专题 03 投诉信 一、必背套句 1. 我写信向你投诉有关上个月我在你家店买的手机的问题。 I’m writing to express my dissatisfaction about the mobile phone which I bought last month in your store. 2. 我是你的一个顾客。我想投诉你店里一个服务员的不礼貌而且粗鲁的行为。 I am one of your customers. I’m writing to complain about one of your waiters’ improper and rude behaviors. 3. 我对……不满意有一些主要原因。首先,……更糟糕的是,……最后,…… There are some main reasons why I am not content with…First, … What’s worse, … Eventually, … 4. 我真诚地希望你能认真调查这件事情,以及采取恰当的措施防止类似事件再次发生。 I sincerely hope that you will look into the matter seriously and proper measures should be taken to prevent such an incident happening again. 5. 你若能尽快采取措施处理这个问题,我将感激不尽。 I would appreciate it very much if you could take measures to solve the problem as soon as possible. 二、写作模板 Dear ________, My name is/I am ________. I am writing to you for ________. Firstly, ________. Secondly, ________. Thirdly, ________. Therefore, I require that you send me a new one of the same model within a month. To be honest/Honestly speaking, ________. Therefore, I do require(hope) ________. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely yours, Li Hua 三、高分范文 你是李华,两周前你从网上一套书虫系列读物(BookwormSeries)昨天才到货,且包装破 1 损,数量不足。请就此向网店客服写邮件投诉。要点如下: 1. 介绍购物情况 2.反映存在问题 3.提出解决方案 To whom it may concern, I am one of your customers I ordered a set of Bookworm Series on your website two weeks ago, but I didn’t receive them until yesterday. And much to my disappointment, the books were so poorly packed up that the cover of one book was torn. To make matters worse, it is not a complete set, as I found one book missing. I am sorry to have received such poor service, and I believe I have every right to ask you to deal with this problem. I hope that you either return my money or deliver a new set of books to me. Besides, I’d like to be informed of the process of your dealing with my complaint. Looking forward to your reply. Yours sincerely, Li Hua 四、各地最新联考试题 (一) 【浙江省十校联盟 2020 高三联考】 【写作提示】 1.此项写作任务是给市长写一封反映城市安全隐患的邮件,开头应表明身份,语气应充满敬意, 容应具体详实,语言应简洁明了。 2.该写作任务的难点在于要点二:说明理由。这里所涉及的是什么理由呢?是人们跌倒的理由, 还是李华如此关注这一安全隐患的理由? 【参考范文】 Honorable Mayor, I’m Li Hua, an exchange student from China studying in George High School. I’ve noticed there are no street lights along the small lanes in the nearby Civic Center Park. Due to the unavailability of street lights, several minor accidents such as tripping over an object have happened in the park, and people have been complaining about it. This park is very popular with the residents and a brighter-lit park will encourage more to use it 2 optimally 最佳地. May I suggest that the city council look into installing lights along the small lanes to allow better visibility in the park? Thank you for considering my suggestion. Respectfully yours, Li Hua 【高分语言结构】 1.高级词汇 unavailability.无法得到 trip 绊倒 resident.居民 optimally adv 最佳地 city council 市 政府 install 安装 visibility.能见度 2.高级句式 May I suggest that the city council look into installing lights along the small lanes to allow better visibility in the park? (suggest 示“建议,命令时宾语从句常用( should)+动词原形的 虚拟结构) (二) 【浙南名校联盟 2020 高三第一次联考】 【写作提示】 1.此项写作任务是给商家写投诉信,语气应直白、坚决。 2 信的开头应写明自己的身份以及购买对方产品的时间、地点 ,以便对方查验。3 投诉的质 量问题应真实,诉求要到位。 Dear Mr Smith, I am Li Hua, a regular customer of Amazon. I’m sorry to trouble you, but I have to make a complaint about the schoolbag I purchased last week. When receiving the schoolbag, I was disappointed to find the color was quite different from what was shown in the advertisement. What also annoyed me was that there were several black spots on the bag, which couldn’t be wiped away. For the reasons above, I strongly demand that either the schoolbag be exchanged or that I be compensated with a full refund. Looking forward to your prompt reply. Yours sincerely, Li Hua 【高分语言结构】 1.高级词汇 regular customer 常客 complaint.投诉 compensate 赔偿 refund 退款 2 高 级 句 式 What also annoyed me was that there were several black spots on the bag, which couldn’t’ be wiped away(what 引导主语从句 that 引导表语从句: which 引导非限制性定语从 3 句) For the reasons above. I strongly demand that either the schoolbag be exchanged or that I be compensated with a full refund.(that 引导宾语从句) 4

doc文档 专题03 投诉信-备战2020年高考英语书面表达考前冲刺

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