Unit 4 Don't eat in class. Section A -3c GF 学习目标 1 能够熟练地运用祈使句、情态动词 can 、 must 及 have to 表达规章制度。 2 能通过观察并归纳总结出相应的语法知识项目。 3 能正确运用目标语言谈论和制定学校或家庭规则 。目 标 德育 遵守规则,养成自律的好习惯。 Review Can we arrive late for class? No, we can’t. Don’t arrive late for class. Don’t be late for class. Can we eat in the class? No, we can’t. Don’t eat in the class. You can eat in the dinning room. Do you have to do homework after class? Yes, we do. We have to do homework after class. Do you have to do some reading every day? Yes, we do. We have to do some reading every day. Ask and answer What are the rules at your school? Don’t arrive late for class. Don’t be late for class. 不准上课迟到 。 Ask and answer What are the rules at your school? Don’t listen to music in the classroom. 不要在教室里听音乐。 Ask and answer What are the rules at your school? Don’t eat in the classroom. 不要在教室里吃东西 。 Ask and answer What are the rules at your school? Don’t talk in class. Don’t talk with each other in class. 不准在课上闲聊。 r a m Don’t run in the m a Gr hallways. s u Foc Don’t fight. We must be on time for What are the rules? class. Can we eat in the No, we can’t, but we can classroom? eat in the dining hall. Can we wear a hat in Yes, we can./No, we class? can’t. Does he have to wear a Yes, he does./No, he uniform at school? doesn’t. We have to be quiet in 1. 圈出情态动词, 观察它们在用法上有什么共同点? What do you have to do? the library. 2. have to 在句法上和其他情态动词的区别在哪里 ? 情态动词 + 动 3. can 在本单元主要表示什么含义?它还可以表达什么意思? 原 4. 祈使句的肯定句和否定句是怎样构成的?一般什么情况下使用祈使句 Pause1’ ? Language points 祈使句 1. 祈使句是用来表示请求、命令或建议等的一种句型。 2. 其主语一般为第二人称 you ,但通常省略。 3. 句中谓语动词用动词原形。 4. 祈使句的句末一般用句号,表示较强语气时用感叹号。为了 使祈使句显得更委婉、有礼貌,可在开头或结尾加上 please 。 5. 祈使句的句式结构 句式结构 肯定式 否定式 P 型: Please+ 动词原形 + 其 Please stand up. Please don’t stand 他 up. V 型:动词原形 + 其他 Sit down./ Stand Don’t talk in class. up. L 型: Let + 宾语 + 动词原形 + 其他 Let me help you. Don’t let her go./ Let him not go. B 型: Be+ 表语 Be carful! Be a good boy. Don’t be late for class. Don’t be silly. N 型: No+ 名词 / 动名词 \ No SMOKING! NO FISHING! 情态动词 can 与 have to ► 情态动词 can 的用法 ①can 意为“能;会”,表示做某事的能力,其否定式为 can't 。 eg : Can you speak English ?你会讲英语吗? ② 表示“允许;许可”。 eg : You can't eat in class. 你不能在课堂上吃东西。 ► 情态动词 have to 的用法 have to 意为“必须;不得不”,其后接动词原形。 have to 有第三人 称单数形式,即 has to ,变疑问句和否定句要借助动词 do/does 。 eg : We have to go home after school. 我们放学后必须回家。 3a Write the rules for the school library. 1.No talking. 3. No music. Library Rules Don’t talk. 1.____________ Don’t 4.No photos. _ eat. Don’t listen to music. 2.____________ Don’t take _ photos. 3.____________ _ Pause1’ 4.____________ Do you know these 1.No talking. 3. No music. signs? No Swimming No Parking No Smoking 警示语: No+n. / v.-ing = Don’t do 3b Use the words to make questions about the rules. Be quiet? Q: Does she have to be quiet in the library? (she/have to/in the library)? A: Yes,she does. Eat? Does he have to eat in the dining hall? Q:______________________________________ (he/have to/in the dining hall)? Yes, he does. A:__________________ Pause2’ Listen to music? Can we listen to music in the hallways? Q:______________________________________________________ (we/can/in the hallways)? No, we can’t. A:__________________ Wear a hat? Can we wear a hat in the classroom? Q:______________________________________________________ (we/can/in the classroom)? No, we can’t. A:__________________ Make up five cool rules for your dream school. Share your rules with 3c the class. Your classmates vote for the Coolest School! At my dream school, we don’t have to come to school every day. We can eat in class. Make up five cool rules for your dream school. Share your rules with 3c the class. Your classmates vote for the Coolest School! We don’t have to wear school uniforms. We can listen to music in class. Make up five cool rules for your dream school. Share your rules with 3c the class. Your classmates vote for the Coolest School! We can eat in the classroom. We don’t have to do homework.

ppt文档 Unit 4 Section A Grammar Focus-3c课件 2021-2022学年人教版七年级英语下册

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