在书上画出短语并且补充笔记,注意标红的地方 Day 1 Page 6 重点短语: 1. Would you like to+动原...? 回答:I’d like to... 你想要...吗? 2. live next to a restaurant next to = beside 住在餐厅附近 3. Which is your favorite?=which do you like best? 你最喜欢哪一个? 4. the biggest one big-bigger(比较级)-biggest(最高级)最大的那个 Page 7: 5. the capital of Japan 日本的首都 补充在空白处: Germany 德国-German 德国人-Germans (复数) French 法语 Frenchman 法国人-Frenchmen(复数) Day2 Page 8: 1. Homes around the world=homes all over the world 全世界的家 2. 15 miles from London 离伦敦 15 英里 3. have fun=have a good time=enjoy oneself 后面都用 doing 或 sth 玩得开心 4. in the centre of 在...中心 5. on the seventh floor (序数词前要加 the) 在第八楼(英国翻译法) 6. share a bedroom with my sister 和我的妹妹分享房间(可以理解成我和我 的妹妹住在同一个房间 I live with my sister in the same room.) 7. I have my own bedroom 我有自己的房间 8. look out at the beach and the sea 看外面的沙滩和海 9. It have eight rooms. 有八个房间 =There are eight rooms in the house. =I live in a house with eight rooms. Page 9: 10. ... is the best place to chat and watch TV. ...是聊天和看电视的好地方 Page 10: 11. chat with sb 和某人聊天 12. on one’s balcony 在阳台上 Day 3 Page 11: 1. France has an area of over 260,000 square miles.法国面积超过 26 万平方英里。 =France is over 260,000 square miles in size. 2. 1815 feet tall 高 1815 英尺 Page 12: 3. He is always the first to come to school in our class. 他总是我们班第一个来学校的。 Day 4: Page 14: 1. be different from... 和...不同 2. be full of sth 反义词:be the same 和...一样 充满了.... 3. look big and comfortable 看起来又大又舒服 4. I also have a bedroom of my own. 我也有自己的卧室。 =I also have my own bedroom. 5. I hope to visit your home some day. 我希望有一天能去你家。 = I hope that I can visit your home some day. hope to do = hope that+句子 接电话 6. answer the phone 打电话 7. make a phone call 8. 打电话用语 A:May I speak to..., please? 我能和...说话吗? 谁在说话? B: Who’s speaking? 我是....(打电话中不能用 I am) A: This is ... 9. Can I take a message? take a message for sb 10. ask sb to do sth 我能留个口信吗? 给某人留个口信 叫某人做某事 否定:ask sb not to do sth 叫某人不要做某事 11. call sb back 打电话给某人 Day 5 Page 17: 1. at the foot of a hill 2. a football field 3. a swimming pool 在山脚下 足球场 游泳池 在一楼 4. on the ground floor 在二楼 5. on the first floor 在三楼 6. on the second floor 超过;多余 7. more than =over 8. enough food 足够的食物(enough+名词, 形容词+enough 注意顺序) 9. invite sb to do sth 邀请某人做某事 10. Each room has a new computer. (each 开头,谓语用单数) 每个房间都有一台新电脑。

docx文档 2020-2021学年牛津译林版英语七年级下册unit1知识点总结

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2020-2021学年牛津译林版英语七年级下册unit1知识点总结 第 1 页 2020-2021学年牛津译林版英语七年级下册unit1知识点总结 第 2 页 2020-2021学年牛津译林版英语七年级下册unit1知识点总结 第 3 页 2020-2021学年牛津译林版英语七年级下册unit1知识点总结 第 4 页 2020-2021学年牛津译林版英语七年级下册unit1知识点总结 第 5 页
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