专题 04 透过语境巧记高考英语 3500 词(7-8) 第七篇 Olympic Games Athletes from all over the world stand for their homeland to compete in the Olympic Games---a magical competition.In ancient Greece, winners would get olive wreaths which are replaced by gold, silver or bronze medals nowadays. But there are still some similarities and the mottoes remain the same: swifter, higher and stronger. Athletes, including gymnast who is expert at gymnastics will be trained in stadiums or gymnasium on a regular basis and will suffer from great physical pain if they want to be admitted as competitors in the Olympic Games. Sometimes they go through failures one after another. So they deserve our respect and praise. Many countries desire to host the Olympic Games because it is a great responsibility as well as a glory . Through countless posters, they will be advertised before the Olympic Games.All the athletes and volunteers must obey relevant rule;otherwise they will be fined and charged by the committee in charge.Nobody can bargain on this, so it is foolish to cheat in the Olympic Games. 译文: 奥林匹克运动会 来自全世界的运动员代表他们的祖国参加奥运会--一个有魔力的比赛。在古希腊,获 胜者会得到橄榄花环,如今橄榄花环被金,银,铜牌代替。但是仍然有一些相似之处且座 右铭保持一样:更快,更高,更强。运动员包括擅长体操的体操运动员在体育场或体育馆 定期训练并且遭受巨大的身体痛苦,如果他们想要作为参赛者在奥运会上得到承认。有时 他们经历一次又一次的失败。因此他们值得尊敬和表扬。 许多国家渴望举办奥运会,因为它是伟大的责任以及荣誉。在奥运会之前 ,他们会通过 无数的海报登广告。所有的运动员和志愿者必须遵守相关的规则;否则他们会被负责事务 的委员会罚款及控告。对此,没有人可以讨价还价,因此,在奥运会上作弊是愚蠢的。 高考词汇每日测 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. ancient compete competitor medal magical volunteer homeland regular basis athlete admit slave nowadays 第七天(必修二 unit 2) 1. 15. gymnastics 16. stadium 17. gymnasium 18. host 19. responsibility 20. replace 21. motto 22. swift 23. similarity 24. charge 25. physical 26. fine 27. poster 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. advertise glory bargain hopeless foolish pain deserve think highly of as well in charge stand for take part in one after another 第七篇同步练习 一、单句语法填空 1. The longer you have to wait for something, the_______you will appreciate it when it finally arrives. 2. What________bargain! The painting is really worth the price. 3. Amy, as well as her brothers,_______(give)a warm welcome when returning to the village last week. 4. They volunteer________(repair)the house for the old lady and they deserve______(praise) 5. To compete more effectively _______others, more and more people equip themselves with a higher education. 6. I think it would be_______(fool) of the detective to ignore the important evidence. 7. The young man had to admit________(drive)without a driving permit. 8. The artist’s words had a magical effect on us, so everyone did exactly _________she had said. 9. All the old computers in village schools_______(replace)with new ones in the future. 10. As is known,getting rid of a bad habit is________much a struggle as forming a good one. 二、单句改错 1. Not only is the teacher amazed at the newly-built stadium, and his students get surprised. 2. Who will take the charge of the company after the manager retires? 3. Being admitted a university, whether it is a famous one or not, doesn’t mean you will succeed in your future life. 4. To prepare for the coming competition, we need to practice hard in a regular basis. 5. When the Chinese sailor travelled to England, he picked out some spoken English. 三、语法填空 Athletes from all over the world stand__1___their homeland to compete in the Olympic Games---a magical ___2___(compete).In ancient Greece, winners would get olive wreaths___3____ are replaced by gold, silver or bronze medals nowadays. But there are still some similarities and the mottoes remain___4__same: swifter, higher and stronger. Athletes,___5___(include) gymnast who is expert at gymnastics will be trained in stadiums or gymnasium on a regular___6__( base) and will suffer from great physical pain if they want __7____(admit) as competitors in the Olympic Games. Sometimes they go through failures one__8___another. So they deserve our respect and praise. Many countries desire___9___(host) the Olympic Games because it is a great responsibility as well as a glory . Through countless posters, they will be advertised before the Olympic Games.All the athletes and volunteers must obey relevant rule ;otherwise they will be fined and charged by the committee in charge.Nobody can bargain on this, so it is foolish___10____(cheat) in the Olympic Games. 1.__________2._________3.__________4.________5._________ 6.____________7.__________8.__________9.________10.________ 第七篇同步练习答案 一.语法填空 1. mo

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