2021 届牛津译林版中考英语复习:动词填空专题整理训练 1. ---Simon, you ______________ (chat) on QQ again! Have you finished your homework? ---Of course, Dad. I finished it an hour ago. 2. Keep on going! The dream you are looking forward to now_______________ (realize) later in life. 3. Mr. Li told us everything ___________ (weigh) more on the earth than on Mars because of gravity. 4. ---Got your driving license?-Yes. It is a week since I __________(pass) the driving test. 5. He_________(write) a book about China last year but I don't know whether he has finished it. 6. ---Have you got the washing machine fixed? ---I paid a lot of money, but still it fails _______________(work). 7. When someone________(thank), it more than doubles his or her chances of being helpful again. 8. ---Isn’t it time for you to go to bed, Mike? ---I _____________ (paint) all the afternoon, so I have to finish my homework now. 9. Leonardo _____________ (think) highly of by most people for his role in The Revenant now. 10. When you get home, please call me to let us know that you ____________ (arrive) safely. 11.--Have you finished your homework? -- Sorry, I haven’t. I ___________ (do)it after I read the book. 12.The film Mermaid directed by Stephen Chow was so successful that most people______________ (pay) much attention to it. 13. My grandfather walks with a stick to guard against ____________ (fall). 14. ---Many people equate (等同) life experience with the number of stamps in their passports. ---That's why they all agree that they ______________(catch) the "travel bug". 15. I hope when you ________________(come) tomorrow, you'll have done the reading . 16. ---You seemed busy just now. Have you got a minute now ,sir? ---Sure. I ______________(reply) to an important e-mail. It’s done. So, what’s up? 17. China _______________ (send) over 50 Beidou satellites into space. It shows our rapid development in exploring outer space. 18.Amy regrets ___________ (not buy) the flat in the city centre. The housing prices are rising all the time. 19. You can’t imagine how much difficulty he had at that time __________ (control) the virus. 20. The flight to Shanghai couldn’t be worse. We___________ (keep) at the airport for five hours. 21. ---Jack, can I borrow your camp for tomorrow’s hiking? ---Sorry, I (promise) it to my cousin. 22. What a great pity it is ____________ (hear) that so many Americans have died of the COVID-19! 23. ---Did you watch the programme Classic Poems last weekend? --- I wanted to, but my brother ____________(watch) a football match then. 24. --- Dad! Look! How high the kite is flying in the sky! --- Well, your dad has fallen asleep with a book ___________ (lie) open on his face. 25. --- What do you consider ____________ (happen) to Mr. Li these days? I can’t find him. --- Sorry. He asked for leave last week because his mother passed away all of a sudden. 26. As soon as Jane got the offer from the Oxford University, she dropped the plate in her hands with excitement and it ___________(break) into pieces. What a wonderful sound! 27. ___________ (keep) themselves awake, the twins sat on the floor and told each other stories. 28. Little Tom was frightened when he___________(leave) alone at home on such a windy day. 29. ---I was angry that Tom didn’t come to my birthday party yesterday? ---It’s said that he____________(visit) his grandparents on Sundays. 30. All the children __________ (bring) back to their parents after the police found them. 31. ---Jenny is crying in the classroom. What’s wrong with her? ---I heard that she had all of her pocket money __________ (steal) on her way school. 32. ---Did your grandpa really give up __________ (work) in the field? ---Yes. He is not strong enough. 33. ---May I have the key to Room 102, please? I want to have a rest. ---Of course, we __________ (tidy) it up. Here you are. 34.They________(take) him to Disneyland if he got good grades in the final exam, Jim’s parents promised. 35. I would like to thank Amy, who _______________ (continue) to work with us as the manager of the sales department until 2022. 36. ---It seems to be hotter outside today. ---Yes, the temperature___________(rise) a lot and it is likely to get even hotter the next few days! 37. He can't understand You. She can't understand you. How can you expect me, a man you've known for three days _________________ (understand) you? 38. ---I wonder what makes him a good English teacher. ---He___________(serve) as a volunteer in the UK for two years, which

doc文档 2021年牛津译林版英语中考复习:动词填空专题整理训练提优版(word版含答案)

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2021年牛津译林版英语中考复习:动词填空专题整理训练提优版(word版含答案) 第 1 页 2021年牛津译林版英语中考复习:动词填空专题整理训练提优版(word版含答案) 第 2 页 2021年牛津译林版英语中考复习:动词填空专题整理训练提优版(word版含答案) 第 3 页 2021年牛津译林版英语中考复习:动词填空专题整理训练提优版(word版含答案) 第 4 页 2021年牛津译林版英语中考复习:动词填空专题整理训练提优版(word版含答案) 第 5 页
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