高中英语语法--过去完成时分析+练习 过去完成时 1.意义和构成: 过去完成时表示过去某一时刻或某一动作之前已完成的动作或状态 (亦可以说是“过去的过 去”)。过去完成时由“had+过去分词”构成。 He had already been to New York earlier in the week. 本周早些时候他去过纽约。 Jane had just left when you rang. 你打电话时简刚走。 The country had not yet recovered from the effects of the war.这个国家尚未从战争的影响下复 原。 2.过去完成时的用法 (1)表示较早的过去 表示较早的过去,即某一时刻之前已完成的动作或状态。 After we had landed,the plane was searched thoroughly.我们降落后,飞机被彻底搜查了一遍。 When she heard that her father had died in the accident,she burst out crying. 当她听说她父亲在这次事故中丧生时便大哭起来。 (2)用于间接引语 过去完成时的作用有时完全相当于现在完成时的过去形式,在间接引语中多有这种情况。 Helen said (that) she had moved to another flat. 海伦说她已搬到另一套公寓去了。 (3)用于宾语从句 过去完成时表示一个过去的动作先于另一个过去动作的用法,多见于宾语从句。一般说来 主 句 中 用 了 know( 知 道 ) , realize( 意 识 到 ) , think( 认 为 ) , suppose( 猜 想 ) , guess( 推 测 ) , find(找到),discover(发现),decide(决定),remember(想起),forget(忘记)等动词的一般过去 时,如果宾语从句中的动作先于主句的动作,通常用过去完成时。 We realized we had lost our way. 我们意识到我们迷路了。 I didn’t think to ask her if she had passed her examination.我没有想问她是否考试及格了。 (4)强调过去动作的完成 I began collecting stamps in February and by November I had collected more than 2,000. 我从 2 月份开始集邮,到 11 月已收集到 2 000 多枚。 By six o’clock they had worked for 8 hours. 到 6 点钟他们已经工作了 8 小时了。(可能还没结束) (5)用于虚拟语气 过去完成时的这一用法,常见于虚拟语气句中。 If only we had listened to their advice! 我们要是听了他们的建议就好了! I’d rather you hadn’t been present. 我宁愿你当时不在场。 If I had asked for directions,I wouldn’t have gotten lost.如果我问一下路,就不会迷失方向了。 (6)表示过去未曾实现的希望、打算和意图 过去完成时表示过去未曾实现的希望、打算或意图,只适用于下列动词: expect(期待), hope(希望),intend(打算),mean(打算),suppose(料想),think(认为),want(想要)等。 We had hoped that you would be able to visit us. 我们原本希望你会来拜访我们。 I had meant to take a good holiday this year,but I was not able to leave. 我本打算今年好好去度假,只是脱不开身。 (7)过去完成时还可用于某些固定句型中:hardly...when...,no sooner...than...,It was the first time that...等。 It was the first time that the girl had talked to a famous astronaut. 这是女孩第一次和一位著名宇航员进行交谈。 Hardly had he got home when he began to go over his lessons.他一回到家就开始复习功课。 No sooner had they arrived than they were asked to a party.他们刚一到达就被叫到了一个派对 上。 3.过去完成时和一般过去时的区别: (1)过去完成时和一般过去时用于同一个句子中表示过去事件发生的顺序。 When I arrived,she left.(I arrived and then she left.) 我到达时她离开了。 When I arrived,she had left.(She left before I arrived.)我到达之前她离开了。 (2)过去完成时表示以过去某时间为起点以前所发生的动作或存在的状态,即:过去完成时 强调“过去的过去”;而一般过去时只表示以现在时间为起点以前所发生的事情或存在的状 态。 He studied there two years ago. 两年前他在那儿学习。(离现在两年) He said he had studied there two years ago. 他说他在那儿学习了两年。(离他说话时两年) (3)表示过去某个时间以前所连续发生的两个或两个以上的动作时,一般用 and,then,but 按照动作的先后顺序连接,此时通常用一般过去时而不用过去完成时。 He said he went the shop and bought some food. 他说他去商店买了一些食品。 4.练习 Ⅰ.选词填空 1.When we arrived,those experts ____(have left/had left) the village. 2.He _____(had worked/worked) there for two years.Now he is in China. 3.The girl _____(had visited/will visit) her teacher when she gets there. 4.He told us that he______(had planted/planted) more than 200 trees already. 5.It was the second time that he______(has talked/had talked) to a foreigner. 1.had left 2.worked 3.will visit 4. had planted 5. had talked Ⅱ.完成句子 1.到上学期期末为止,我已经学了 2 000 个英语单词。 2.当老师走进教室时,刘红已经回家了。 3.当妈妈到家时,我已经做了十道数学题。 4.老师问我们是否做完了作业。 5.他说这个地方他已经参观过两次了。 1.I had learned 2,000 English words by the end of last term. 2.When the teacher came into the classroom,Liu Hong had gone home. 3.When my mother got home,I had already done 10 maths problems. 4.The teacher asked if we had finished doing our homework. 5.He said that he had visited the place twice already. Ⅲ.单句语法填空 1.How many English novels____ you _____(read) so far? 2.When we got to the station,the train _____(leave) already. 3.He ______(learn) 3,000 words before he went to England. 4.The old man told us that he _____(travel) to many places. 5.It was the third time that he ______(see) such a large animal. 6.He ______(plan) to help his friend,but he was too busy then. 7.Hardly ___he ____(begin) his speech when the audience interrupted him. 8.I didn’t know a thing about verbs,for I ______(not,study) my lessons. 9.Edison _____(build) a chemistry lab by the time he was ten. 10.I met Wang Hua in the street yesterday.We _____(not,see) each other for a long time. 1. have;read 2.had left 3.had learned 4.had travelled 5. had seen 6. had planned 7.had ;begun 8.hadn’t studied 9.had built 10.hadn’t seen Ⅳ.单句写作 11.那是他第一次来到一个这么大的城市。(come) It was the first time that he had come to such a big city. 12.那天他告诉我们,他已经决定放弃那个计划了。(tell) He told us that he had decided to give up that plan that day. 13.近几年这个村里发生了很大变化。(take place) Great changes have taken place in this village in recent year

docx文档 2021届 高中英语语法--过去完成时分析+练习 学案含答案

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2021届 高中英语语法--过去完成时分析+练习 学案含答案 第 1 页 2021届 高中英语语法--过去完成时分析+练习 学案含答案 第 2 页 2021届 高中英语语法--过去完成时分析+练习 学案含答案 第 3 页 2021届 高中英语语法--过去完成时分析+练习 学案含答案 第 4 页 2021届 高中英语语法--过去完成时分析+练习 学案含答案 第 5 页
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