期中综合能力评估试题 第一部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分 25 分) 第一节(共 15 小题,满分 15 分) 完形填空:先通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各小题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。 When I was a child, my mother never tried to make me eat everything in my dish. She said I had to 1 every food three times. Her 2 was the first time to try it, the second time to get over the fact that you had just tried it, and the third time to make sure that you didn't like it. After that, if I still 3 the taste, she would never make me eat it again. Her reasonable way 4 almost every time. As I grew older, I brought that simple 5 into my life. I had been 6 the diving (跳水) board at the pool, but I had decided to make the first jump off the board. When I breathed in water, my mother jumped in to 7 me. Before she could even reach me, I was up and out of the pool, heading back to that diving board. I jumped off once again. More coughing followed, but I made up my mind to get over this fear. When I 8 the pool the second time, my mom tried to cover me with a towel (毛巾). 9 , I threw off the towel and kept trying. The third time there was no 10 and no water in my nose. In fact there were 11 from the others at the pool. At that point, I fell in love 12 the pool. In my mid-thirties, I 13 a successful job in order to achieve my dream of being a writer. Having been 14 twice, I tried for a third time. I have been happily living the life of a writer ever since. We are all afraid of something unknown. But how can we be sure that something won't be enjoyable 15 we give it a try? ( )1. A. smell B. cook C. try D. share ( )2. A. reason B. decision C. dream D. order ( )3. A. remembered B. suggested C. missed D. hated ( )4. A. worked B. changed C. doubted D. developed ( )5. A. answer B. plan C. game D. rule ( )6. A. excited about B. afraid of C. bored with D. proud of ( )7. A. help B. admire C. warn D. serve ( )8. A. got on with B. ran away from C. got out of D. looked forward to ( )9. A. Still B. Anyway C. Sometimes D. Instead ( )10. A. fear B. sadness C. surprise D. pleasure ( )11. A. invitations B. cheers C. presents D. thanks ( )12. A. at B. in C. for D. with ( )13. A. left B. needed C. took D. offered ( )14. A. forgotten B. punished C. refused D. caught ( )15. A. if B. unless C. when D. because 第二节(共 10 小题,满分 10 分) 综合填空:根据所给首字母、上下文或汉语提示完成空格中所缺单 词,使短文完整通顺,语法正确。每空只能填一个词。 Vincent van Gogh was born on March 30,1853 in a small village in the Netherlands. People who knew him as a child remembered him as(16)________( 沉 默 的 ), serious and thoughtful. Van Gogh stopped going to school around age 15 and, soon after, began working as an art dealer. The job (17)r________ him to work in different European countries. After some time, Van Gogh felt he didn't like selling art, so he (18)________ a preacher ( 牧 师) like his father. While preaching, he worked to help the poor and (19)________families. Around 1880, Van Gogh gave up preaching, and decided to become an artist. Van Gogh spent only ten years of his life being a full-time artist, but he (20)p________ over 2, 000 works of art. Some of his paintings are now among the world's most popular and expensive works of art. Van Gogh's life as an artist was not(21)e________. He was often depressed (抑郁的), and unhappy with his art. Today, his paintings sell for millions of dollars (22)________ when he was an artist, he could not make enough money. He lived in poor conditions and often had to (23)b________ money from his brother for food and art supplies ( 美 术 用 品). To make things worse, Van Gogh (24)________( 失 败 ) at many of his personal relationships and spent much of his time alone. He ended his life at age 37. Vincent van Gogh's life is a very sad story. During the ten hard years as an artist, he had only sold one painting. In the end, however, it was Van Gogh's (25)________( 能 力 ) to show his sadness through his art that made him world-famous. 第二部分 阅读与写作(共四节,满分 55 分) 第一节(共 10 小题,满分 20 分) 阅读下面两篇短文,根据短文内容选择最佳答案。 It was the last weekend of summer vacation, and that meant just one thing — the family camping trip! Every year the Lee family went camping on the weekend before school started. Today, the family was driving to the Aleta Fields campgrounds. Mark and Elizabeth had packed up their tent the night before and were looking forward to starting the trip. They woke up early and went to the kitchen for breakfast. As soon as they walked into the kitchen, they knew something was wrong. Mom gave them bread and suggested that they look outside. They could not believe their eyes. It was pouri

doc文档 湖北省远安县外国语学校2021-2022学年九年级上学期期中考试英语试题

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