2021-2022 学年重庆市求精中学九年级(上)开学英语试卷 Ⅱ.单项选择(每小题 1 分,共 10 分) 1.(1 分)My friend is honest girl.She wants to be useful person when she grows up.( ) A.an;a B.a;a C.a;an D.an;an 2.(1 分)﹣How does Peter usually go to work? ﹣He ______ drive a car,but now he ______ there to lose weight.(  ) A.used to; is used to walk B.used to; is used to walking C.was used to; is used to walk D.was used to; is used to walking 3.(1 分)I learn English A.for listening to tapes.(  ) B.by 4.(1 分)Can you tell me C.in D.of ?(  ) A.where did Jim go B.where does Jim live C.where Jim lives D.where is Jim 5.(1 分)All the roads by fallen leaves in autumn.(  ) A.covers B.covered C.are covered D.were covered 6.(1 分)一 Mr.Crum is still working in his office it is nearly midnight. 一 So be does.He works so hard every day!(  ) A.although B.but C.because D.or 7.(1 分)﹣Hello,may I speak to Mr.Smith? ﹣Sorry,he isn't at home.He the office.(  ) A.has gone to B.has been to C.has been in D.has been away 8.(1 分)﹣A number of volunteers ready to teach in China's rural(乡村的) areas. ﹣ Yes,the number getting bigger and bigger.(  ) A.is;is B.is;are C.are;is D.are;are 9.(1 分)While she on the phone,a man walked into her room.(  ) A.talks B.talked C.is talking D.was talking 10.(1 分)This is problem that I can't solve it.(  ) A.a such difficult B.such a difficult C.so difficult D.so a difficult Ⅲ.完形填空 11.(10 分)Every day when Cora Castle from US goes back home,she turns on her computer and logs into(登录) a website called Fuel Up 10 Play 60. She writes down what she has eaten and what kind of activities she has (1)    that day.She explains her daily diet and exercise routines.Then the websites decides whether Castle has eaten(2)    and done enough exercise. All of the seventh grade students in Castle's school have done the same thing (3)   the year started.It's part of their health class. If the website finds that Castle's habits are unhealthy,it will give her (4)   .It is very useful.If she does something good,the website will give her a star. (5)   wants more stars.Her health teacher set up a competition to see(6)    student could get the most stars from the website.Castle is doing well.She has got 30 stars so far. Bad eating habits are one of the main (7)   of health problems later in life.Cameron Bartlett said she likes tracking(追踪) her eating habits and activities. "This is the first year we've done it," she said. "It's really interesting to see all of the (8)   choices that we have." The seventh grade heath class is coming to ( 9 )     , as the class only lasts for one semester.Though they won't be in health class anymore , the students all said that they will (10)    to take part in the Fuel Up to Play 60 program. "There's lots of bad food out there that we've all been eating ," Bartlett said. "This rally helps all of us eat healthier food." (1)A.missed B.worked C.done D.exercised (2)A.regularly B.politely C.healthily D.heavily (3)A.whether B.because C.though D.since (4)A.praise B.advice C.problem D.excuse (5)A.Somebody B.Everybody C.Nobody D.Who (6)A.what B.why C.which D.when (7)A.excuses B.worries C.suggestions D.causes (8)A.different B.boring C.expensive D.funny (9)A.an agreement B.a point C.a head D.an end (10)A.continue B.afford C.forget D.prepare IV.阅读理解(1 篇每小题 3 分,其余每小题 3 分,共 35 分) 12.(3 分) Hero's milk carton An ancient scientist named Hero invented a strange tool that moves itself.You can easily make it too. You'll need ●Two large milk or juice cartons (紙盒) ● Nail(钉子) ● String ● Cooking pot ①Use nail to make holes in bottom (底 部 ) corners of carton like this Put one hole through center of top. ②Fill pot with water,and take all your materials(材料) outdoors. Hang carton from a tree branch or other object so it swings free. ③Pour water into carton,step back and watch what it does. (1)We need to make    holes through the carton. A.3 B.4 C.5 D.6 (2)You can make this experiment(试验)    . A.in the classroom B.at home C.in the cinema D.in the park (3)Where can you find this passage?     A.A story book. B.A science magazine. C.A newspaper. D.A diary. 13.(8 分)Many people think things like ghosts and death are scary.But in fact,we just had a festival celebrating these things. Each year , on the 15th day of the seventh month in the Chinese lunar calendar , we celebrate Zhongyuan Festival or Ghost Festival.It was on Aug.15 this year. On this day,families light lanterns to help dead people fin

docx文档 2021-2022学年重庆市求精中学九年级(上学期)开学英语试卷

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