2021 广东中考英语提分冲刺天天练-语法选择 Day 10 姓名:__________ 班别:__________ 用时:______/mins 正确率:____/10 ____/10 【1】 In 1876, Mark Twain published The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. The book is fun to read. Even today, it is quite popular among children. And although I am in my thirties, the novel remains one of my 1 . After reading the book recently, I learned an important lesson from Tom Sawyer. In our daily lives, we are often 2 boring or tiring tasks. Let’s be honest: What’s in your mind when your mom tells you to mop the floor? Have you ever wanted to complain? I think most of us have. Tom Sawyer, 4 3 , thought “differently” when he was given a boring task. a Saturday morning, Aunt Polly told Tom to paint the fence. Tom’s friend Ben 5 to walk past. Instead of complaining, Tom told Ben that he felt “excited” about the task. “Only one in a thousand— maybe even two thousand— boys can do this,” Tom said. “I enjoy it very much!” Tom’s words made Ben 6 in the task. He even gave Tom his apple 7 he could have the chance to paint the fence. If Tom had thought about nothing but complaining, he would have had a bad day painting the fence. Tom thought differently in order to trick others into working for him. Yet the story taught me a 8 lesson: complaining is useless. The next time you are given a boring or tiring task, don’t complain. Unlike what happens in the story of Tom Sawyer, it is almost impossible that 9 you. However, without complaining, you’ll feel 10 will come and do the work for and perhaps even do a greater job. Use your head, and you’ll surely find more ways. 1.A.favor B.favorite C.favorites D.favorable 2.A.give B.gives C.giving D.given 3.A.however B.whatever C.whenever D.wherever 4.A.In B.On C.For D.With 5.A.happen B.happens C.happened D.happening 6.A.interest B.interesting C.interests D.interested 7.A.so as to B.in order to C.so that D.such that 8.A.value B.valuable C.valueless D.invaluable 9.A.everyone B.everything C.something D.someone 10.A.good B.well C.better D.best 【2】 There are many foreign teachers in China today. 11 them, Phillip Hancock is certainly an unusual one. The young man always wanted to give back, even when he was close to 12 . His last wish was to donate(捐献) his organs(器官) to save others. His act changed five Chinese lives for the better. 13 ! Phillip came from Sydney, Australia. When he was a college student, he showed great interest in China and 14 Chinese by himself in his free time. He always wondered how it could be if he had a chance to study in China. In 2012, the young man took part in the 11th Chinese Bridge Competition for foreign college students in China. 15 unforgettable experience made Phillip decide to come to China. 16 he finished college, he came to Southwest University in Chongqing to teach English. During his five-year stay in China, Phillip travelled around a lot. He loved the country 17 . Unluckily, Phillip had a health problem. He fought his diabetes(糖尿病) for many years. Though his condition used to be under control, it became working well. He hoped to donate them 18 in 2018. Phillip knew most of his organs were still 19 Chinese people in need after his death. Phillip died on May 9th, 2018. Many Chinese people see him as a hero. He will always 20 by Chinese people. 11.A.Between B.In C.Among D.On 12.A.dead B.death C.die D.died B.How a great person C . What 13.A.How great person a great D.What great a person 14.A.study B.studies C.will study D.studied 15.A.A B.An C.The D./ 16.A.If B.Since C.After D.Before 17.A.deep B.deeply C.slow D.slowly 18.A.good B.better C.bad D.worse 19.A.help B.helped C.to help D.helping 20.A.remember B.is remembered C.remembers D.be remembered 答案解析 【1】 person 【分析】 本文是一篇记叙文。作者主要讲述了马克吐温的小说《汤姆索亚历险记》中汤姆油漆栏杆的故事。 通过汤姆对待油漆栏杆这份无聊的任务仍能感到激动,告诉我们当给你一份无聊的工作时,不要抱 怨,你可能会做得更好。 1.C 句意:尽管我三十几岁,这个小说仍然是我最爱的书之一。 favor 帮助;favorite 最喜爱的;favorites 名词复数,最喜爱的东西;favorable 有利的。one of+可数 名词的复数/不可数名词,favorites 为可数名词复数,意为“喜欢的事物”,故选 C。 2.D 句意:在我们日常生活中,我们经常被给无聊或者累人的任务。 give 给;gives 三单形式;giving 现在分词;given 过去分词。根据“we are often”及“boring or tiring tasks”可知此处表示“被给予”,应用动词的过去分词表被动,故选 D。 3.A 句意:Tom Sawyer,当被给一个无聊的任务时却想的不一样。 however 然而;whatever 无论什么;whenever 无论什么时候;wherever 无论哪里。根据上句“I think most of us have.”可知大部分人会抱怨无聊的工作,又根据“thought “differently” when he was given a boring task.”可知此处表示转折,故选 A。 4.B 句意:在一个星期六的早上,Polly 阿姨告诉 Tom 去刷围栏。 In 在较长一段时间;On 用在具体时间前;For 对于;With 用。根据空格后“a Saturday m

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