重庆中考短文填空词汇 词性 单词 动词 ask; have; need; have; help; find; see; want; say; think; get; start; like; leave; stop; live; feel; face; enjoy; make; wake; stop; remember; show; hear; wait ;trust; share; agree; win; mind; accept; borrow; succeed; understand; change; smile; fail; discover 名词 time; box; class; student; lesson; questions; parents; teacher; month; bus; idea minute; idea; way; surprise; end; night; eye; mistake; success; sentence; foot; light 形容词 right; better; small; much; bad; long; last; sorry; other; lucky; another; worst; little; each; higher; closer; both; worst; famous; full; ; own; able; wet; rest; sweet 副词 very ; too; ; never; again; quickly; also; away; however; instead; (how ;When; why; where) 介词 For ; from; on; to; in; to; with; about; at; by; as; over; before; after; without; among; between 连词 And;but; after; before; so; that; as; If; though; or; than; although; whether; while; 代词 We;they; you; it ; none; themselves; nothing; nobody 短语 how much; come true; get up; each other; look after; hear from; such as; work out; used to; put off; not only···but also neither...nor... the more...the more... 巴蜀近期短文填空总结 动词 Learning ; spend; Makes; wore; left; brought; needs; losing; accept; stick; managing; changed/turned; invent; prepare; make; eat; face/meet; been; receiving; used; Changed; talking; noticed ;leading put/take; looking; share; hear; save; mean; make/prepare; Plan; cost; Listen; become; suggests; change; agree; allowed; take; .run; helps; 介词 like, . to; with; back;between; from;about; unlike; for; out; without; close; including; Through/by; .in; During;between 代词 nobody; them ; none; others ; both; Those/anyone; its; everything; it ; ourselves; himself; 连词 when, what. when; unless. but; how; if; than; before; or; whether; since; although; whether; because; 副词 suddenly, easily; fast/quickly; harder; only; such; better; aloud; however ; ahead carefully;Hard;together; instead; 形容词 peaceful. important; difficult; absent; much; less; four; not; both; same; local; necessary; plenty;quiet;healthy; Another; impossible; easier; full; own 名词 Way; cities; members’ ; guests’; deal; influence ; songs; Gifts; example; choices; mistakes; habit; results; list; language; percent; part; internet; difference;decisions; sport; beginning; surprise 短文填空 词性 单词 代词 (必 考 2-3 普通不定代词: both; all; either; neither; any; none; each; every; few; little; many; much other; another; others 等 道: 单选, 完型, 短 填) 复合不定代词: Somebody; someone; something (no/every/any +thing/body) 指示代词: This; these; that; those; it; one; that 疑问代词: What; which; who; whom; whose 人称代词/物主代词/反身代词: They; their; themselves 介词 ( 必 考 1-3 道 : 单 选 完 型 短 填) 时间介词: On; at; in; for; by; since; during; from…to…; until; before; after 连 接 词 ( 必 考 1-3 道 : 单 选 完 型 短 填) 并列: And; or; but; so; not only…but also; neither…nor; either…or; both… and… 方位介词: In; on; at; into; over; under; above; below; across; through; along From; near; beside; inside; outside; next to; behind; to; towards 方式介词: By; in; with; on 其他: With; like; over; from; among; except; before; without; around; of; as; between; after 状语从句: 时间- when/while/before/after/until/since/as soon as 条件-if/unless/as long as 原因-because/since/as 让步-although/though/even if/even though 目的-so that/in order that 方式-as/ as if/though 结果-so…that; such…that… 宾语从句: If/whether/that 关系代词: Who/whom/what/which/whose 关系副词: When/where/how/why 1. 【2022 届巴蜀九年级 10 月月考】X.短文填空。(每小题 2 分,共 16 分) 根下面短文内容,在短文的空格处填上一个恰当的词,使短文完整、通顺。 You may sometimes feel worried and upset about your relations with your family members. Not getting along well with them probably has a bad ______84_____on you. Here is some advice to you so that your problems and pressures can be dealt with properly. Take time to listen. When your opinions are different from your family _____85______, do not stop them. Let them finish talking. You should also think about what you need and what your family need. When you argue with a family member, try to meet in the middle so ______86_____sides are happy with the agreement. Talk about it. Try ______87_____ your everyday life with a family member at a right time and in a place where they are open to listening. Build trust. It takes time to build trust in relationships with your family! You really need to work hard _____88______a long time. Start with small things and work your way up. Spend time together. Understanding and love come from staying together. _____89______you spend free time with your family

doc文档 重庆巴蜀中学2022年人教版中考英语复习--短文填空专项训练

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