 16______________________________ B: At six o’clock. A: 17_________ We don’t go to school on Sunday. B: I’m in a sports club. I go to the club at six thirty on Sunday morning. A: 18_________________________ B.:I play basketball and run. A: 19 ____________________ B: Yes. It’s good exercise. A: I also like running? 20. _____________________ B :Sure. If you get up early, you can join it. A. Why do you get up so early? B. Do you like running? C. What sports do you play in the club? D. What time do you usually get up on Sunday? E. Can I join the club, too? 三.完形填空(每小题 1 分, 共 10 分) We can find lots of people ride shared bikes (共享单车) in many Chinese cities now. _____21__ ? Let me tell you the reasons (原因)。 First, it is very ___22___ to find a shared bike. You can see shared bikes almost everywhere-----near the bus stop, near the subway station or near the train station. ___23__ ,it’s very cheap to ride the shared bike. You don’t need to ___24____ a new bike . You may ride a shared bike for thirty __25____ for only one yuan. Sometimes ,some shared bikes are free for people .Third, you don’t need to be ____26___ of the traffic jams (交通堵塞) . Sometimes , you ne ed to wait for a bus for a very __27____ time. But with a shared bike ,you can go at any time. It can ____28___ you to save a lot of time. For me, at first I don’t want to ride a shared bike to go to work, ___29____ there are always many buses and cars on the road. But now there are many bike lanes ( 车道 ) in my city. I can __30___ in them. So I go to work by shared bike every day. ( ) 21. A. Why B. What ( ) 22. A. interesting ( ) 23. A. First B. Second ( ) 24. A. sell B. buy ( ) 25. A .minutes ( ) 26. A .right B. free C. late ( ) 27. A. short B. long C. small D. big ( ) 28. A. have B. teach C. call D. help ( ) 29 A. so B. because C. after D. when ( ) 30. A. drive ` B. take C. ride D. run B. boring B. weeks C. How D .Where C. easy C. Third C. show D. difficult D. Fourth D. make C. months D. years D. afraid 四.阅读理解(20 分) A Mrs. King is an American doctor. She is now in China. She works in a children’ s hospital in Shanghai. She is also learning Chinese medicine(药) there. She likes Chinese medicine very much. She loves working for children. She works hard in the day and reads English books on Chinese medicine at night. She learns Chinese from the Chinese doctors and her Chinese friends. Now she can speak some Chinese. She can read some Chinese books, too. Her husband Mr. King is a teach

doc文档 辽宁省辽阳市第九中学2018-2019学年七年级下学期第一次学情测试英语试题

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