江苏地区牛津 7B 期中考试任务型专题训练 R-1 专题 难度 任务型阅读 ★★★★ 日期 实际用时 得分 ( 1 ) Do you know who is the president ( 总 统 ) of the USA now? Your answer is ‘Obama’, right? Next, let’s have a look at his growing experience (经历). (3)Ten-year-old Obama was one of the only three black students at his school in Honolulu, Hawaii. (4)The young boy didn’t look the same as most other students. White girls wanted to touch his hair. A white boy asked him whether (是否) his father ate people. “I lied (说谎) to them that my father was a Kenyan prince (王子) , but I kept asking myself who I was,” said Obama. However, ( 7) 47 years later, the boy made history. Barack Obama became the first black president in U.S. history. (2)Obama was born on August 4, 1961. His father is an African ( 非 洲 人 ) and his mother is a white American. This unusual background ( 背 景 ) made him want to know who he was. (5)With the help of his friends, Obama finally went xto college. His hard work made him a star at Harvard University, a famous university in Cambridge, Massachusetts. (10)During his competition for U.S. president, (8)Obama talked about his background. He called for a United States of America, rather than a white America or a black America. Obama’s success (成功) is a historic victory ( 胜利) .(9) It made Martin Luther King’s dream come true. That is: A man should not be judged (判断) by the colour of his skin, but by the content (内涵) of his character. The title The first (1)________ president in U.S. history Be born On (2)________ 4 ,1961. At age 10 The (3)________ of black students at his school is 3. He looked (4)________ from most other students. In college Got lots of support (支持) from (5)________. Grew popular among the students because of (6)________ work. At age (7)________ (8)________ people about his background. Won his competition (9)________ U.S. president. Obama’s success made Martin Luther King’s (10)________ come true. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. R-2 专题 难度 任务型阅读 ★★ 日期 实际用时 得分 Amy, a college student, lives in a flat in an old community. The community has many problems. First, there is only a small shop in it, so the people there have to do some shopping in the supermarket faraway. Second, there aren’t any gardens or parks in the community. The environment( 环境 )is not good. Third, most of the sports equipment( 设备 )there is broken. No one comes to fix it. People cannot exercise. All in all, it is not good to live in a community like that. Amy hopes to live in a convenient( 方便的 )modern community. Her dream community is near the sea. There she can enjoy the fresh air and play on the beach in her free time. She dreams that the community has a big supermarket, a hospital and a school. The neighbours are kind and helpful, and she can make many friends there. Old community Shop There is only a 1 shop. Environment There aren’t any 2 or gardens in it. Sports equipment Most of sports equipment is 5 Place It is near the Environment The 8 7 3. No one comes to it. community 6. there is fresh. They are kind and 9 . Amy can make many 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 第 91 页 4 10 there. R-3 专题 难度 任务型阅读 ★★★ 日期 实际用时 得分 You often find a beautiful princess (公主) and a handsome prince (王子) in films. They love each other and live happily. But in Frozen(《冰雪奇缘》), things are different. There are two princesses in the film, Elsa and Anna. They are sisters. Elsa has the magical powers (魔力) to make ice and snow. But she doesn’t know how to use her powers. She even hurt her sister Anna when they were young. From then on, the two didn’t live together any more. Anna met Prince Hans and they fell in love quickly. But soon Elsa accidentally ( 意外地 ) hurt Anna again. The only way to save Anna was using an “act (行为) of true love”. Anna went to Hans and asked for a kiss. But Hans said he wouldn’t. He told Anna that he didn’t really love her. He wanted to be with her only because he wanted to be the head of Anna’s country. How could Anna save herself and her country? It was not easy. Find the answer in the film by yourself. Frozen was the Best Animated Feature (最佳动画片) at the 86th Oscar Awards. The song in the film won an award, too. A new (1)________, Frozen Princesses: Elsa and her (2)________, Anna. Elsa has the magical powers, but Characters she doesn’t know how to (3)________ them. (人物) Prince: Hans. He wanted to be with Anna, because he only wanted to be the (4)________ of Anna’s country. Storyline (剧情) Elsa (5)____

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