2020-2021 学年河南省周口市项城市八年级(下)期中英语试 卷 二、阅读理解(20 小题,每小题 10 分,共 40 分)阅读下面四篇语言材料,然后按文后 要求做题。 1.(10 分) Dear Mike, My desk mate lately told me that there were a lot of people in my class who had hated me for a long time.I thought about how I had behaved in the past,but I don't think I did anything wrong.I feel lonely and sad now.What should I do? Julia Dear Julia, First ,you should keep in mind that not everyone is going to like you all the time.Some people might even hate you for no reason at all.I know that sounds unfair,but that's just how some people are. I will say this for you.It's not good to hear that your classmates supposedly(据说) dislike you.Why did I say "supposedly" ?It's possible that your desk mate is lying to you.He or she might be the one who hates you.Your desk mate might be the one who hates you.Your desk.mate might be trying to trick you and make you feel sad. On the other hand,it's also possible that you did something in the past that you don't quite remember﹣something that made your classmates dislike you.Maybe you can have a chat with your teacher and ask him or her if you misbehaved or hurt someone in the past.However ,I think it's more likely that your desk mate isn't being honest with you. Mike 根据材料内容选择最佳答案。 (1)What happened to Julia?    A.She did something wrong. B.Her desk mate helped her. C.She had no friends. D.She was told she was unpopular in class. (2)According to Mike,Julia's desk mate just might try to make her feel   . A.relaxed. B.tired. C.upset. D.angry. (3)Mike advised Julia to   . A.chat with her teacher B.stay away from her classmates C.do something for her class D.chat with her desk mate (4)Mike didn't remind(提醒)Julia that   . A.she was hated for no reason. B.her desk mate might trick her C.she might hurt someone in the past D.she might not trust her teachers. (5)Julia asked for help from Mike by   . A.chatting online. B.writing a letter. C.making a call. D.keeping a diary. 2.(10 分)Peter and Jenny were walking home from school along the street.Suddenly ,they heard a big noise. "Come on!That sounds like an accident.Let's see what happened." They ran to the place where the noise came from.As soon as they got there ,they saw what happened.A small car knocked into a truck.The accident happened in a quiet street with only four houses in it.Peter and Jenny were the first ones to reach the accident.No other people came.They found that both the car driver and the truck driver were hurt. "Peter,"said Jenny,"run back down the road to Mrs.Jones' house.Ask her to call the police and the ambulance(救护车),I'll stay here." Peter ran as fast as he could. There was nothing Jenny could do but wait.She knew that when people were hurt in an accident,they couldn't be moved. It was not long before the police car and the ambulance arrived.The policemen got the two drivers out.The men weren't badly hurt.But they were both taken to the hospital.The policemen thanked Peter and Jenny. "You are very good children to act so quickly when you saw the accident.Thank you for all your help." 根据材料内容选择最佳答案。 (1)The accident happened    . A.in a quiet street on one school day. B.in a busy street on one school day. C.in a quiet street on one Sunday. D.in a busy street on one Sunday. (2)   in the accident. A.Only the car driver was hurt B.Only the truck driver was hurt C.Neither of the two drivers was hurt D.Both of the drivers were hurt (3)   called the policemen. A.Jenny B.the drivers C.Mrs.Jones D.Peter (4)Jenny did nothing before the policemen arrived because    . A.she knew she had better not move the two drivers B.she was too frightened to do anything. C.she was alone after Peter left. D.she was waiting for Peter. (5)The policemen thanked Peter and Jenny because    A.they were the first ones to reach the accident. B.they helped to take the drivers to hospital C.They were walking along the street just at that time. D.They acted as quickly as they could after they saw the accident. 3.(10 分)I'm the father of a five﹣year﹣old boy. "Daddy ,where are you going?" Dave asks me when I'm putting on my running shoes on a cold Sunday morning. , "Go running,"Joe,why do you go running?" I don't know,"something lets me go." The truth is that just before you run,it's still difficult to explain to someone why you run.Of course,some people nun to lose weight or to be healthy Running is difficult.You need to persist(坚持).Running is also easy to do.It's cheap and you can do it whenever you want.There are more than two million people

doc文档 2020-2021学年河南省周口市项城市八年级(下学期)期中英语试卷

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