备战 2022 中考英语完形填空话题分类训练 (中考真题+各地模拟题) 专题 02 完形填空之新冠病毒专项 Passage 1 (2021·湖北荆州·中考真题)阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的 A、B、C、D 四个 选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 Don’t shake hands! Don’t hug anyone! 1 order to slow the spread of COVID-19, we’re advised to avoid physical contact(接触) as 3 2 as possible. Some of us have been to more creative ways of greeting one another, such as a friendly wave from two meters away. We are not sure when this pandemic(流行病) will end. But 4 more people get their vaccines(疫苗), we may soon be able to get back to hugging, shaking hands and kissing cheeks. But ... should we? We are 5 from a young age that it is impolite not to shake hands when we meet people. But Ashley Peterson, a doctor in the United States, thinks we should be more careful about how we greet people. Not 6 likes to be hugged. Peterson says now is the perfect time for parents to guide their kids in making about how to greet people. The idea is not to hug others, they should. If they feel 7 8 hugs and handshakes. If your kids want to 9 about hugging, they can use other ways to greet people. Anthony Fauci, a health educator, holds a stronger opinion. He thinks we should never shake hands again. “We’ve got to 10 that custom,” he says. “That is really one of the major(主要的) ways to pass on an illness.” 1.A.In B.To C.With D.At 2.A.far B.silently C.much D.loudly 3.A.used B.worried C.embarrassed D.disappointed 4.A.so B.whether C.before D.as 5.A.said B.told C.laughed D.stopped 6.A.anyone B.someone C.everyone D.none 7.A.decisions B.mistakes C.calls D.noises 8.A.support B.discuss C.cancel D.protect 9.A.unknown B.unlucky C.uncrowded D.uncomfortable 10.A.save B.break C.choose D.follow Passage 2 (2021·湖南永州·中考真题)My whole life has changed because of COVID-19. It’s very upsetting because we can’t have been at home, but I 11 anyone else and we can’t go to others’ homes. We 12 the healthcare workers who have risked their lives every day to help us stay healthy and safe. Here, I describe my experience during this time. Coming back home from my spring vacation, I got news that school is closed for two weeks. Being a kid, I got 13 but I didn’t know what was waiting for us. I never thought I would be doing my classes online months later. Right after the “stay at home” order, my mother tested positive for COVID-19 and our family was quarantined (隔离) for 14 days. It was really challenging for all of us, especially for my 14 , who got sick. Those were the worst two weeks in my life. Watching my mother 15 fever, cough, and shortness of breath was heartbreaking. I had tears in my eyes, but I didn’t tell my parents about it. I was thankful that my father is a 16 who knows how to treat COVID-19 patients. After three weeks, my mother got better. My father is a true hero. Not only was he taking care of us, but also he has been treating patients with COVID-19 every day and This 18 17 the community selflessly. I am proud of him. has taught me to be thankful for things we have in life. My father has 19 me to be selfless, helpful, and brave. It is OK to be anxious, but remember that there is 20 at the end of the channel (隧道) and life will get normal again. 11.A.e-mail B.call C.meet 12.A.admire B.like C.miss 13.A.surprised B.excited C.worried 14.A.sister B.father C.mother 15.A.continue B.stand C.accept 16.A.doctor B.worker C.teacher 17.A.controlling B.serving C.cleaning 18.A.accident B.journey C.experience 19.A.asked B.told C.taught 20.A.light B.sign C.wind Passage 3 (2021·四川宜宾·中考真题)Not knowing that its owner died of COVID-19 in February, 2020, a dog in Wuhan has been Hospital staff took care of it 22 21 at the hospital for over three months. the period, and now an animal protection association is helping it get adopted (领养). Wu Cuifen, who runs a supermarket in the building of the hospital, told reporters that the dog’s 23 was suffering (遭受) from COVID-19. She tried to send the dog away from the Cuifen decided to 24 , but there was no use doing that. Wu 25 the dog, and she named it Xiaobao. “Every morning when I opened up, Xiaobao would be there waiting for me. He saw me leave at the Ms. Wu said Xiaobao 26 of each day.” 27 to leave the hospital. Even when they on purpose dropped him off somewhere far away, he would make his way back to Taikang Hospital and wait for his owner to 28 29 . “Although Xiaobao can’t 30 , we understand that he is surely still looking for h

doc文档 专题02 新冠病毒-备战2022中考英语完形填空话题分类训练(中考真题+各地模拟题)

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