Unit 10 I'd like some noodle Section A (1a~2c) Home With Kids fruit A:What kind of fruit would you like? B:I’d like some bananas. bananas strawberries oranges pears apples grapes vegetables a potato [pə'teItəʊ] a carrot ['kӕrət] potatoes carrots vegetables a tomato tomatoes [tə'meItəʊ] cabbage ['kæbIdʒ] a cabbage cabbages A:What kind of vegetables would you like? B:I’d like ... tomatoes potatoes cabbages carrots meat chicken ['tʃIkIn] beef [bi:f] mutton ['mʌtn] I like noodles very much. different kinds of noodles beef and tomato noodles a bowl of beef and tomato noodles chicken and cabbage noodles a bowl of chicken and cabbage noodles beef, carrot and potato noodles a bowl of beef, carrot and potato noodles I don’t know how to cook noodles. Class 8 No odl e Ho us e 1a Match the words with the foods. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. g mutton __ beef __ b noodles __ c chicken __ d cabbage __ e potatoes __ f tomatoes __ a carrots __ h special: 特色菜 There are three specials in Noodle House 1b Listen and check  the noodles that the person orders.  We have three sizes of noodles. What size would you like? small S a small bowl medium a medium bowl M large a large bowl L

ppt文档 unit10 I'd like some noodles. Section A 1a-2c课件-2021-2022学年人教版英语七年级下册

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