备战 2022 年新高考英语热点话题语法填空专题练习(四) passage1 中国新冠疫苗 The World Health Organization_____1_____(agree) emergency approval for the Covid vaccine ( 疫 苗 ) made by Chinese company Sinopharm,____2____ is the first vaccine developed by a non Western country to get WHO backing. The vaccine has already been given to millions___3___ people in China and elsewhere. The WHO had previously only approved the vaccines made by Pfizer, AstraZeneca, Johnson & Johnson and Moderna. ____4__ individual health regulators ( 监 管 者 ) in many countries, _____5___(especial) poorer ones in Africa, Latin America and Asia have approved Chinese jabs ( 接种)for emergency use. With little data __6____(publish) internationally early on, the effectiveness of the various Chinese vaccines has long been uncertain. But the WHO on Friday said it had confirmed the “___7____(safe), efficacy and quality” of the Sinopharm jab. The WHO said the addition of the vaccine had “the potential to rapidly accelerate ( 加 速 )Covid-19 vaccine access for countries seeking ____8___(protect) health workers and populations at risk”. It is recommending ___9___ the vaccine be administered in two doses( 剂 ) to those aged 18 and over. A decision ____10__(expect) within days on another Chinese vaccine developed by Sinovac, while Russia’s Sputnik vaccine is under assessment. 解析:1.考查时态。分析句子结构可知 agree 做谓语,分析句意世界卫生组织已经同意....所以用现在 完成时。答案为 has agreed。 2.考查定语从句。分析句子结构,后面为非限制性定语从句,先行词为 the Covid vaccine ( 疫苗 ) ,指物做主语,答案为 which。 3.考查介词。句意:该疫苗已经在中国和其他地方给数百万人接种。固定短语 millions of 成百万 的, 许许多多的。故填 of。 4.考查连词。根据句意可知,此处表达转折含义。故答案为 But。 5.考查副词。根据句意分析此处为程度副词,起到强调作用。答案为 especially。 6.考查非谓语动词。此处为 with 的复合结构,做宾语补足语,little data 与 publish 构成被动关系。答 案为 published。 7,考查词性转换。根据后面词可知,此处应该用名词。答案为 safety。 8.考查不定式。句意:世卫组织表示,疫苗的添加“有可能迅速加快寻求保护卫生工作者和处于风险中 的人群的国家获得 Covid-19 疫苗的速度”。Seek to do sth 表达谋求做某事。答案为 to protect。 9.考查名词性从句。句意:世卫组织表示,疫苗的添加“有可能迅速加快寻求保护卫生工作者和处于 风险中的人群的国家获得 Covid-19 疫苗的速度”。句中 it 作形式主语,从句不缺少成分且句意完整,所 以用连接词 that 引导主语从句。故填 that。 10.考查时态与语态。句意:预计几天内,中国将决定研发另一种中国疫苗,而俄罗斯的人造卫星疫苗 正在评估中。名词 A decision 与动词 expect 是被动关系且是阐述事实。故填 is expected。 Passage2 中国在太空探索方面的成就 Fifty years ago, China ___1______(success) launched its first satellite, Dongfanghong 1, and started a new chapter in space exploration. To mark ___2_____(it) 50th anniversary, the China National Space Administration announced the name for the country’s Mars planetary exploration program on April 24. The mission, Tianwen got its name___3___ a long poem Tianwen written by Qu Yuan, ___4____famous poet of the Warring States Period. In the poem, Qu raised a series of ___5____(question) concerning the sky, stars, natural phenomena, myths and the real world, ___6___(reflect) his doubts on traditional ideas and his pursuit ( 追 求 ) of truth. So far, China ____7__(make) remarkable progress in space exploration. In 1970, China launched its first man-made Earth satellite, becoming the fifth country in the world to launch man-made satellites independently. Over the past few years, China’s missions, including the Shenzhou and Change series were designed ____8_____(explore)outer space, expanded mankind’s understanding of Earth and the universe.This time, the Tianwen series will carry out the first Mars exploration mission, ___9___represents a milestone for Chinas move toward deep space. With the names deep roots in Chinese traditional culture, Tianwen demonstrates the ____10____(determine) and perseverance of Chinese people to move further into deep space. 解析:1,考查副词。修饰谓语动词 launched,应该用副词。答案为 successfully。 2,考查代词。50th anniversary 前用形容词性物主代词修饰。答案为 its。 3,考查介词。分析句意可知。天问的名字来源于屈原的诗歌。From 做合适。 4,考查冠词。屈原是一名诗人。Poet 前用冠词。答案为 a。 5,考查名词复数。 a series of 后接可数名词复数。答案为 questions。 6,考查现在分词。分析句子结构 reflect 做伴随状语,表主动关系。答案为 reflecting。 7,考查时态。时间状语 so far 可知,句子用现在完成时。答案为 has made。 8,考查不定式。分析句子结构和句意可知此处做目的状语。答案为 to explore。 9,考查定语从句。分析句子结构指物做主语,答案为 which。 10,考查词性转换。冠词 the 后接名词与 perseverance 并列。答案为 determination。 Passage3 张桂梅和中国女性教育 This year, Zhang Guimei sent 150 female students to college from a free all-girls high school she __1_____(found) in 2008 in southwest China's deep mountains. For the past 13 years, __2____total of 1,954 female students have graduated from this school, the first and only one of its kind in the country. "To educate a girl is ____3____(change) the destiny( 命 运 ) of three generations," Zhang said. The 64-year-old teacher from southwest China's Yunnan Province ___4_____(present) with the July 1 Medal by Xi Jinping at a ceremony in Beijing on Tuesday. Because __5____ her

doc文档 专题04 备战2022年新高考英语热点话题语法填空专题练习

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