外研版八年级上册 Module9-module10 知识点复习专练 一.根据汉意写英文 1. The small l (当地的) school closed in Parkville closed down five years ago. 2. No. 2 Middle School is a p school, not a private(私立的) one. 3. We all know h means large. 4. Drunk driving can c a traffic accident. 5. Would you mind not making a loud n here? Your father is sleeping. 6. They are playing basketball because they p 7. Every spring my mother likes to g 8. Please keep q to have a match. flowers and trees. when you are in the reading room. 9. The fewer cars we have, the less p 10. --- Who can s there will be. the problem? --- I believe everyone can. 二.完成句子 1.她已经没钱买食物了。 She has had no money to ________ ________ the food. 2 我花了两周时间将这本书读完。 It _______ ________ two weeks _______ _______ ________ this book. 3.我们镇的很多工厂在 20 世纪 90 年代倒闭了。 Many factories in our town were ________ _______ in the 1990s. 4.重庆的人口有多少? __________ the _________ of Chongqing? 5.五分之三的学生喜欢这本书。 _________ ________ of the students ________ this book. 6.游览济南的最佳时期是秋天。 _________ _________ ________ _________ _________ Jinan is autumn. 7.辽宁位于中国的东北部。 Liaoning is_________ ________ _________ ___________ China. 8.明天最低温度可能零下 15 度。 The lowest temperature tomorrow ______________be _________fifteen degrees. 9.下周,我可能坐飞机去加利福尼亚。 Next week, I fly to California. 10.相对于其他地区,德克萨斯州和东部地区通常天气很热,阳光充足。 In Texas and the southeast, it is usually very hot and ______ ________ _______ other places. 三.单项选择 1. Let's go and play _______table tennis, so I choose ________ Table Tennis Club. That's my favourite. A. a, the B. the, a C. /, the D. the, / 2 What _________ will paper books take in the future? Will hey disappear? A. direction B. invention C. introduction D. tradition 3. -—_____________in the future? —It will be better and better A. How life will be like B. How will life be like C. What life will be like D. What will life be like 4. A journey by air is the __________and the second_______, but you need to go to the airport. It also takes time. A. faster, cheaper B. fastest, cheaper C. fastest, cheapest D. faster, cheapest 5. When there is an earthquake, from windows and heavy furniture. A. keep clear of B. stay away C. fall away D. jump out of 6. By the time she was eight, Linda ____________read English and French. A. could B. must C. might D. may 7. Though pollution is heavy now, I don’t think its _______. If everyone starts to do something, the world will be saved. A. hopeless B. enjoyable C hopeful D. unusual 8. -Do you do any exercise? —Not really! I haven't done much exercise since I __________ my mobile phone last year. A. get B. got C. have got D. am getting 9. The old box made me ____________about my hobby. A. think B. thinking C. thinks D. to think 10. Today, the Internet is growing very fast. Computers and the Internet are used in classrooms now, and newspapers and magazines ____________online. A. read B. are read C. were read D. will be read 11. —We are al looking forward to the leavers' party. —___________! We'll have a good time! A. Exactly B. Especially C. Probably D. Generally 12. Yuan Longping's new rice is helping many countries of the world grow more rice than before, ________ he is called "the Father of Hybrid Rice" A. because B. so that C. so D. in order to 3. Everyone, please be careful __________ your own things from now on. A. with B. in C. on D. at 14. —Could I ask ______________you've mentioned this to your friend? —Yes, but she refused to listen. A. that B. when C. where D. if 15. —You mean you don't want me to help the community and increase my knowledge of the world? —______________, you should consider what the most important thing is. A. That's not the point B. It is the most important C. Good idea D. It’s very kind of you 四.完形填空 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 选项中选 出最佳选项。 Shen Linglan, 13, used to know nothing about cooking. This was because she was afraid of fire. But last month, she overcame(克服)her fears and ___1___ her first dish—braised pork. “It was ___2___ delicious!” she said. She was able to do this through “self-support” education in her school. The school offers chances for students to learn practical ___3___. On Oct. 15, it ___4___ a twoweek trip called “self-support education base” for students. Nearly 100 students ___5___ and learned basic life skills during the trip. ___6___ they were away from their parents, the students had to do everything themselves. Xu Ke, 13, ___7___ to wash clothes, clean rooms and cook. “All of these things made me more confident,” Xu said. “I

doc文档 2022年外研版英语中考一轮复习八年级上册Module9-module10知识点复习专练

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