2021 届中考英语复习:基础知识运用题整理训练 (A) 一、单项选择:(本大题共 14 小题,每小题 1 分,共 14 分) 1. David hopes to study at_________university in his hometown, but hasn’t decided which one to go to. A. an B. a C. the D. / 2. —_____________ do you practise playing the piano, Suzy? —Less than twice a week. A. How long B. How much C. How soon D. How often 3. Could you help me with housework _____________ you are free now? A. since B. though C. unless D. until 4. —We’ve got everything ready for the party. —Do you mean I _____________ bring anything with me? A. can’t B. mustn’t C. couldn’t D. needn’t 5. Simon is __________ about his speech because he thinks he is well prepared. A. honest B. confident C. modest D. curious 6. —Mother’s Day is coming. Shall we make a card for Mum? —Good idea! But would you please show me ___________ as I know little about DIY? A. why B. when C. how D. where 7. Although he was ____________ my opinion, Jack didn’t come up with his own. A. against B. on C. for D. in 8. —I can’t find the magazine I bought this morning. —Well, Jack is reading ___________ over there. Why not go and see if it is yours? A. it B. that C. one D. some 9. My mind wasn’t on what he was saying so I’m afraid I ____________ half of it. A. missed B. was missing C. will miss D. would miss 10. —Have you ever heard of Bob, a famous artist? —Of course. _________, he is a good friend of my father’s. A. I mean B. That is to say C. Above all D. Believe it or not 11. As the story ________, the secret of the castle is discovered little by little. A. ends B. begins C. develops D. happens 12. —Steve, I hear that Peter has won another championship. —It’s not surprising. _____________. He practices hardest in the team. A. Every dog has its day B. No pain, no gain C. Many hands make light work D. Actions speak louder than words 13. If the weather ___________ to be rainy, we may have to cancel the sports meeting. A. runs out B. breaks out C. finds out D. turns out 14. —So you gave her your mobile phone? —_________. She said she’d return it to me after she had hers fixed. A. My pleasure B. Not exactly C. With pleasure D. No problem 二、词汇运用:(本大题共 8 小题,每小题 1 分,共 8 分) (A)根据句意和汉语注释,写出单词的正确形式。 1. Be polite, Henry. It’s rude to _____________ (指向) at others like that. 2. Reading is important, for it can open up an ______________ (未知的) world to us. 3. To my surprise, the 3-year-old boy can spell those words ________________ (正确地). 4. Sue always has great ______________ (勇气) to face difficulties and that’s why we all respect her. (B) 根据句意,写出括号内所给单词的适当形式。 5. After two hours’ discussion, they ______________ (final) reached an agreement. 6. Usually TV programme are ________________ (record) first and sent out later. 7. John looks at his watch from time to time. Why is he so ________________ (patient)? 8. How lucky the ______________ (win) of the game show is! A five-day trip abroad for free! 三、动词填空:用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空。(本大题共 8 小题,每小题 1 分,共 8 分) 1. When night came, they put up a tent __________________ (keep) warm. 2. Mary ______________ (talk) on the phone, so I just nodded to her and went away. 3. —It is said that a space station _______________ (build) on the moon. —How amazing! But it may take a long time,I guess. 4. France is a beautiful country and ______________ (cover) an area of over 260,000 square miles. 5. As soon as he ___________ (offer) a well-paid job, he called his parents to tell them the good news. 6. —Hi, Judy. Have you graduated from college? —Yes, I _____________ (study) in Nanjing University for four years. 7. The engineer ________________ (try) every possible way, but still cannot get the computer started. 8. You can’t imagine what difficulty I had _______________ (express) myself clearly at the beginning. 四、完成句子:按所给的汉语,用英语完成下列句子。(本大题共 6 小题,每小题 1.5 分,共 9 分) 1. 这部纪录片有助于我们近距离观察美国的学校生活。 This documentary helps us ______________________________ the school life in America. 2. 在去年的夏令营活动中,营员们彼此和睦相处。 In the summer camp last year, all the members ___________________________________. 3. 他们俩都不沉迷于电脑游戏,只喜欢看书。 _______________________________ computer games. Instead, they like reading. 4. 假如新能源的使用更加广泛,环境污染将会大为减少。 If new energy _____________________________, there will be much less pollution. 5. 自从来到无锡,我们学校的外教已经习惯了这里的生活。 The foreign teacher in our school ________________________ here since he came to Wuxi. 6. 你能告诉我如此寒冷的天气将持续多久吗? Could you tell me ________________________________________________? 参考答案 一、单选: 1-5 BDADB 6-10 CACAD 二、词汇 1-4 point, 5-8 finally, unknown, recorded, 三、动词填

doc文档 牛津译林版2021年中考英语复习:基础知识运用题整理训练(word版含答案)

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