外研版八年级下册 Module2 词汇检测 一、根据中文写出单词 1. 曾经;从来 adv. 2. 参加;报名 v. 3. 比赛;竞争 n. 5. 梦想 n. 4. 奖品;奖项 n. 6. 买得起 v. 做梦;梦到 v. 7. 邀请 v. 8. 搬家;改变...的位置 v. 9. 派遣去 v. 10. 德国 n. 11. 法国 n. 12. 塔 n. 13. 古老的;古代的 adj. 14. 国王;君王 n. 15. 女王;王后 n. 16. 方面;态度 n. 17. 相混合;融合 v. 18. 惦念;怀念;想念 v. 19. 数;清点 v. 20.阿拉伯语 n. 二、词性变化 competition(n.)---_________________(v.)竞赛;比赛 invite(v.)---_________________(n.)邀请(函) send(v.)---______________(过去式)---_____________(过去分词)派遣去;命令...去 move(v.)---_________________(n.)运动---_________________(adj.)令人感 动的---_________________(adj.)感人的 Germany ---(n.&adj.)____________德国人;德语;德国的---______________(pl.)德国 人 France---_______________(n.&adj.)法国人;法语;法国的 dream(v.)---______________(过去式)---_____________(过去分词)做梦;梦到;梦 想 miss(v.)---_______________(动词第三人称单数)惦念;怀念 三、重点短语 1. 许多_________________ 2. 参加比赛_________________ 3. 一等奖_________________ 4. 好运_________________ 霉运_________________ 5. 考虑_________________ 18. 帮助某人做某事_________________ 帮助某人做某事_________________ 19. 停止做某事_________________ 停止某事去做另一件事_____________ 想起_________________ 20. 需要做某事_________________ 仔细考虑_________________ 21. 邀请某人做某事_________________ 6. 编写;写作_________________ 22. ...一家;...夫妇_________________ 7. 编写;创作_________________ 23. 喜爱做某事_________________ 8. 此刻_________________ 24. 曾经去过某地_________________ 9. 在那时_________________ 去了某地_________________ 例如_________________ 待在某地一段时间了_______________ 例如_________________ 25. 开始做某事_________________ 10. 与....不同_________________ 26. 喜欢做某事_________________ 与...一样_________________ 27. 学着做某事_________________ 11. 到目前为止_________________ 28. 最...的...之一_________________ 12. 倒数;倒计时_________________ 29. 要求某人(不要)做某事___________ 13. 乘火车_________________ 14. 过得愉快_________________ 15. 发现;了解_________________ 16. 在许多方面_________________ 17. 另外;而且_________________ __ 30. 派遣某人做某事_________________ 31. 期盼做某事_________________ 32. 发现做某事_________________ 33. 负担得起做某事_________________ 34. 使某人/某物保持某种状态__________ 四、根据汉语意思完成句子。(第 7-15 题每空一词) 1. 你想提高你的口语水平吗? Would you like to______________________________________? 2. 我父母将和我一起去度假。 My parents will__________________________________with me. 3. 太危险了!停止尝试吧。 It’s too dangerous! __________________________________it. 4. Linda 还没见过那位明星。太可惜了! Linda hasn’t met that star. __________________________________! 5. 写一个你最喜欢的老师的故事。 __________________________________your favourite teacher. 6. Mr Green 喜欢到世界各地旅行。 Mr Green enjoys__________________________________. 7. 现在她正在度假,不过她明天就回来了。 _____________ _____________ _____________, she’s on holiday, but she’ll be back tomorrow. 8. 美式英语与英式英语不同。 American English is _____________ _____________British English. 9. 琳达还没有去过纽约。 她希望明年去那里。 Linda _____________ _____________ _____________New York. She hopes to visit it next year. 10. 孩子们以多种方式庆祝新年。 Children celebrate the New Year_____________ _____________ _____________. 11. 人们已经开始倒计时了,十、九、八...... People have started to_____________ _____________from 10, 9, 8... 12. 格林一家正在客厅看电视。 _____________ _____________are watching TV in the living room. 13. 它是欧洲最大的城市之一。 It’s _____________ Europe. _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________in 14. 到目前为止,我们已经找到三本书了。 _____________ _____________we have found 3books. 15. 飞机票太贵了。我买不起。 The plane ticket is too_____________. And I _____________ _____________it. 五、用方框中所给词的适当形式填空。每词限用一次。 call, pity, excite, wonder, one 1. Jim was_____________when he heard the news. 2. --How was your trip last week? --It was_____________. 3. He is a new student_____________Jim. 4. She won_____________prize in the 100-metre race. 5. It’s a _____________that you can’t come to the party. miss, tower, send, be, write 6. Mary has many clothes. There are three_____________of clothes in her bedroom. 7. Ivy works in China and she_____________her family very much. 8. Toby’s parents_____________him to America to study when he was twelve. 9. At the moment, Dad is_____________a book about his home town. 10. Alice likes travelling, but she hasn’t_____________to Japan. 六、根据短文内容和所给中文提示,在空白处写出单词的正确形式。没空限填一次。 My name is Jenny. I like studying foreign languages and making up stories in different languages, such as English, French and Arabic. My younger brother Joe likes playing the piano and he began to learn it at the age of six. He _____________(梦想)of being a great pianist. Last summer, he_____________ ( 参 加 ) a _____________ ( 比 赛 ) and won first_____________(奖品). To celebrate it, my parents invited us to Europe to relax. We went to France, _____________(德国), Italy and Spain. We

doc文档 Module 2 Experiences 词汇检测和语法(含重难点提优) 2020-2021学年外研版英语八年级下册

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