( 高一英语学科)教学设计模板 基本信息 名称 unit5 Nelson Mandela---a modern hero 执教者 张洋 所属教材目录 人教版必修 1 unit5 Elias’story 课时 Period2 Reading 教材分析 This lesson is the reading part of unit5. According to Elias’ telling, our students can think about what kind of person Mandela is. Furthermore, they can develop their reading ability and also learn the great qualities of Nelson Mandela. 学情分析 As Senior One students, they are curious about everything but at different levels. Some of them dare not express their opinions for their bad English ability ,so they are not active in class. Therefore, I arrange different levels of activities to arouse their interest and courage. 教学目标 (1) Knowledge aims(知识目标) a. Words:equal,generous,lawyer,guidance, legal... b.Phrases:blow up, out of work,as a matter of fact... c. Sentences:Only then did we decide to answer violence with violence. the Attributive Clause introduced by relative adverbs and preposition+which/whom (2) Ability aims (能力目标) (1)Enable the students to use the new words and expressions to make a poster and a simple speech. ( 2 ) Develop the students’ reading ability and encourage the students to learn from famous person. (3) Emotional aims(情感目标) Further understand the bad experience of the blacks in South Africa and build up correct outlook on life. 重点 ①Overt plot: By using the proper reading skills and mind map to guide the students to understand the whole passage . ②Covert plot: Try to guide students talk about the qualities of great people and understand the real meaning of a hero. 难点 ① Enable students to understand the clues of the passage:overt plot and covert plot. ②Enable students to participate in the class actively and consolidate the language structures and skills effectively. 教学重难点 教学策略与设 计说明 Teaching methods: In order to achieve the teaching aims and break through the key and difficult points mentioned above, choose the following methods as the main teaching approach. Explanation and practice. A taskbased method (3) A studentcentred method (4)cooperativecommunication approach. Learning methods: Encourage students to use different learning methods. Such as: 1. Discovering learning 2.Cooperative learning 3.Autonomic learning 教学过程 教学环节(注明 每个环节预设的 时间) 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 引出话题。激发学 Step1 Greeting and leading-in Greet the class.The teacher introduces the African independent movement is a long history and they experience a tough time. Free talk.To motivate Ss’ learning interest and to get to know some great people. (1min) Step2 Prereading (4min) 生兴趣和好奇心, 使学生自然而然地 进入新地教学中。 Some great people appear during this period, and some student make the presentation of Gandhi, Martin Luther King and Nelson Mandela.Then teacher shows some pictures of Nelson Mandela and Elias.By the telling of Elias to describe their experience. On the basis of these,help Ss understand the the topic . In this way Ss can learn some basic information of Mandela.By the telling of Elias to describe the difficulties of Africans and young Mandela to old Mandela. What they experiences together.Deepen the understanding of Mandela and African so as to lead in the new passage. 通过学生对影响非洲 种族平等作出贡献的 三位伟人的展讲和老 师对曼德拉和伊莱亚 斯的引入让学生在语 境中感知本节课话题, 为新课的学习做铺垫。 Step3 WhileReading (20min) 1.Skimming: After the teacher shows some pictures of Mandela and teaching aims. Try to lead Ss to finish two tasks on the basis of the skimming skills. 1.Match the idea of each paragraph. 2.Divide the text into two parts and experience the changes of Elias’ life before and after he met Nelson Mandela. Read quickly.Try to find the first and the last sentence of each paragraph and get the general idea.By dividing the passage into two parts and some pictures to understand the whole structure. 了解全文,以读促知。 教师侧重培养学生略 读——通过查找每一 段中心句和整体文本 结构的部分划分来了 解文章整体结构。 2.Scanning: The teacher will lead Ss to get some detail information by scanning skills: 1.Read para.1-para.2 Elias first met Mandela. According Mandela help Elias, finish the timeline and close reading. The teacher will give an example of a word to describe Mandela’s quality. And lead Ss to speak more.Begin to draw a mind map. 1.Ss read the text again.By finding the key time words and inferring ability to finish the timeline and close reading. The most important is Ss will conclude some words to describe Mandela’s help to Elias.Dictate some useful new words and expressions in this unit:lawyer, guidance, legal.... 2.Guide Ss to read para.3, Play the tape and answer 2 questions by f

doc文档 Unit 5 reading 教学设计 2021-2022学年人教版高中英语必修一

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