Book 1 Unit 1 词汇过关检测 (Part 1) 姓名______________ 分数_ __________________ 1. 青少年 n. _______________ 保持健康______________ 在青春期_______________ 胜任______________ juvenile_______________ 适应______________ 2. _______________ club 芭蕾舞社团 10. 事实上;实际上______________ 3. 志愿做某事 _______________ =______________ fact =as______________ matter of fact 在志愿的基础上 on a _______________ basis 4. 举 行 激 烈 的 辩 论 hold a _______________ _______________ on/ about/over sth. =______________ tell the truth 5. Prefer---_______________(过去式/过分) 11. 有挑战的 adj. ______________ 宁愿做不愿做 prefer doing _______________ doing =Prefer ______________ rather than_______________ =would rather_____________ than _______________ =would___________ rather than___________ 偏爱 show ___________ for in preference to___________ 更希望某人做某事 prefer sb. ______________. 6. 对…满意 __________________ 愿意做某事_______________ Contents ______________ 7. move---______________ 动作;运动;活动 8. greenhouse gas 温室______________ Greenhouse effect 温室______________ 9. 适合______________ =______________ reality= ______________ effect 就某事向某人发起挑战______________ 接受挑战______________ 12. title---______________ v. 称作;给…称号 win the title ______________title fight ______________ 13. topic ______________ 14. freshman ______________ 15. 感到迷惑的 adj. ______________ 令人迷惑的 adj. ______________ 迷惑 n. ______________ 混淆 A 与 B ______________ 16. 在…很流利______________ 流利 n. ______________ 17. 从物理学专业毕业______________ physics 从永中毕业______________ Yongchuan Senior High a diving suit ______________ 18. 推荐做某事______________ a divorce suit ______________ =______________ 后接从句应使用_____________+do Advanced technology ______________技术 推荐信 a letter of ______________ Advanced course ______________课程 19. 报名______________ Advanced stage of the disease 疾病______________ 20. 提前______________advance 21. ______________ 文学 Advance a theory ______________理论 Book 1 Unit 1 词汇知识点汇总(Part 1) 姓名______________ 分数___________________ 1. 青少年 teenager/ adolescent 8. greenhouse gas 温室气体 在青春期 in one’s teens/ in the adolescence Greenhouse effect 温室效应 juvenile 未成年 n.;幼稚的 adj. 9. 适合 be suitable for/ to do 2. Ballet club 芭蕾舞社团 a diving suit 潜水装 3. 志愿做某事 volunteer to do a divorce suit 离婚诉讼 在志愿的基础上 on a voluntary basis 4. 举 行 激 烈 的 辩 论 hold a fierce/ heated debate on/ about/over sth. 保持健康 keep fit 胜任 be fit for/ to do 适应 fit in with Prefer---preferred---preferred---preferring 5. 宁愿做不愿做 prefer doing to doing=Prefer to do rather than do=would rather do than do=would do rather than do 偏爱 show preference for 而不是 in preference to 更希望某人做某事 prefer sb. to do sth. 6. 对…满意 be content/ satisfied with 愿意做某事 be content/willing to do Contents 目录 7. move---movement 动作;运动;活动 10. 事 实 上 ; 实 际 上 actually=in fact=as a matter of fact=in reality= in effect=to tell the truth 11. 有挑战的 adj. challenging 就某事向某人发起挑战 challenge sb. to sth. 接受挑战 accept/ take up the challenge to do 12. title---entitle v. 使...享有权利;给...命名/题名 Win the title 赢得冠军 13. topic 话题 14. freshman 新生 15. 感到迷惑的 adj. confused 令人迷惑的 adj. confusing 迷惑 n. confusion 混淆 A 与 B confuse A with B 16. 在…很流利 be fluent in 流利 n. fluency [frequent 频繁的] 17. 从物理学专业毕业 graduate in physics 从永中毕业 graduate from Yongchuan Senior High 18. 推荐做某事 recommend sb. to do=recommend doing Recommend that sb. (should) do sth. 虚拟语气用法 推荐信 a letter of recommendation 19. 报名 sign up for=register for 20. 提前 in advance Advance a theory 提出理论 Advanced technology 先进的技术 Advanced course 高级课程 Advanced stage of the disease 疾病晚期 21. literature 文学

doc文档 Unit 1 词汇测试 Part 1-2020-2021学年高一英语同步备课精品资料包(人教版2019必修第一册)

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Unit 1 词汇测试 Part 1-2020-2021学年高一英语同步备课精品资料包(人教版2019必修第一册) 第 1 页 Unit 1 词汇测试 Part 1-2020-2021学年高一英语同步备课精品资料包(人教版2019必修第一册) 第 2 页 Unit 1 词汇测试 Part 1-2020-2021学年高一英语同步备课精品资料包(人教版2019必修第一册) 第 3 页 Unit 1 词汇测试 Part 1-2020-2021学年高一英语同步备课精品资料包(人教版2019必修第一册) 第 4 页
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