第一章 模块同步 第 15 讲 M5U1 知识点梳理 【词汇梳理】 一、 根据句子的意思选用恰当的单词,并用其正确形式填空 focus persuade forgive punish swear pretend betray apologize 1. Bill was     to his friend for having kept her waiting for a long time. 2. I was hurt and felt     and unable to trust him. 3.     not to hear us, she reached into the room for a box of biscuits. 4. She     me not to tell anybody about my secret at my birthday party. 5. No matter how hard everyone tried to     him, he just wouldn’t listen. 6. Sarah couldn’t     Hannah because she thought Hannah had let out the secret. 7. Appreciate and honour what you have instead of     on what you do not. 8. When Dad finished hitting me, he explained to Mother why he had     me. 答案: 1. apologizing  2. betrayed  3. Pretending 4. swore  5. persuade  6. forgive 7. focusing  8. punished 二、 根据句子的意思选用合适的词组,并用其正确形式填空 be sensitive to gain admission to base on rely on keep one’s word get through keep pace with make comments about 1. Would you please read the draft contract and         the terms? 2. We must         the new development of modern scientific research. 3. Focus on         your work so that you can end the day in high spirits. 4. Tom should have         . I wonder why he changed his mind. 5. It would be better         ourselves than others. 6. We have various summer camps for your holidays, you can choose one        your own interests. 7. He failed         the university of his choice. 8. We must         any changes in international situations. 答案: 1. make comments about  2. keep pace with 3. getting through  4. kept his word 5. to rely on  6. based on  7. to gain admission to  8. be sensitive to 【知识点梳理】 Part1 重点词组及短语 1.觉得被……出卖 feel betrayed by 2. 对……感到很羞愧 be ashamed of 3. 对……感到嫉妒 4. 得最低分 be jealous of get the lowest mark/ score the lowest mark 5. 意识到出了差错 sense sth wrong 6. 一定故意告诉过某人有关……的情况 must have deliberately told someone 7. 承认做过某事 admit doing / admit having done 8. 下定决心要振作起来 be determined to be cheerful 9. 径直走向某人 10. 信守诺言 go straight to sb keep one’s word 11. 处于进退两难的境地 12. 朝某人大喊大叫 13. 有良好的表现 14. 变成一场可怕的争论 15.不能忍受…… 16. 避免做某事 17. 因为某事向某人道歉 18. 当众使某人难堪 be in a dilemma of shout at sb / yell at sb have a great performance become an awful / a terrible argument can’t bear / stand... avoid doing apologize to sb for sth make sb embarrassed/ embarrass sb in public 19.不要让小小的争论毁了你们的友谊 20. 问题在你身上, 而不是她 21. 尽力做某事 don’t let the disagreement ruin your friendship the problem lies with you instead of her play to one’s strengths 22. 打消某人做某事的念头 discourage sb from doing sth 23. 对于友谊有不同的观点 have different attitudes towards friendship 25. 进行一项调查 carry out / conduct a survey 26. 专注于谈话中 be absorbed in conversation 27.以……为基础 be based on 28. 与……相符合相一致 be consistent with Part2 重点单词精讲 【知识梳理 1】 I feel betrayed by my friend Hannah. 我感觉我的朋友汉娜背叛了我。 betray ① 背叛,出卖 (同)desert, abandon betray one’s country _________________________________ betray one’s friends _________________________________ He betrayed me. _________________________________ 答案: 叛国;背叛朋友;他背叛了我。 ②(非故意地)暴露,显露 名词 ___________________ 答案:betrayal 【知识梳理 2】 Afterwards, I pretended to be cheerful, but Hannah sensed something was wrong. 后来,我 假装很开心,但是汉娜觉察到有点不太对劲。 pretend vi./vt. 假装;装扮 归纳拓展: pretend __________________ 假装 pretend __________________ 假装做…… pretend __________________ 假装…… pretend __________________ 假装在做某事 pretend __________________ 假装已做过某事 答案:sth.; to do; that; to be doing sth.; to have done sth. 【知识梳理 3】 We went to wash our hands in the girls’ washroom before lunch and I admitted how badly I had done. 午饭前,我们一起去洗手间时,我承认了自己的考试成绩是多么的糟糕。 归纳拓展: admit (to) sth. _____________________ admit doing sth. _____________________ admit (that) _____________________ admit...to be _____________________ admit...to/into... _____________________ be admitted to _____________________ admit of sth. _____________________ n.允许进入,供认_____________________ 答案:承认某事;承认做了某事;承认……;承认……为……;允许……进入……;被接纳入……; 容许,有……可能 admission 温馨提示: (1)admit 后接名词或动词ing 形式,但不能直接接动词不定式。 (2)admit 的过去式、过去分词和现在分词要双写字母 t,即 admitted,admitted 和 admitting。 【例题精讲】 1. 完成句子 (1)那个学生承认打破了窗户。 _______________________________________________________________________________ (2)幸运的是,今年他被一所重点大学录取了。 Luckily,he______ ________ ________/________ ________ ________ ________this year. (3)这家电影院可容纳大约 3000 名观众。 The cinema________ ________ ________ ________. 答案: 1. (1) The student admits breaking the window. (2) was admitted to/into a key university (3) admits about 3,000 audience 【知识梳理

doc文档 第一章第15讲-M5U1Getting along with others知识点梳理-备战2021年高考英语一轮复习必过知识点(牛津版)

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