2020 年高考英语考纲词汇通关第四周测试卷(Day 16--Day 20) (全卷共四大题 100 小题。每小题 1 分,满分 100 分。请在 40 分钟内完成) 班级____________学号____________姓名____________得分____________ 一、单词拼写 请根据句子的意思和汉语提示填入一个恰当的英语单词(注意形式)。共 25 小题,每小 题 1 分,满分 25 分。 1. The ___________(气候) in Beijing is different from that in Guangdong. 2. Jane paused in front of the ___________(柜台) where some attractive ties were on display. 3. It was his __________(勇气) but not his skill that helped him win the ___________(比赛). 4. Only being ___________(自信的) enough can the cyclist cross the barrier. 5. Having confirmed that his mother was in good ___________(状况), he walked out of her bedroom quietly. 6. Consequently, they drew a ___________(结论) that they should combine the two classes into one. 7. Thomas Edison, the well-known creator, had made great___________ (贡献)to our life. 8. Generally, children are more___________(好奇的) about the world than the adults. 9. I live just by the market, therefore, it is ___________(方便的) for me to go shopping. 10. Some parents are so___________(关心) about their kids that they ignore their own old parents. 11. The survey shows that citizens and the government hold ___________(相反的) views. 12. The criminal was sentenced to death because of the ___________(残忍的) murder. 13. ___________(比较) with the corporation, the small company found it harder to survive. 14. We should take cost into ___________(考虑) before the construction. 15. According to the data, 45% of middle school students are ___________(着迷) computer games. 16. Those who are cruel to animals should be ___________(谴责). 17. It took the great musician 3 years to ___________(完成) the composition. 18. The road signs ___________(使迷惑) the driver so that he had to stop at the crossroad. 19. The old___________(夫妇) would visit their cousins in the countryside every year when Christmas was around the corner. 20. On the contrary, my companion thinks it ___________(安逸的) to live in the countryside. 21. As the survey shows, most people will ___________(控制) their anger before strangers. 22. Just as the old saying goes: our deeds must be ___________(一致的) with our words. 23. We can know from the chart that the commercial bank is more willing to lend money to honest ___________(顾客). 24. As is known to all, carbon dioxide___________(组成) of carbon and oxygen. 25. Good ___________(交流) is needed if the two parties want to reach consensus. 二、词义猜测 请根据句意选出与下列句子中划线单词意思相同或相近的选项。共 25 小题,每小题 1 分,满分 25 分。 1. Nothing can compensate for the loss of one’s health. A. compare B. make up C. cover D. recover 2. Encourage your kid to reach a compromise between what he wants and what you want. A. 承诺 B. 损害 C. 折中 D. 理解 3. The educator urged that the study of history should be compulsory in school. A. required B. important C. necessary D. significant 4. The two parties holding different views on the issue conflicted in the meeting. A. agreed B. discussed C. talked D. fought 5. I struggled with my conscience over whether I should tell the truth to the police that it was my best friend stole the ring. A. moral sense B. humorous sense C. responsibility D. ability 6. They discussed a lot in the conference and finally the problem was settled. A. room B. meeting C. appointment D. competition 7. Free trade and environmental protection has become a consensus of countries in the world. A. 目标 B. 措施 C. 难题 D. 共识 8. The management plan consists of four main components, and each one is equally important. A. 条件 B. 方式 C. 部分 D. 结果 9. Christmas is around the corner; my mother is busying with gifts for all the family members. A. coming B. past C. important D. leaving 10. The crying baby was hungry and tired. What he cried for was some milk and a cosy bed. A. big B. cold C. small D. comfortable 11. Practice is the sole criterion for testing truth. A. 标准 B. 条件 C. 信誉 D. 能力 12. He is a consultant on law affairs. You can ask him for advice on your divorce case. A. lawyer B. adviser C. judge D. worker 13. The collision took place in the busiest shipping lanes in the world with no survivors. A. 撞车事故 B. 坠机事故 C. 撞船事故 D. 政党冲突 14. You can go anywhere and still the compass points north or south. A. 地图 B. 指南针 C. 标尺 D. 坐标 15. The dining room has beautiful views and offers delicious cuisine. A. food B. cooking C. noodles D. vegetables 16. People in that remote mountainous area still wear conventional dresses as if they were living in ancient times. A. popular B. modern C. traditional D. beautiful 17. Tourism is the co

doc文档 专题05-2020年高考英语考纲词汇80天通关特训第四周测试卷(Day 16--Day 20)

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