广州市 2021-2022 学年八年级上学期期中考试 语法选择专项训练 (含答案) (1) 广州市番禺区实验中学 2020---2021 学年度第一学期中段考试 初二级英语科试题 语法选择 It is a long time since the story ___1___ to me! And it is ___2___ unforgettable experience for me. ___3___ a cold winter afternoon, I was walking home from a supermarket. My shopping bags were ___4___ heavy that I decided to stop ___5___ a rest in the park. I walked towards the gate of the park. Then I saw man ___6___ out of the restaurant in front of me. The ___7___ man was holding a paper bag in his hand. He walked to a nearby dustbin and started looking through it. Seeing this, I suddenly felt sad. ___8___ poor man he was! I knew the man would take all that he could get, ___9___ I went up to him and gave him some fruit. The man, with wrinkles (皱纹) on his face, looked up in surprise and took what I gave him. A big smile appeared on his face and I felt very ___10___. Then he said “Wow! First someone gave me this sandwich, then this drink, and now some delicious fruit. This is my daughter’s lucky day. I am sure that she will be very happy. Thank you, boy!” Then he went away, singing a song ___11___. Just then, I understood what the saying “Giving is getting” really meant. Everyone in the world needs help, everyone can ___12___ help and everyone will be helped by ___13___ kindness. Giving sometimes doesn’t cost much, but it means a lot to the people who you help. The man’s happiness at the moment comes into ___14___ mind every time I have the chance to help ___15___ people. 1. A. happened B. happens C. was happened D. happen 2. A. a B. the C. an D. / 3. A. In B. On C. At D. For 4. A. too B. very C. so D. quite 5. A. have B. to have C. having D. has 6. A. walk B. walks C. walking D. to walk 7. A. 78 years old B. 78-years-old C. 78-year old D. 78-year-old 8. A. What B. What a C. How D. How a 9. A. or B. but C. so D. though 10. A. happily B. happy C. happier D. happiness 11. A. happily B. happy C. unhappy D. unhappily 12. A. offering B. offered C. offer D. offers 13. A. show B. shows C. showing D. to show 14. A. me 15. A. other B. mine B. others C. I C. another D. my D. the other (2) 2020-2021 学年广东省广州市二中应元学校八年级上学期期中考试英语试题 语法选择 I still remember how I fell in love with English when I was very young. I thought it was ___21___ useful language. Full of strong wishes of ___22___ English, I began to learn it. But soon I found it ___23___ than expected. There were too many words, expressions and many other things to remember. And even if you know ___24___ them, you can’t use them correctly and exactly. And I did rather ___25___ in the English test. I was worried about it. This made me ___26___ my interest in English little by little. While I was in ___27___ trouble, my English teacher gave me much help. I knew that interest didn’t mean ___28___ and I should have some learning methods. I did as he said and tried many different ways of learning English. ___29___ the days went by, I ___30___ do better and better and became more and more interested ___31___ it. During summer vacation, a old lady from Australia ___32___ my school. She had a talk with us. It was my ___33___ time to meet a foreigner. I got ___34___ nervous at first, but soon l found it ___35___ to talk with her, and I learned a lot from her. How I wish to practise speaking English with foreigners every day! 21. A. such an 22. A. study 23. A. much difficult 24. A. what to write 25. A. badly 26. A. dropped 27. A. the 28. A. anything 29. A. As 30. A. must 31. A. in 32. A. visits 33. A. the first 34. A. little 35. A. excitement B. such a B. studied B. more difficult B. what to writing B. worse B. dropping B. a B. something B. So B. should B. on B. visited B. first B. a little B. excite C. so a C. studying C. difficult C. how to write C. bad C. drop C. an C. nothing C. If C. could C. at C. has visited C. the one C. few C. excited D. so D. to study D. the most difficult D. how to writing D. worst D. drops D. / D. everything D. Until D. needed D. with D. will visit D. once D. a few D. exciting (3) 2020-2021 学年广东省广州市第一一三中学八年级上学期期中 考试英语试题 语法选择 Lu Xun was one of the most famous Chinese ___1___. He was very successful, and there was ___2___ secret to his success. He was good at ___3___ full of time. He was the first son to his parents. When it was his ___4___ birthday, his father was very sick. So he ___5___ care of him, looked ___6___ his two little brothers and helped his mother ___7___ some housework. He didn’t want to do ___8___ than others in his study, so every day he

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