上海市杨浦区 2018-2020 年三年中考二模英语试题汇编-首字母填空专题 2020 年上海市杨浦区中考二模英语试题 C. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words(在短文的空格内填入适当的 词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给) We may think today that Donald Trump invented the term, but “fake news” has been around for a while. In the early 19th century, small regional and local papers made their product known and i___56___ their sales with a lot of made-up news articles. The Central Park Zoo Escape, reported on November 9, 1874, is one such event. The front page of the New York Herald that day reported that v___57___ animals had escaped from the Central Park Zoo. A rhino had fallen into a sewer(下水道) and a lion had been seen walking slowly through a church. The article said that, while the police and National Guard were doing what they could, twenty-seven people had already died and many others had been injured. Readers were scared and armed men were seen in the streets, preparing to p___58___ their loved ones and property by battling the wild animals of the zoo. In their upset, they clearly hadn’t read to the end of the article: the l___59___ line stated that ‘the whole story given above is a pure lie’! But why was it done? The article was the creation of a reporter named Joseph Clarke. Working alongside his editor, Clarke wanted to highlight the dangerous conditions at the zoo by showing the readers what could happen, not what a___60___ had. They had no idea of the fear it would cause. The paper never apologized for the upset to New Yorkers. I___61___, they ran a short statement requesting that safety conditions at the zoo should be improved. The l___62___ to learn? Always read right to the end! The whole story given above is not a pure lie! 【答案】56. increased 57. various 58. protect 59. last 60. actually/already 61. Instead 62. lesson 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文,主要介绍纽约先驱报发布报道说动物园的动物跑出来了,人们没有看到新闻的最后一 行以为新闻是真的而陷入恐慌。作者告诫读者永远要记得读到最后。 【56 题详解】 句意:在 19 世纪早期,小的地方报纸通过很多编造的新闻文章来让他们的产品出名和增加销量。 根据 and 可知此处用动词的过去式与 made 形成并列,根据首字母和“their sales”可知此处用动词 increased 表示“增加销量”。故答案为 increased。 【57 题详解】 句意:纽约先驱报的头版报道多种动物从中央公园的动物园跑了。 名词 animals 前面缺形容词修饰,根据“A rhino…and a lion”可知不止一种动物,此处根据首字母可知用形 容词 various 表示“多种的”。故答案为 various。 【58 题详解】 句意:读者害怕了,武装人员可在大街上看到,准备着通过与动物园的野兽搏斗来保护他们所爱的人和 财物。 此处用的是 prepare to do 表示“准备好做某事”;根据“their loved ones and property by battling the wild animals of the zoo”及首字母提示可知用动词原形 protect 表示“保护”。故答案为 protect。 【59 题详解】 句意:令他们沮丧的是,他们很明显没有读到文章最后,最后一行写着:上面整个故事是个谎言。 名词 line 前面用形容词修饰,根据“read to the end of the article”及首字母提示可知此处用形容词 last 表示 “最后的”。故答案为 last。 【60 题详解】 句意:和他的编辑一起,克拉克想要通过显示可能发生的事而不是实际或已经发生的事来给读者强调动 物园的危险状况。 had 后面省略了 happened,动词前副词修饰;根据前文可知报道是一个谎言,事情没有真实的发生或已经 发生,根据首字母提示此处用副词 already 表示“已经”或者 actually 表示“真实地”。故答案为 actually/already。 【61 题详解】 句意:取而代之,他们发布了一个简短的说明要求改进动物园的安全状况。 根据“never apologized for the upset to New Yorkers”可知他们没有道歉而 采用了另一种方法取而代之,用 instead 表示“代替,取而代之”。故答案为 Instead。 【62 题详解】 句意:得到的教训是? 根据“learn”和“Always read right to the end”可知此处讲的是给读者的教训,用名词 lesson。故答案为 lesson。 上海市杨浦区 2019 届九年级中考二模语英语试题 C. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words(在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容 通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给)(14 分) I recently took part in a very exciting five-week trip for teenagers, to volunteer at an international wildlife study centre, off the coast of a country far from where I live. The a 81 of the center was to help protect wildlife. So the project I signed up for included attending classes about wildlife, and going on daily dives underwater to collect important information for the scientists back at the centre. We were w 82 by staff about our accommodation(食宿) before we arrived at the centre. Sure enough, when we got there, we were shown to some small wooden huts where we would live. They were quite b 83 : no indoor washroom and no fridge, so our meals were all vegetarian. However, I hadn’t eaten meat for years, so it was perfect for me. The day after our arrival, we started our t_84 - learning the names of all the different fish, and how to count and describe them in a way that would be useful to the scientists. We also learnt a very important underwater creature called coral. However, this creature is now in danger because of problems such as global warming. So a 85 we did very little work involving the coral itself, we really felt our work in helping local sea creatures was essential. Every day at the study centre was amazing, but there was one in particular when I was under the water as usual, with my ' diving buddy’, collecting data on the fish in the area. I s 86 looked up-and f

docx文档 上海市杨浦区2018-2020年三年中考二模英语试题汇编-首字母填空专题

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