八年级上英语期末复习专项卷 Unit3 一、课文语法填空 1. Tina is ____________ (outgoing) and ____________ (friendly) than Tara. 2.--Who is ____________ (hard-working) at school, Tina or Tara. --Tina thinks she works ____________ (hard) than me. 3. Lisa is the one ____________ short hair. I think she sang ____________ (clearly) than Nelly. 4. I think a good friend ____________ (true) cares about me and can likes to do the same things ____________ me. 5. I am ____________ (quiet) and ____________ (serious) than most kids. 6. I’m shy so it’s not easy for me ____________ (make) friends. 7. I always get better ____________ (grade) thank he does, so maybe I should help him ____________ (much). 8. We ____________ (feed) some hens and saw some baby ____________ (pig). 9. In ____________, my friend Carol is ____________ (funny) than any one I know. 10. I ____________ (break) my arm last year but she made me ____________ (laugh) and feel better. 二、词语填空 When I was in Grade 7, I used to spend too much time chatting online at night. The next day, I often 1.____________ (feel) sleepy in class, I couldn’t listen to teachers carefully 2.____________ I couldn’t repeat correctly what the teachers told me. I hardly understood 3.____________ they taught in class. That was why so much homework couldn’t be done by me because 4. ____________ my terribly situation at that time. And my mother always warned (警告) me of the 5.____________ (important) of my schoolwork. 6.____________ then on, I started studying for my most important exam in my life. At first, I couldn’t follow my teachers. But there is an old saying: He who laughs last laughs 7.____________ (good). Now I listen carefully in class every day. At night, I read some books 8.____________ finishing the homework. I like studying with my teachers and classmates. I’ve made much progress and I think I have won the war against my laziness. I’m no 9.____________ (long) a fool, which once worried my parents a lot in the past. Come on, boys and girls! We are the 10.____________ (hero) of ourselves. Let’s go to a good high school! 八年级上英语期末复习专项卷 Unit4 一、课文语法填空 1. You can buy clothes ____________ (cheap) at Miller’s in our town. 2. Sun Cinema is ____________ (new) one of the three. You can sit ____________ (comfortable) because they have ____________ (big) seats. 3. Among these cinemas, Tom cinema is ____________ (close) to home. And you can buy tickets ____________ (quickly) there. 4. Dream Clothes is ____________ (bad) than Blue Moon. It has the ____________ (bad) service in the city. 5. The Big Screen is ____________ (expensive) than most cinemas, but Cinema City is ____________ (expensive). 6. The talent shows try to look for ____________ (good) singers, ____________ (talented) dancers, ____________ (exciting) magicians, ____________ (funny) actors and so on. 7. But who can play the piano ____________(well) or sing ____________ (beautiful)? 8. However, if you don’t take these shows too ____________ (serious), they are fun ____________ (watch). 9. Some think that the ____________ (life) of the performances are ____________ (make) up. 10. When people watch the show, they usually play a role in ____________ (decide) the ____________ (win). 二、词语填空 Years ago, I lived in a house in a large city. The house next door was only a few meters away from 1.____________ (my), through the windows, I could often see a woman who I had never met doing some reading in the house every afternoon. Several months went 2.____________, I began to notice that her window was dirty. Everything was not very clear through the dirty window. I wondered 3.____________ the woman didn’t wash her window. It really looked terrible. One bright morning, I decided 4.____________ (clean) my house, including washing the window inside. Later in the afternoon when I sat down by the window 5.____________ a cup of coffee for a test. 6.____________ surprising! I found that the woman’s window was actually so clean 7.____________ she could be seen clearly sitting by the window. That was quite 8.____________ important lesson for me. How often had I looked at others through my own shortcoming(缺点)! Since then, I have been used to asking myself whether I am looking 9.____________ my own dirty window. Before I want to judge(判断) someone, I always think more than before and try to clean the dirty window so that I may see the world around me 10.____________ (much) clearly. 八年级上英语期末复习专项卷 Unit3 一、课文语法填空 1-5 more outgoing, more friendly/more hard-working, harder/ with, mo

docx文档 期末复习Units3-4课本基础语法考查+篇章语法填空强化训练2021-2022学年人教版英语八年级上册

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期末复习Units3-4课本基础语法考查+篇章语法填空强化训练2021-2022学年人教版英语八年级上册 第 1 页 期末复习Units3-4课本基础语法考查+篇章语法填空强化训练2021-2022学年人教版英语八年级上册 第 2 页 期末复习Units3-4课本基础语法考查+篇章语法填空强化训练2021-2022学年人教版英语八年级上册 第 3 页 期末复习Units3-4课本基础语法考查+篇章语法填空强化训练2021-2022学年人教版英语八年级上册 第 4 页
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