选择性必修二 Unit 1 Science and scientists-Using language 词汇练习及句型 讲练 一、根据中文或首字母提示写出下列单词。(P6—10) 1. Qian realized that China needed its own powerful air force to protect and d_____________ the country. 2. As a graduate ________________( 助 手 ) at the California Institute of Technology during the 1930s, Qian helped conducted important research into rocket propulsion. 3. Under Qian’s _______________( 领 导 ), China developed the Dongfeng missiles, followed by the first generation of Long March rockets. 4. However, what might have made him such an _______________( 杰出的) and creative scientist was probably his strong interest in other things, such as music and drawing. 5. Stephen Hawking was one of the most famous and g___________ scientists in physics. 6. Since he come down with a disease which caused him to lose the use of most of his muscles, his world became one of _______________(抽象的) thought. 7. Hawking’s own work on the big bang theory was soon proven by _______________( 天 文 学 家 ) with ______________(望远镜). A star was born. 8. Besides being _______________(聪颖的), he was brave, though sometimes careless in what he said or did. 9. Above all, Hawking was willing to admit his ______________(过错). 10. They must have a v_______________ imagination and a strong intuition in order for new findings to be made. 二、单句语法填空(P6—10) 1. _____________(describe) as a man with “great scientific thought and scientific spirit” __________ was patriotic and served his homeland with effort, achievement, and ____________(devote), Qian was an _____________(extreme) well-respected man. 2. However, after the Songhu Battle ______________(break) out in 1932, Qian made the ______________(decide) to switch his major _________ aviation. 3. Over _________ the course of the 1930s and 1940s, Qian became a pioneer _________ American jet and rockety technology. 4. Qian received a hero’s welcome from his homeland and ____________(put) in charge of not only developing China’s rocket science but also _________(it) space and missile programme. 5. No institute or university in China offered rocket science _______ a major, and there were no ____________(talent) or experts in this field in China. _________, Qian didn’t let that discourage him _________ taking on the challenge. 6. When ___________(ask) “Can we Chinese possibly make missiles?”, his reply was a ______________(determine) “Why not? We Chinese are able to make __________ same things that other people make.” 7. Qian read a lot and was extremely ________________(knowledge), _____________(especial) in the area of frontier science research. 8. During the question and answer period after one of Hoyle’s ____________(lecture), Hawking ___________(stand) up and pointed out that Hoyle had made a mistake _________ his maths. 9. _______________(actual), what matters is not only ___________ they observe in the world around them and what questions they ask, __________ how they use evidence or data ____________(answer) the questions. 10. You see, ___________ doing science, scientists get a __________(good) understanding of the world around them and share that understanding ___________ the whole world. 三、写出下列词组含义,并用其适当形式填空。 have a great impact on_______ be related to ______________ make a decision to do____________ over the course of___________ earn the name of___________ discourage…from…______________ conduct research into_________ in charge of_______________ be familiar with _________________ come down with ___________ dream of/about __________________ point out _________________ be willing to do…____________ above all _________________ get a better understanding of _________ 1. I’d like to speak to the person who is ___________________ this program. 2. I have been coughing these days, so I think I’m ________________________ flu. 3. I want to buy a house---modern, comfortable and _______________, in a quiet neighborhood. 4. I _________________ help you but I don’t have much time available. 5. The incident would ____________________ the global economy and financial markets. 6. She has a gift for music and __________________ all kinds of musical instruments. 7. I don’t mean to _____________ you ____________ updating to the latest version, but it is possible that the new version doesn’t work. 8. After years of hard work, Yuan Longping eventually fulfilled his ________________ developing the hybrid rice. 9. ______________________ the activity, you can do whatever you like to do. 10. I

doc文档 Unit 1 Science and scientists-Using language-高二英语重难点词句语法基础+提升练(新人教版选择性必修二)

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