专题 02 邀请信 文体概述: 邀请信是指在日常学习和生活中,当邀请别人参加摸个活动或者仪式所写的信件。通常包括以下内容:邀 请的原因——活动的时间地点——活动的内容——活动的意义——再次邀请 话题词汇: 单词 短语 invite vt 邀请 activity attend vt 参加 participate conference n 会议 competition n 比赛 n 活动 v 参加 n 派对 party farewell 计划、打算做某事 plan/intend to do sth n 告别 contest n 比赛 performance n 表演 lecture n 讲座 join v 加入 invite sb to do : 邀请某人做某事 参加 take part in/participate in: on behalf of: 代表 accept one’s invitation 接受某人的邀请 long for your coming 期待你的到来 话题句型 ◇开头引人入胜 活动名称+organized by+活动的组织者+ is to be held in+地点+时间+ with the theme of+主题,… Therefore,I am writing to Invite you to take part in the activity 组织了……活动,这次活动将于举行,主题为……。因此,我写信邀请你参加活动在 2. There is going to be+活动名称+in+地点, which will be held by+组织者。 Hoping that you would come, I’m writing to invite you to join us. ……活动由……组织,将在……举行。我写信邀请你加入,希望你能来。 3. Knowing that you show great interest in., I’m writing to invite you to participate in 得知你对……很感兴趣,我写信邀请你参加 ◇篇中精编细织◇一 1. As is scheduled, we will... After, there will be many activities, such as..., which will be not only meaningful but also interesting. 在……之后,我们将会…… 在……之后,将有许多活动,例如……,这些活动不仅有意义而且很有趣。 2. Here is a brief schedule ( about this activity). First and foremost ,.what’s more ,.In addition 这是(关于这次活动的)简要日程安排。首先,…其次,…此外 3. The following are some details about./Some details about. are as follows。 。。。细节如下。 ◇收尾简练到位◇ 1. Everyone is longing for your coming, and it would be more cheerful if you could come 每个人都期待你的到来,如果你能来,场面会更加欢快。 2. I sincerely hope that you can accept our invitation and I have the confidence that you’ll have a joyful and meaningful day 我真心希望你能接受我们的邀请,而且我相信你会度过既快乐又有意义的一天。 3. Please inform us of whether you are able to come or not at your early convenience 请在你方便时尽早告知我们你是否能来。 。谋篇布局 一. 案例展示 假定你是李华,想邀请外教 Henry 一起参观中国剪纸( paper-cutting)艺术展。请给他写封邮件,内容 包括: 1.展览时间、地点; 2.展览内容。 注意:1.词数 100 左右; 2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 审题定位: 1.文体:邀请信 2.主题:请外教参观艺术展 3.要点:邀请参加中国剪纸艺术展+展览时间、地点+展览内容 4.要求:词数 100 左右、增加细节以使文章充实、连贯 5.人称:第一、第二人称为主 6.时态:一般现在时和一般将来时为主 技巧点拨: 1.根据要点提示,整合写作框架提纲,分清主次。 2.适时地采用丰富的时态语态、从句等高级句式。 3.注意语句间的衔接,适当使用过渡性词语或独立结构。 要点整合: 1.提出邀请:邀请参加中国剪纸艺术展,感受中国传统文化。 2.展览介绍:说明展览的时间、地点,并针对交通方式提出建议。 3.展览内容:各种各样的中国剪纸,参展者还能得到一份中国剪纸作为礼物。 框架建构: 第一段:自我介绍,并邀请对方参加中国剪纸艺术展。 第二段:详细介绍艺术展的时间、地点,提供可行的交通方式,艺术展的具体内容等。 第三段:期待对方的回复。 斟词酌句: 提出邀请 I’m writing to invite you to a paper-cutting exhibition, where you can have a close look at traditional Chinese Culture as you always wish 2.展览介绍 ①The exhibition will be held next Friday in the City Museum. will last for 8 hours, from 10: 00 a m to 6:00Pm 2)As the museum is just 2 kilometers from our school, we can get there on foot or by taking Bus Number 5. 3.展览内容 As is advertised, there will be all sorts of paper-cutting peculiar to China on the exhibition, and whoever present will be given a work of paper-cutting as a gift. For those who are so fond of Chinese culture like you, it is absolutely a great opportunity that can’t be missed 满分范文: Dear Mr. Henry, I’m Li Hua, a Chinese student of yours. I’m writing to invite you o a paper-cutting exhibition, where you can have a close look at traditional Chinese culture as you always wish The exhibition, which mill be held net Friday in the City Museum, will last for 8 hours from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm As the Museum is just 2 kilometers from our school, we can get there on foot or by taking Bus Number 5. As is advertised, there will be all sorts of paper-cutting peculiar to China on the exhibition, and whoever present will be given a work of paper-cutting as a gift. For those who are so fond of Chinese culture like you. it is absolutely a great opportunity that can’t be missed Looking forward to your early reply. Yours Li Hua 经典 再现 假定你是李华,你所在的城市准备在 3 个月后举办一次名为“外国人眼里的美丽城市”的中文演讲比赛,号 召市民邀请外国朋友来本市参观,并参加该比赛。请你用英语写一封信,邀请你正在学习汉语的美国网友 Rick 前来参赛。 注意:1.词数 100 左右; 2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3.开关和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。 Dear Rick Our city is making an arrangement to hold a Chinese Speech Contest with the name of "The Beautiful City in the Eyes of Foreigners" three months later. Are you willing to make a tour here and participate in it? This is really a beautiful city with kind and hospitable people and beautiful scenery! I am convinced that you’ll be attracted once you wander in it. It’s also a golden opportunity to improve your Chinese since you are studying it. And we can meet for the first time as well! If you’d like, I’ll tell you some detailed information, especially the schedule and demands Looking forward to your reply! Yours, Li Hua

doc文档 专题02 邀请信-2020年高考英语考前必背12类作文

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