主题一 健康 Health 健康和休闲是人们永恒的话题,也是英语作文常考的话题之一,其中包括健康的重要性、体育运动和 休闲的方式。在这个主题中,我们讨论如何让学生减轻压力,并以积极的心态去面对压力,主动投入到体 育运动中去,并寻找到适合自己的休闲方式。 一.主题词汇 different kinds of bring me joy benefit a lot(获益很多) be in a good mood Spend much time keep taking exercise feel active and energetic have enough nutrition(有足够的营养) have a walk after supper chat with a healthy diet have a strong body release the pressure(减少压力) avoid eating junk food(避免吃垃圾食物) take part in some outdoor activities live a regular life(过着有规律的生活) a scientific diet(科学饮食) the most important thing 二.有用句型 1. The more..., the more... 2.... is the best way to keep... 3. ... in order to keep fit. 4. It is common knowledge that... 5. If we keep doing exercise, we will... 6. It is good to be able to breathe some fresh air instead of sitting in the classroom. 7. I am sure that... 8.Using the proper way to relax, we will absolutely be full of vigor every day. 9. Health is a kind of treasure. It is the base of our life. 10. Health plays an important role in our daily life. 11.Everyone knows,“Life is movement.” 12. We should keep fit so as to live a better life. scientific diet and often take part in sports and recreation. 三.模拟试题 请以“How can we relax?”为题写一篇短文。参考以下几点: 1. How do you feel as a Grade 9 student? 2.Write at least two ways you relax. 3. What is your favourite way to relax? And tell your reason(s). 要点分析 1. 本篇作文要点包括三个部分: 作为九年级学生你目前的感受是什么; 至少写出两种休闲放松的方式; 说出你最喜欢的休闲放松方式,并阐述理由。 2.仔细审题,第三条可适当展开(详写)。 3.时态:一般现在时。 4.切记:不要偏题(如:大谈运动的好处和健康的重要性或写保持健康的因素。) 5.其他:保持健康的侧重点-介绍健康的重要性;影响健康的因素:睡眠、饮食、运动等方面; 6.呼吁和号召大家保持健康。 写作素材积累 1.与九年级学生感受相关的句子 (1) Now we are in Grade 9, and we have a lot of pressure. (2) Every day,we have a lot of homework to do, so we have no time to relax.We should stop to relax when we feel tired, otherwise we can't focus on studying. (3) We are busy with our study every day. So relaxing is very important to us. (4) As a Grade 9 student,I always feel very tired.Sometimes I even found my head fall down on the desk in class.But in order to get good marks,I should study efficiently.So the way of relaxing is very important. (5) Nowadays we can see many students return from school at deep night. And we can see others keep busy at weekends with extra classes. But few notice that too much work is not good for students. It will cause them to suffer from health problems and get lower grades. (6) I will graduate from junior school next year. As a Grade 9 student,I know I should put study in the first place, but I also should get rid of the pressure and relax myself. 2.有关休闲放松方式的句子 (1) I think the proper ways to relax are listening to music and having sports. ( 2) Different students have different ways to relax. Most students watch TV often. Some students like to play computer games. (3) The most popular ways to relax are reading and taking part in sports. ( 4) In my spare time, I like to go shopping with my mum. I also like to go cycling which is so relaxing and interesting. (5) My ways to relax are having a shower after doing my homework for a long time and singing songs when I feel bored and sad. Sometimes I take a walk with my lovely dog after supper. (6) I really want to go to the restaurant to eat seafood. I also want to go to the countryside to breathe the fresh air. 3.有关你最喜欢的休闲放松方式的句子 (1) My favourite way to relax is having sports. Having sports can help us build a strong body and keep fit. More importantly, the more you sweat, the better you'll feel. (2) Listening to music is my way to relax. It can help me release the pressure and make me happy. Music is also a kind of art which can show us the feeling of the musician. Not only can we relax by listening to it, but also share our feelings with other listeners. (3) My way to relax is spending much of my spare time playing team sports like football, tennis or basketball, or practising individual sports like running and swimming. I don't prefer to be a spectator. After I have sports, I can go back to study and work with more energy, and I also learn the importance of teamwork. (4) The best way to achieve more in study is to relax often. After we've finished our homework, we can take a rest by just closing our eyes or listening to some soft music. (5)My favourite way of relaxing is to breathe deeply for many times and tell myself to calm down when I feel bored with so much homework,Sometimes when I feel annoyed a angry with something,I will throw some soft things, such as pillows,toys and so on.But at such time, I remind m

doc文档 话题01 健康(词汇+句型+素材积累+操练)-备战2022年中考英语作文话题大全

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