牛津英语九年级第二学期中考复习--选择题 1. The 19th CPC National Congress (十九大) is ______big success and we should try our best to build ______better world. A. /, a B. /, the C. a, a D. a, the 2. --- Boys and girls, no hand ______any other tool can be used in the game, ______ you still need to make it work. Are you clear about the rules? ---Yes, sir. A. and; so B. or; but C. and; but D. or; so 3. ---That old man looks weak these days. ---Yes .we're sure __ something is wrong with him and we doubt ___ the disease can be cured. A. if; whether B. that; that C. whether; if D. that; whether 4. Could you tell me _______? A. what she had done with the newspapers C. what is wrong with the little boy B. how we can call this lady D. which gate I should go 5. ---How do you like your new school? --- Wonderful. When I ______ trouble, many teachers and students will help me. A. look into B. get into C. cut into D. break into 6. Tan Dun has an amazing gift for art and his music is well worth ______. A. being listened to B. listen to C. listening to D. to listen to 7. ______ the students ______their teacher know about the Spud Webb. A. Both…and… B. Not only…but also… C. Neither-…nor… D. Either…or… 8. You have set _________ good example for me, and I’ll try my best to reach ________ height you did. A. a; a B. a; the C. the; a D. /; the 9. —Billy sometimes gets _________ sleepy in class. —That’s because he always has _________ sleep at night. A. a bit; little B. a bit of; little C. a little; much D. a lot of; a little 10. —My cousin does well in many outdoor activities, but he never _________. —What a _________ boy! We should learn from him. A. gets off: thoughtful B. takes off; energetic C. shows off; modest D. puts off; curious 11. What_________ exciting news report! The thief will be in_________ prison for 2 years. A. an; a B. /; / C. an; / D. /; the 12. Jin Yong's works are not just popular among Chinese people. They also bring the ______of Chinese Wuxia to the world. A. stress B. spirit C. symbol D. silence 13. ____________Go Fighting(极限挑战) ________________ Keep Running(奔跑吧) pay attention to the environmental problems in their programmes. A. Either; or B. Neither; norC. Both; and D. Not only; but also 14. —We shouldn’t spend too much time playing computer games. —I agree, it ___________ too much of our time. A. takes up B. takes off C. takes on D. takes part 15. Daniel had one month __________ last summer and he took a course ________ DIY. A. off; in B. for; about C. away; on D. off; for 16. — I think Zhang Yimou’s new film Shadow is worth ___________. The pictures in it are so beautiful and amazing! — But I’d rather ________ it. I prefer films which have good stories. A. seeing; see B. being seen; not see C. seeing; not to see D. seeing; not see 17. You could hardly imagine ________amazing the Avengers 4(复仇者联盟 4) was ______you saw it for yourself. A. how, unless B. what, unless C. how, if D. what, until 18. —________ do you call your classmate? — Max, and the red bike over there is for________. A. What; his B. What; him C. How; his D. How; him 19. Chicago isn’t so famous ______ New York. However, it is the third _______ city in the USA. A. for; largest B. as; largest C. for; larger D. as; large 20. Nowadays , ________ of the old people in my community _________ used to dancing on the square after supper. A. two thirds; is B. two third; are C. two thirds; is D. two thirds; are 21. — _________ happy John looks! He won the first prize in the English speech competition. — _________ great progress she has made! Her English used to be pretty bad. A. How a; What B. How; What a C. What a; How 22. — My brother and I will go to the library tomorrow. A. So will my sister B. So will you D. How; What — _________. Shall we go together? C. So will I D. So am I 23. —What do you think of the film Avengers: Endgame(复联 4)? —Can you see the man _________ is in blue? He knows much about films and he will tell you whether it is worth _________ a second time. A. that; looking at B. whom; enjoying C. who; seeing D. which; listening 24. The price of television sets is becoming _________. So every family has at least one TV. A. fewer and fewer B. less and less C. higher and higher D. lower and lower 25. The great wuxia novelist Jin Yong passed away______the age of 94_____October 30,2018 in Hong Kong. A. at; in B.on; at C. at; on D. in; in 26. You'd better not read today's newspa

doc文档 2019-2020牛津英语九年级第二学期中考复习--选择题(含答案)

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