Ⅰ.匹配词义 a.给下列单词选择正确的汉语意思。 (  )1.initial    A.n.刺激,惊险 (  )2.zone B.n.心理学家 (  )3.border C.n.地区,地带 (  )4.psychologist D.n.国界,边界 (  )5.thrill E.adj.开始的,最初的 [答案] 1-5 ECDBA b.给下列短语选择正确的汉语意思。 (  )1.in search of A.代表 (  )2.open up B.使……成为焦点 (  )3.by way of C.与……相关 (  )4.good money D.集中于 (  )5.bring... into focus E.开创,开启 (  )6.focus on F.冒险 (  )7.figure out G.导致 (  )8.refer to...as H.从……中获益 (  )9.result in I.弄清楚 (  )10.benefit from J.把……称为 (  )11.take risks K.大笔的钱 (  )12.be connected to L.借道;通过 (  )13.stand for M.搜寻 [答案] 1-5 MELKB 6-10 DIJGH 11-13 FCA Ⅱ.默写单词 1.thus adv. 因此,从而 2.oxygen n. 氧气 3.confirm v. 证实,证明 4.crowd n. 人群 5.attempt n. 努力,尝试 6.failure n. 失败 Ⅰ.语境填空 initial;crowds;attempt;thus;failure;oxygen;border;confirm 1.They learned a lot from the initial market testing exercise. 2.There is a national park on the border between Kenya and Tanzania. 3.He gave up the attempt in despair and left. 4.I want to get there early to avoid the crowds. 5.So as for students like us,we should have a good attitude towards failure. 6.Oxygen is a gas that is necessary for people,animals and plants to live. 7.Can you confirm what happened last weekend? 8 . We don't own the building and thus it would be impossible for us to make any changes to it. Ⅱ.语法填空之派生词 1.They were charged with attempted(attempt) robbery. 2.I'm still waiting for confirmation(confirm) on the test results. 3.The success or failure(fail) of the plan depends on you. 4.The death toll was initially(initial) reported at around 250. 5.He is an excellent educational psychologist(psychology) in our country. 1.Last year,hundreds of people spent good money on an experience that they knew would include crowds,discomfort and danger. 去年,许多人把大笔的钱花在一次经历上,他们知道该经历中有拥挤、不 舒适和危险。 2 . It is still not known if he succeeded in reaching the top of Qomolangma before it took his life. 目前还不清楚他是否在丢掉性命之前成功登上珠峰峰顶。 3.“There are a thousand reasons to turn around and only one to keep going.” “停下脚步,原路返回的理由成千上万;继续前行的理由只有一个。” 课文助读 ①spend money on sth.在……上花钱 ②that 引导定语从句,在从句中作主语 ③crowd n.人群 v.拥挤 ④discomfort n.不舒服,不安 ⑤would become sick 将会生病,would do 表示过去将来时;become sick 生 病 become 是系动词,sick 是形容词作表语 ⑥due to 由于 ⑦lose one's life 失去某人的生命 ⑧despite prep.尽管,不管 ⑨by the end of 到……为止 ⑩were planning to 正在打算做……,该句时态是过去进行时。 ⑪climbing Qomolangma 是动名词作主语 ⑫making some feel weak 让一些人感到虚弱,making 是动词ing 形式作定语 修饰前面的 experience,make 后面复合宾语 make sb.do sth.让某人做某事 ⑬others,powerful 是省略成分,原句应该为 making others powerful ⑭write of 写到;文章中提及 ⑮what 引导主语从句,并且在从句中作 get 的宾语 ⑯sheer adj.纯粹的,十足的 ⑰to eat and make money 是并列状语,make 前面省略掉了 to ⑱make money 赚钱 ⑲be able to do 有能力做某事 ⑳what life means and what life is for 两个 what 都引导表语从句 would do 表示过去将来时 although 引导让步状语从句,通常不和 and,but,so 连用 It is still not known if...该句中 it 是形式主语,if 从句是真正的宾语 succeed in doing sth.成功地做某事 take his life 夺走他的生命 (be)similar to 作定语修饰 words those 是代词,代指前面提到的 words who 引导非限制性定语从句,修饰前面的 Alan Arnette,补充说明这个人的 情况 was going to do 是过去将来时的常见形式 around the world 全世界 bring into focus 使……成为焦点 what 引导宾语从句,并在从句中作主语,宾语从句的位置应该在 brings 的 后面 turn around 转身 focus on 集中精力于 that 引导定语从句,且在从句中作主语,不可省略 figure out 弄明白,搞清楚 as well as 和 with 的 复 合 结 构 , 宾 语 是 the majority of attempts to climb Qomolangma,resulting either in total success or failure 是补语 attempt n.努力,尝试 either...or...要么……要么…… failure n.失败,失败的人或事 scientific adj.科学上的,与科学有关的 (be)more likely to take risks 更有可能去冒险,be likely to do 有可能做某事; take risks 冒险 psychologist n.心理学家 refer to...as...把……称之为 stand for 代表;thrill n.惊险刺激 suggest 此处意思是“表明”,that 引导宾语从句 be connected to 与……相关 benefit from 从……中获益 with this in mind,with 的复合结构,this 是宾语,in mind 作补语 It is up to you.取决于你。 课文呈现 CLIMBING QOMOLANGMA:WORTH THE RISKS? 1.Last year,hundreds of people spent good money on an experience ①that② they knew would include crowds③ , discomfort④ and danger.Many would become sick⑤ ,due to⑥ the extreme cold and low air pressure ,and a few would even lose their lives⑦.Yet , despite⑧ all this , by the end of⑨ the trip many were already planning to⑩ return.For these people , climbing Qomolangma⑪ is an experience like no other,making some feel weak⑫ and others,powerful⑬. 2 . British mountain climber George Mallory wrote of⑭ climbing Qomolangma,“What⑮ we get from this adventure is just sheer⑯ joy...We do not live to eat and make money⑰.We eat and make money⑱ to be able to enjoy life⑲.That is what life means and what life is for⑳.”Sadly,Mallory would die on the mountain in 1924,although his body would not be found until many years

doc文档 Unit 5 预习·新知早知道1 同步教材讲解 【新教材】外研版(2019)英语必修第三册

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